Je desirerais utiliser la DLL advsplash.dll fournie avec le celebre installeur NSIS.
Elle permet d afficher un splash screen avec effet de fondu (fluide sour toutes machines), son etc...
Je pense que ca doit etre possible ...
Voici mon code:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function show1 Lib "c:\advsplash.dll" Alias "show" (Delay As Integer, FadeIn As Integer, FadeOut As Integer, KeyColor As variant, FileName As String) as long
Private Sub Form_Load()
dim r as long
r=show1(1000, 600, 400, -1, "c:\splash.bmp" )
End Sub
Cependant quand je lance le prog, ca fait planter VB...
g teste plusieurs types de var differents en declaration mais rien n y fait ...
voici un extrait du fichier txt qui qccompagne la dll pour une utilisation sous nsis:
Calling format
advsplash::show Delay FadeIn FadeOut KeyColor FileName
Delay - length to show the screen for (in milliseconds)
FadeIn - length to show the fadein scene (in ms) (not included in Delay)
FadeOut - length to show the fadeout scene (in ms) (not included in Delay)
KeyColor - color used for transparency. For 24 bit bitmaps could be any RGB
value (for ex. R=255 G=100 B=16 -> KeyColor=0xFF6410), for 8 bit bitmaps
could be either RGB value or index of the color at bitmap palette
(if such RGB color present in your image and you'd like to use palette
index, use (0x1000000+index) as KeyColor [you should calculate
this value by yourself]). Use KeyColor=-1 if there is now transparent
color at your image.
FileName - splash bitmap filename (without the .bmp). The BMP file used will be
this parameter.bmp, and the wave file used (if present) will be this
(If you already have an .onInit function, put that in it)
Note 1: fadein/fadeout supported only on win2k/winxp systems, all other systems
will show simple splash screen with Delay = Delay + FadeIn + FadeOut.
Note 2: transparency supported only for 24bit and 8bit bitmaps.
Note 3: the return value of splash is 1 if the user closed the splash
screen early (pop it from the stack)
Converted to a plugin DLL by Amir Szekely (kichik)
Fading and transparency by Nik Medved (brainsucker)
J espere que vous pourrez m aider
Merci d avance