FTarek si on veut on peut | OK gilou, je vais essayer
voici le programme cubature.c
Code :
- #include "cubature.h"
- #include "cubature_debug.h"
- /*
- Adaptive multidimensional integration on hypercubes (or, really,
- hyper-rectangles) using cubature rules.
- A cubature rule takes a function and a hypercube and evaluates
- the function at a small number of points, returning an estimate
- of the integral as well as an estimate of the error, and also
- a suggested dimension of the hypercube to subdivide.
- Given such a rule, the adaptive integration is simple:
- 1) Evaluate the cubature rule on the hypercube(s).
- Stop if converged.
- 2) Pick the hypercube with the largest estimated error,
- and divide it in two along the suggested dimension.
- 3) Goto (1).
- */
- /*
- * Integrate the function f from xmin[dim] to xmax[dim], with at most
- * maxEval function evaluations (0 for no limit), until the given
- * absolute is achieved relative error. val returns the integral, and
- * estimated_error returns the estimate for the absolute error in val.
- * The return value of the function is 0 on success and non-zero if there
- * was an error.
- */
- /*
- *=======================================================
- * cubature subroutines themselves follow.
- *=======================================================
- */
- static double relError(esterr ee)
- {
- return (ee.val == 0.0 ? HUGE_VAL : fabs(ee.err / ee.val));
- }
- /*
- * Compute volume of hypercube from the product of its widths
- */
- static double compute_vol(const hypercube * h)
- {
- unsigned i;
- double vol = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < h->dim; i++)
- vol *= 2.0 * h->width[i];
- return vol;
- }
- /*
- * This should be more efficient than looping to copy contents and still
- * requires a single malloc. Saves on indirect addressing arithmetic
- * later, easier to understand the code.
- */
- static hypercube make_hypercube(unsigned dim, const double *center,
- const double *width)
- {
- unsigned long int i,dlen;
- hypercube h;
- h.dim = dim;
- dlen = sizeof(double)*dim;
- h.center = (double *) malloc(2*dlen);
- h.width = &h.center[dim];
- memcpy(h.center,center,dlen);
- memcpy(h.width,width,dlen);
- h.vol = compute_vol(&h);
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# make_hypercube(): h.center = (" );
- for(i = 0;i<dim;i++){
- printf("%4.2f",h.center[i]);
- if(i != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" ) h.width = (" );
- for(i = 0;i<dim;i++){
- printf("%4.2f",h.width[i]);
- if(i != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- return h;
- }
- static hypercube make_hypercube_range(unsigned dim, const double *xmin,
- const double *xmax)
- {
- unsigned long int i,dlen;
- hypercube h;
- h.dim = dim;
- dlen = sizeof(double)*dim;
- h.center = (double *) malloc(2*dlen);
- h.width = &h.center[dim];
- for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
- h.center[i] = 0.5 * (xmin[i] + xmax[i]);
- h.width[i] = 0.5 * (xmax[i] - xmin[i]);
- }
- h.vol = compute_vol(&h);
- /* printf("Made ranged hypercube at %0x, %0x\n",h.center,h.hwidth); */
- return h;
- }
- /*
- * Destroy a hypercube. Note that the data was malloc'd only
- * to h->center, so we don't have to do anything with h->hwidth.
- */
- static void destroy_hypercube(hypercube *h)
- {
- /* printf("About to free hypercube %0x\n",h->center); */
- free(h->center);
- h->dim = 0;
- }
- static region make_region(const hypercube * h)
- {
- region R;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# make_region(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- R.h = make_hypercube(h->dim, h->center, h->width);
- R.splitDim = 0;
- return R;
- }
- static void destroy_region(region * R)
- {
- destroy_hypercube(&R->h);
- }
- /*
- * This takes a region with a splitDim defined and creates two regions
- * (hypercubes) with half the width in the selected dimension. The original
- * region R contains the left-half region, the region R2 contains the
- * right hand region on return.
- */
- static void cut_region(region * R, region * R2)
- {
- unsigned d = R->splitDim, dim = R->h.dim;
- /* Halve the width and volume */
- R->h.width[d] *= 0.5;
- R->h.vol *= 0.5;
- /* Make a new hypercube from the center to the new width. */
- R2->h = make_hypercube(dim, R->h.center, R->h.width);
- /* Shift the center of the original back to the left */
- R->h.center[d] -= R->h.width[d];
- /* Shift the center of the new one over to the right */
- R2->h.center[d] += R->h.width[d];
- }
- static void destroy_rule(rule * r)
- {
- if (r->destroy)
- r->destroy(r);
- free(r);
- }
- /*
- * This routine returns a region with its "worst direction" set.
- * At this point the integral for the region is already set as well.
- */
- static region eval_region(region R, integrand f, void *fdata, rule * r)
- {
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# eval_region(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- R.splitDim = r->evalError(r, f, fdata, &R.h, &R.ee);
- return R;
- }
- /*
- *============================================================
- * Functions to loop over points in a hypercube.
- *============================================================
- */
- /*
- * Based on orbitrule.cpp in HIntLib-0.0.10
- */
- /*
- * ls0 returns the least-significant 0 bit of n (e.g. it returns 0 if the LSB
- * is 0, it returns 1 if the 2 LSBs are 01, etcetera).
- */
- #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__ICC)) && (defined(__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__))
- /*
- * use x86 bit-scan instruction, based on count_trailing_zeros() macro in
- * GNU GMP's longlong.h.
- */
- static unsigned ls0(unsigned n)
- {
- unsigned count;
- n = ~n;
- __asm__("bsfl %1,%0": "=r"(count):"rm"(n));
- return count;
- }
- #else
- static unsigned ls0(unsigned n)
- {
- const unsigned bits[] = {
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 7,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4,
- 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 8,
- };
- unsigned bit;
- bit = 0;
- while ((n & 0xff) == 0xff) {
- n >>= 8;
- bit += 8;
- }
- return bit + bits[n & 0xff];
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * This rule is used for sum5/lambda5 displacements. Note that "r" is
- * actually plus or minus the (half) width scaled by lambda(s).
- *
- * Evaluate the integral on all 2^n points (+/-r,...+/-r) * A Gray-code
- * ordering is used to minimize the number of coordinate updates in p.
- */
- static double evalR_Rfs(integrand f, void *fdata, unsigned dim, double *p,
- const double *c, const double *r)
- {
- double sum = 0;
- unsigned i, ip;
- unsigned signs = 0; /* 0/1 bit = +/- for corresponding element of r[] */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR_Rfs(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- /*
- * We start with the point where r is ADDed in every coordinate (This implies
- * signs=0). The points[i] are center[i] + width[i].
- */
- for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
- p[i] = c[i] + r[i];
- /* Loop through the points in gray-code ordering */
- for (i = 0;; ++i) {
- unsigned mask;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR_Rfs(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum += f(dim, p, fdata);
- unsigned d = ls0(i); /* which coordinate to flip */
- if (d >= dim)
- break;
- /* flip the d-th bit and add/subtract r[d] */
- mask = 1U << d;
- signs ^= mask;
- p[d] = (signs & mask) ? c[d] - r[d] : c[d] + r[d];
- }
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR_Rfs(): Done.\n" );
- }
- return sum;
- }
- /*
- * This one is used to evaluate sum4 at lambda4, which is really
- * lambda. Go figure.
- */
- static double evalRR0_0fs(integrand f, void *fdata, unsigned dim,
- double *p, const double *c, const double *r)
- {
- unsigned i, j, ip;
- double sum = 0;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- for (i = 0; i < dim - 1; i++) {
- p[i] = c[i] - r[i];
- for (j = i + 1; j < dim; j++) {
- p[j] = c[j] - r[j];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum += f(dim, p, fdata);
- p[i] = c[i] + r[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum += f(dim, p, fdata);
- p[j] = c[j] + r[j];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum += f(dim, p, fdata);
- p[i] = c[i] - r[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum += f(dim, p, fdata);
- p[j] = c[j]; /* Done with j -> Restore p[j] */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Restoring p to (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- }
- p[i] = c[i]; /* Done with i -> Restore p[i] */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Restoring p to (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- }
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalRR0_0fs(): Done.\n" );
- }
- return sum;
- }
- /*
- * This evaluates sum1, sum2 and sum3, mislabelled for no good
- * reason (relative to their call) by one. They correspond as:
- * center(p)->sum1(0), lambda2(Lambda2)->sum2(1), lambda4(Lambda)->sum3(2)
- * which is just incredibly Evil. I'll really think hard about fixing
- * this ONCE I've figured out why the routine is calling points that
- * are WAY past the integration limits, which is almost certainly a simple
- * bug.
- */
- static double evalR0_0fs4d(integrand f, void *fdata, unsigned dim,
- double *p, const double *c, double *sum0_,
- const double *r1, double *sum1_,
- const double *r2, double *sum2_)
- {
- double maxdiff = 0;
- unsigned i, ip, dimDiffMax = 0;
- double sum0, sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0; /* copies for aliasing, performance */
- double ratio = r1[0] / r2[0];
- ratio *= ratio;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- /*
- * Evaluate at the center of the current hypercube
- */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",c[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum0 = f(dim, c, fdata);
- for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
- double f1a, f1b, f2a, f2b, diff;
- p[i] = c[i] - r1[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum1 += (f1a = f(dim, p, fdata));
- p[i] = c[i] + r1[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum1 += (f1b = f(dim, p, fdata));
- p[i] = c[i] - r2[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum2 += (f2a = f(dim, p, fdata));
- p[i] = c[i] + r2[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Evaluating f at (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- sum2 += (f2b = f(dim, p, fdata));
- p[i] = c[i];
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Setting p back to (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",p[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- diff = fabs(f1a + f1b - 2 * sum0 - ratio * (f2a + f2b - 2 * sum0));
- if (diff > maxdiff) {
- maxdiff = diff;
- dimDiffMax = i;
- }
- }
- *sum0_ += sum0;
- *sum1_ += sum1;
- *sum2_ += sum2;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# evalR0_0fs4d(): Done.\n" );
- }
- return dimDiffMax;
- }
- #define num0_0(dim) (1U)
- #define numR0_0fs(dim) (2 * (dim))
- #define numRR0_0fs(dim) (2 * (dim) * (dim-1))
- #define numR_Rfs(dim) (1U << (dim))
- /*
- *=======================================================================
- * Based on rule75genzmalik.cpp in HIntLib-0.0.10: An embedded cubature
- * rule of degree 7 (embedded rule degree 5) due to A. C. Genz and A. A.
- * Malik. See: A. C. Genz and A. A. Malik, "An imbedded [sic] family of
- * fully symmetric numerical integration rules," SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 20
- * (3), 580-588 (1983).
- *=======================================================================
- */
- #define real(x) ((double)(x))
- #define to_int(n) ((int)(n))
- static int isqr(int x)
- {
- return x * x;
- }
- static void destroy_rule75genzmalik(rule * r_)
- {
- rule75genzmalik *r = (rule75genzmalik *) r_;
- free(r->p);
- }
- static unsigned rule75genzmalik_evalError(rule * r_, integrand f,
- void *fdata, const hypercube * h,
- esterr * ee)
- {
- /* lambda2 = sqrt(9/70), lambda4 = sqrt(9/10), lambda5 = sqrt(9/19) */
- const double lambda2 = 0.3585685828003180919906451539079374954541;
- const double lambda4 = 0.9486832980505137995996680633298155601160;
- const double lambda5 = 0.6882472016116852977216287342936235251269;
- const double weight2 = 980. / 6561.;
- const double weight4 = 200. / 19683.;
- const double weightE2 = 245. / 486.;
- const double weightE4 = 25. / 729.;
- rule75genzmalik *r = (rule75genzmalik *) r_;
- unsigned i, dimDiffMax, dim = r_->dim;
- double sum1 = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0, sum3 = 0.0, sum4, sum5, result, res5th;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# rule75genzmalik_evalError(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- for (i = 0; i < dim; i++){
- r->p[i] = h->center[i];
- r->widthLambda[i] = h->width[i] * lambda4;
- r->widthLambda2[i] = h->width[i] * lambda2;
- r->widthLambda5[i] = h->width[i] * lambda5;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# i=%d: center = %f, wlam = %f, wlam2 = %f, wlam5 = %f\n",i,
- r->p[i],r->widthLambda[i],r->widthLambda2[i],r->widthLambda5[i]);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Evaluate function at the center, at f(lambda2,0,...,0) and at
- * f(lambda3=lambda4, 0,...,0). Estimate dimension with largest error
- */
- dimDiffMax =
- evalR0_0fs4d(f, fdata, dim, r->p, h->center, &sum1, r->widthLambda2,
- &sum2, r->widthLambda, &sum3);
- /*
- * Calculate sum4 for f(lambda4, lambda4, 0, ...,0)
- */
- sum4 = evalRR0_0fs(f, fdata, dim, r->p, h->center, r->widthLambda);
- /*
- * Calculate sum5 for f(lambda5, lambda5, ..., lambda5)
- */
- sum5 = evalR_Rfs(f, fdata, dim, r->p, h->center, r->widthLambda5);
- /* Calculate fifth and seventh order results */
- result =
- h->vol * (r->weight1 * sum1 + weight2 * sum2 + r->weight3 * sum3 +
- weight4 * sum4 + r->weight5 * sum5);
- res5th =
- h->vol * (r->weightE1 * sum1 + weightE2 * sum2 +
- r->weightE3 * sum3 + weightE4 * sum4);
- ee->val = result;
- ee->err = fabs(res5th - result);
- return dimDiffMax;
- }
- static rule *make_rule75genzmalik(unsigned dim)
- {
- rule75genzmalik *r;
- if (dim < 2)
- return 0; /* this rule does not support 1d integrals */
- r = (rule75genzmalik *) malloc(sizeof(rule75genzmalik));
- r->parent.dim = dim;
- r->weight1 =
- (real(12824 - 9120 * to_int(dim) + 400 * isqr(to_int(dim)))
- / real(19683));
- r->weight3 = real(1820 - 400 * to_int(dim)) / real(19683);
- r->weight5 = real(6859) / real(19683) / real(1U << dim);
- r->weightE1 = (real(729 - 950 * to_int(dim) + 50 * isqr(to_int(dim)))
- / real(729));
- r->weightE3 = real(265 - 100 * to_int(dim)) / real(1458);
- r->p = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * dim * 4);
- r->widthLambda = r->p + dim;
- r->widthLambda2 = r->p + 2 * dim;
- r->widthLambda5 = r->p + 3 * dim;
- r->parent.num_points = num0_0(dim) + 2 * numR0_0fs(dim)
- + numRR0_0fs(dim) + numR_Rfs(dim);
- r->parent.evalError = rule75genzmalik_evalError;
- r->parent.destroy = destroy_rule75genzmalik;
- return (rule *) r;
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- /*
- * 1d 15-point Gaussian quadrature rule, based on qk15.c and qk.c in GNU
- * GSL (which in turn is based on QUADPACK).
- */
- static unsigned rule15gauss_evalError(rule * r, integrand f, void *fdata,
- const hypercube * h, esterr * ee)
- {
- /*
- * Gauss quadrature weights and kronrod quadrature abscissae and weights as
- * evaluated with 80 decimal digit arithmetic by L. W. Fullerton, Bell Labs,
- * Nov. 1981.
- */
- const unsigned n = 8;
- const double xgk[8] = { /* abscissae of the 15-point kronrod rule */
- 0.991455371120812639206854697526329,
- 0.949107912342758524526189684047851,
- 0.864864423359769072789712788640926,
- 0.741531185599394439863864773280788,
- 0.586087235467691130294144838258730,
- 0.405845151377397166906606412076961,
- 0.207784955007898467600689403773245,
- 0.000000000000000000000000000000000
- /* xgk[1], xgk[3], ... abscissae of the 7-point gauss rule.
- xgk[0], xgk[2], ... to optimally extend the 7-point gauss rule */
- };
- static const double wg[4] = { /* weights of the 7-point gauss rule */
- 0.129484966168869693270611432679082,
- 0.279705391489276667901467771423780,
- 0.381830050505118944950369775488975,
- 0.417959183673469387755102040816327
- };
- static const double wgk[8] = { /* weights of the 15-point kronrod rule */
- 0.022935322010529224963732008058970,
- 0.063092092629978553290700663189204,
- 0.104790010322250183839876322541518,
- 0.140653259715525918745189590510238,
- 0.169004726639267902826583426598550,
- 0.190350578064785409913256402421014,
- 0.204432940075298892414161999234649,
- 0.209482141084727828012999174891714
- };
- const double center = h->center[0];
- const double width = h->width[0];
- double fv1[n - 1], fv2[n - 1];
- const double f_center = f(1, ¢er, fdata);
- double result_gauss = f_center * wg[n / 2 - 1];
- double result_kronrod = f_center * wgk[n - 1];
- double result_abs = fabs(result_kronrod);
- double result_asc, mean, err;
- unsigned j;
- for (j = 0; j < (n - 1) / 2; ++j) {
- int j2 = 2 * j + 1;
- double x, f1, f2, fsum, w = width * xgk[j2];
- x = center - w;
- fv1[j2] = f1 = f(1, &x, fdata);
- x = center + w;
- fv2[j2] = f2 = f(1, &x, fdata);
- fsum = f1 + f2;
- result_gauss += wg[j] * fsum;
- result_kronrod += wgk[j2] * fsum;
- result_abs += wgk[j2] * (fabs(f1) + fabs(f2));
- }
- for (j = 0; j < n / 2; ++j) {
- int j2 = 2 * j;
- double x, f1, f2, w = width * xgk[j2];
- x = center - w;
- fv1[j2] = f1 = f(1, &x, fdata);
- x = center + w;
- fv2[j2] = f2 = f(1, &x, fdata);
- result_kronrod += wgk[j2] * (f1 + f2);
- result_abs += wgk[j2] * (fabs(f1) + fabs(f2));
- }
- ee->val = result_kronrod * width;
- /* compute error estimate: */
- mean = result_kronrod * 0.5;
- result_asc = wgk[n - 1] * fabs(f_center - mean);
- for (j = 0; j < n - 1; ++j)
- result_asc += wgk[j] * (fabs(fv1[j] - mean) + fabs(fv2[j] - mean));
- err = (result_kronrod - result_gauss) * width;
- result_abs *= width;
- result_asc *= width;
- if (result_asc != 0 && err != 0) {
- double scale = pow((200 * err / result_asc), 1.5);
- if (scale < 1)
- err = result_asc * scale;
- else
- err = result_asc;
- }
- if (result_abs > DBL_MIN / (50 * DBL_EPSILON)) {
- double min_err = 50 * DBL_EPSILON * result_abs;
- if (min_err > err)
- err = min_err;
- }
- ee->err = err;
- return 0; /* no choice but to divide 0th dimension */
- }
- static rule *make_rule15gauss(unsigned dim)
- {
- rule *r;
- if (dim != 1)
- return 0; /* this rule is only for 1d integrals */
- r = (rule *) malloc(sizeof(rule));
- r->dim = dim;
- r->num_points = 15;
- r->evalError = rule15gauss_evalError;
- r->destroy = 0;
- return r;
- }
- /*
- *========================================================================
- * binary heap implementation (ala _Introduction to Algorithms_ by Cormen,
- * Leiserson, and Rivest), for use as a priority queue of regions to
- * integrate.
- *========================================================================
- */
- static void heap_resize(heap * h, unsigned nalloc)
- {
- h->nalloc = nalloc;
- h->items = (heap_item *) realloc(h->items, sizeof(heap_item) * nalloc);
- }
- static heap heap_alloc(unsigned nalloc)
- {
- heap h;
- h.n = 0;
- h.nalloc = 0;
- h.items = 0;
- h.ee.val = h.ee.err = 0;
- heap_resize(&h, nalloc);
- return h;
- }
- /*
- * note that heap_free does not deallocate anything referenced by the items
- */
- static void heap_free(heap * h)
- {
- h->n = 0;
- heap_resize(h, 0);
- }
- static void heap_push(heap * h, heap_item hi)
- {
- int insert;
- h->ee.val += hi.ee.val;
- h->ee.err += hi.ee.err;
- insert = h->n;
- if (++(h->n) > h->nalloc)
- heap_resize(h, h->n * 2);
- while (insert) {
- int parent = (insert - 1) / 2;
- if (KEY(hi) <= KEY(h->items[parent]))
- break;
- h->items[insert] = h->items[parent];
- insert = parent;
- }
- h->items[insert] = hi;
- }
- static heap_item heap_pop(heap * h)
- {
- heap_item ret;
- int i, n, child;
- if (!(h->n)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "attempted to pop an empty heap\n" );
- }
- ret = h->items[0];
- h->items[i = 0] = h->items[n = --(h->n)];
- while ((child = i * 2 + 1) < n) {
- int largest;
- heap_item swap;
- if (KEY(h->items[child]) <= KEY(h->items[i]))
- largest = i;
- else
- largest = child;
- if (++child < n && KEY(h->items[largest]) < KEY(h->items[child]))
- largest = child;
- if (largest == i)
- break;
- swap = h->items[i];
- h->items[i] = h->items[largest];
- h->items[i = largest] = swap;
- }
- h->ee.val -= ret.ee.val;
- h->ee.err -= ret.ee.err;
- return ret;
- }
- /*
- *========================================================================
- * adaptive integration, analogous to adaptintegrator.cpp in HIntLib
- *========================================================================
- */
- static int ruleadapt_integrate(rule * r, integrand f, void *fdata,
- unsigned dim, const hypercube * h, unsigned maxEval,
- double reqAbsError, double reqRelError, esterr * ee)
- {
- unsigned initialRegions; /* number of initial regions (non-adaptive) */
- unsigned minIter; /* minimum number of adaptive subdivisions */
- unsigned maxIter; /* maximum number of adaptive subdivisions */
- unsigned initialPoints;
- heap regions;
- unsigned i,j,ip;
- int status = -1; /* = ERROR */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): Entry.\n" );
- }
- initialRegions = 1; /* or: use some percentage of maxEval/r->num_points */
- initialPoints = initialRegions * r->num_points;
- minIter = 0;
- if (maxEval) {
- if (initialPoints > maxEval) {
- initialRegions = maxEval / r->num_points;
- initialPoints = initialRegions * r->num_points;
- }
- maxEval -= initialPoints;
- maxIter = maxEval / (2 * r->num_points);
- } else
- maxIter = UINT_MAX;
- if (initialRegions == 0)
- return status; /* ERROR */
- /*
- * Allocate a heap with room for a set of region evaluations
- */
- regions = heap_alloc(initialRegions);
- /*
- * Evaluate a region and push it onto the heap.
- */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): Make hypercube into region and put it on heap\n" );
- }
- heap_push(®ions, eval_region(make_region(h), f, fdata, r));
- /* or:
- if (initialRegions != 1)
- partition(h, initialRegions, EQUIDISTANT, ®ions, f,fdata, r);
- */
- /*
- * Now we work to convergence or maxIter, whichever comes first
- */
- for (i = 0; i < maxIter; ++i) {
- region R, R2;
- if (i >= minIter && (regions.ee.err <= reqAbsError
- || relError(regions.ee) <= reqRelError)) {
- status = 0; /* converged! */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): Converged!\n" );
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Get the worst region (which might be the only region)
- */
- R = heap_pop(®ions); /* get worst region */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): Worst hypercube is at h.center = (" );
- for(ip = 0;ip<dim;ip++){
- printf("%4.2f",R.h.center[ip]);
- if(ip != dim-1) printf("," );
- }
- printf(" )\n" );
- }
- /* Split it along the working (worst) dimension */
- cut_region(&R, &R2);
- for(j = 0;j<R.h.dim;j++){
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): Split worst dimension, R max = %f R2 max = %f\n",R.h.center[j]+R.h.width[j],
- R2.h.center[j]+R2.h.width[j]);
- }
- }
- /* printf("Split it into %0x and %0x\n",R.h.center,R2.h.center); */
- /* Evaluate its left half */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# # ruleadapt_integrate(): Evaluate left half onto heap.\n" );
- }
- heap_push(®ions, eval_region(R, f, fdata, r));
- /* And its right half */
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# # ruleadapt_integrate(): Evaluate right half onto heap.\n" );
- }
- heap_push(®ions, eval_region(R2, f, fdata, r));
- }
- /*
- * Re-sum the integral and errors for all the regions on the heap
- * and then remove them (clearing the heap).
- */
- ee->val = ee->err = 0;
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): About to destroy %d regions.\n",regions.n);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < regions.n; ++i) {
- /* printf("i=%d: adding value = %f, error = %f\n",i,regions.items[i].ee.val,
- regions.items[i].ee.err); */
- ee->val += regions.items[i].ee.val;
- ee->err += regions.items[i].ee.err;
- destroy_region(®ions.items[i]);
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): Destroyed region %d.\n",i);
- }
- }
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# ruleadapt_integrate(): freeing regions and done.\n" );
- }
- heap_free(®ions);
- return status;
- }
- int adapt_integrate(integrand f, void *fdata,
- unsigned dim, const double *xmin, const double *xmax,
- unsigned maxEval, double reqAbsError,
- double reqRelError, double *val,
- double *estimated_error)
- {
- rule *r;
- hypercube h;
- esterr ee;
- if (dim == 0) { /* trivial integration */
- ee.val = f(0, xmin, fdata);
- ee.err = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# Debugging routines in cubature.c\n" );
- }
- /*
- * Use rule15gauss for 1d integrals, rule75genzmalik for d>1
- */
- r = dim == 1 ? make_rule15gauss(dim) : make_rule75genzmalik(dim);
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# adapt_integrate(): Make a ranged hypercube over integration volume.\n" );
- }
- h = make_hypercube_range(dim, xmin, xmax);
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# adapt_integrate(): calling ruleadapt_integrate with this hypercube.\n" );
- }
- /*
- * We need to pass dim for debugging only
- */
- int status = ruleadapt_integrate(r, f, fdata, dim, &h,maxEval, reqAbsError,
- reqRelError, &ee);
- if(debug(D_CUBATURE)){
- printf("# adapt_integrate(): Done. Cleaning up.\n" );
- }
- *val = ee.val;
- *estimated_error = ee.err;
- destroy_hypercube(&h);
- destroy_rule(r);
- return status;
- }
Message édité par gilou le 04-02-2011 à 15:58:07