Pour POP3 tu peut utiliser la classe ci dessous. Tu dois regarder du coté du net pour car pour SMTP et POP3 il y moults produits en PHP sous GPL (notamment popper si je ne me trompe pas) dont tu pourras examiner les sources
* Copyright (C) 1998, Manuel Lemos (mlemos@acm.org)
* Permission to use and modify this software and its
* documentation for any purpose other than its incorporation
* into a commercial product is hereby granted without fee,
* as long as the author is notified that this piece of software
* is being used in other applications.
* Permission to copy and distribute this software and its
* documentation only for non-commercial use is also granted
* without fee, provided, however, that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies, that both that copyright notice
* and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
* The author makes no representations about the suitability
* of this software for any purpose. It is provided ``as is'',
* without express or implied warranty.
/* put this class definition in a file named pop3.php */
class pop3_class
var $hostname="";
var $port=110;
/* Private variables - DO NOT ACCESS */
var $connection=0;
var $state="DISCONNECTED";
var $greeting="";
var $must_update=0;
/* Private methods - DO NOT CALL */
Function GetLine()
&& substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n" )
Function PutLine($line)
return(fputs($this->connection,"$line\r\n" ));
Function OpenConnection()
if($this->hostname=="" )
return("2 it was not specified a valid hostname" );
case -3:
return("-3 socket could not be created" );
case -4:
return("-4 dns lookup on hostname \"$hostname\" failed" );
case -5:
return("-5 connection refused or timed out" );
case -6:
return("-6 fdopen() call failed" );
case -7:
return("-7 setvbuf() call failed" );
return("" );
Function CloseConnection()
/* Public methods */
/* Open method - set the object variable $hostname to the POP3 server address. */
Function Open()
if($this->state!="DISCONNECTED" )
return("1 a connection is already opened" );
if(($error=$this->OpenConnection())!="" )
|| strtok($this->greeting," " )!="+OK" )
return("3 POP3 server greeting was not found" );
$this->greeting=strtok("\r\n" );
return("" );
/* Close method - this method must be called at least if there are any
messages to be deleted */
Function Close()
if($this->state=="DISCONNECTED" )
return("no connection was opened" );
if($this->PutLine("QUIT" )==0)
return("Could not send the QUIT command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get quit command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not quit the connection: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
return("" );
/* Login method - pass the user name and password of POP account. Set
$apop to 1 or 0 wether you want to login using APOP method or not. */
Function Login($user,$password,$apop)
if($this->state!="AUTHORIZATION" )
return("connection is not in AUTHORIZATION state" );
if($this->PutLine("APOP $user ".md5($this->greeting.$password))==0)
return("Could not send the APOP command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get APOP login command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("APOP login failed: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
if($this->PutLine("USER $user" )==0)
return("Could not send the USER command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get user login entry response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("User error: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
if($this->PutLine("PASS $password" )==0)
return("Could not send the PASS command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get login password entry response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Password error: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
return("" );
/* Statistics method - pass references to variables to hold the number of
messages in the mail box and the size that they take in bytes. */
Function Statistics($messages,$size)
if($this->state!="TRANSACTION" )
return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state" );
if($this->PutLine("STAT" )==0)
return("Could not send the STAT command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get the statistics command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not get the statistics: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
$messages=strtok(" " );
$size=strtok(" " );
return("" );
/* ListMessages method - the $message argument indicates the number of a
message to be listed. If you specify an empty string it will list all
messages in the mail box. The $unique_id flag indicates if you want
to list the each message unique identifier, otherwise it will
return the size of each message listed. If you list all messages the
result will be returned in an array. */
Function ListMessages($message,$unique_id)
if($this->state!="TRANSACTION" )
return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state" );
if($this->PutLine("$list_command $message" )==0)
return("Could not send the $list_command command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get message list command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not get the message listing: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
if($message=="" )
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get message list response" );
if($response=="." )
$message=intval(strtok($response," " ));
$messages[$message]=strtok(" " );
$messages[$message]=intval(strtok(" " ));
$message=intval(strtok(" " ));
return(intval(strtok(" " )));
/* RetrieveMessage method - the $message argument indicates the number of
a message to be listed. Pass a reference variables that will hold the
arrays of the $header and $body lines. The $lines argument tells how
many lines of the message are to be retrieved. Pass a negative number
if you want to retrieve the whole message. */
Function RetrieveMessage($message,$headers,$body,$lines)
if($this->state!="TRANSACTION" )
return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state" );
$arguments="$message $lines";
if($this->PutLine("$command $arguments" )==0)
return("Could not send the $command command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get message retrieval command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not retrieve the message: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not retrieve the message" );
case ".":
return("" );
case "":
break 2;
if(substr($response,0,1)=="." )
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not retrieve the message" );
case ".":
return("" );
if(substr($response,0,1)=="." )
return("" );
/* DeleteMessage method - the $message argument indicates the number of
a message to be marked as deleted. Messages will only be effectively
deleted upon a successful call to the Close method. */
Function DeleteMessage($message)
if($this->state!="TRANSACTION" )
return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state" );
if($this->PutLine("DELE $message" )==0)
return("Could not send the DELE command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get message delete command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not delete the message: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
return("" );
/* ResetDeletedMessages method - Reset the list of marked to be deleted
messages. No messages will be marked to be deleted upon a successful
call to this method. */
Function ResetDeletedMessages()
if($this->state!="TRANSACTION" )
return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state" );
if($this->PutLine("RSET" )==0)
return("Could not send the RSET command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not get reset deleted messages command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not reset deleted messages: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
return("" );
/* IssueNOOP method - Just pings the server to prevent it auto-close the
connection after an idle timeout (tipically 10 minutes). Not very
useful for most likely uses of this class. It's just here for
protocol support completeness. */
Function IssueNOOP()
if($this->state!="TRANSACTION" )
return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state" );
if($this->PutLine("NOOP" )==0)
return("Could not send the NOOP command" );
if(GetType($response)!="string" )
return("Could not NOOP command response" );
if(strtok($response," " )!="+OK" )
return("Could not issue the NOOP command: ".strtok("\r\n" ));
return("" );
/* ---- pop3.php3 class file ends here. ---- */
Un exemple :
<? ---- Exempe de fichier Hfr POP3---- ?><HTML>
<TITLE>POP3 PHP class test</TITLE>
include("pop3.php3" );
$pop3_connection=new pop3_class;
if(($error=$pop3_connection->Open())=="" )
echo "<PRE>Connected to the POP3 server "$pop3_connection->hostname".</PRE>\n";
if(($error=$pop3_connection->Login($user,$password,$apop))=="" )
echo "<PRE>User "$user" logged in.</PRE>\n";
if(($error=$pop3_connection->Statistics(&$messages,&$size))=="" )
echo "<PRE>There are $messages messages in the mail box with a total of $size bytes.</PRE>\n";
if(GetType($result)=="array" )
echo "<PRE>Message ",Key($result)," - ",$result[Key($result)]," bytes.</PRE>\n";
if(GetType($result)=="array" )
echo "<PRE>Message ",Key($result),", Unique ID - \"",$result[Key($result)],"\"</PRE>\n";
if(($error=$pop3_connection->RetrieveMessage(1,&$headers,&$body,2))=="" )
echo "<PRE>Message 1:\n---Message headers starts below---</PRE>\n";
echo "<PRE>",HtmlSpecialChars($headers[$line]),"</PRE>\n";
echo "<PRE>---Message headers ends above---\n---Message body starts below---</PRE>\n";
echo "<PRE>",HtmlSpecialChars($body[$line]),"</PRE>\n";
echo "<PRE>---Message body ends above---</PRE>\n";
if(($error=$pop3_connection->DeleteMessage(1))=="" )
echo "<PRE>Marked message 1 for deletion.</PRE>\n";
if(($error=$pop3_connection->ResetDeletedMessages())=="" )
echo "<PRE>Resetted the list of messages to be deleted.</PRE>\n";
&& ($error=$pop3_connection->Close())=="" )
echo "<PRE>Disconnected from the POP3 server "$pop3_connection->hostname".</PRE>\n";
if($error!="" )
echo "<H2>Error: ",HtmlSpecialChars($error),"</H2>";
--Message édité par zeltron--