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  Unresolved Problem


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Unresolved Problem

Posté le 05-04-2004 à 12:29:29  profilanswer

Here is my unresolved problem: I spoke about it last Friday but I have still no solutions for resolving it:
Description of the problem:
I use a function "PESDEMUX_ProcessFile" which is defined in the file "XtlPes.dll". This function allows me to convert file from one type to another.
I work on a device which is controled by my computer with the SERIAL or the USB port.
When I am on SERIAL Mode for controling the device, I have to transfer the file by USB port from the device to my computer and the function "PESDEMUX_ProcessFile" does the conversion. (I have to open and close a USB communication port for that). Here is there no problems.
Now, when I am on USB Mode for controling the device, I have to transfer the file by USB port too from the device to my computer and the function "PESDEMUX_ProcessFile" may does the conversion too. But I have a Visual C++ error: "Unhandled exception in Appli.exe (XTLPES.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation." With the "Call Stack" option in Visual C++, I see that there is a problem at that line: "00E34F3D   mov         eax,dword ptr [esi+304h]".
Here is the code I used for caling the function "PESDEMUX_ProcessFile":
 typedef LONG (__cdecl *PESDEMUX_ProcessFile)(CHAR*,CHAR*,INT);
 PESDEMUX_ProcessFile pProcessFile;
 CHAR chInFileName[255];
 strcpy(chInFileName, m_csPCFileName); //Conversion CString to CHAR*
 CHAR chOutFileName[255];
 m_csPCFileName = m_csPCFileName + ".mpg";
 strcpy(chOutFileName, m_csPCFileName); //Conversion CString to CHAR*
 INT Type = 1;
 if (theApp.g_hDllXtlPes != NULL)
  pProcessFile = (PESDEMUX_ProcessFile)GetProcAddress(theApp.g_hDllXtlPes,"PESDEMUX_ProcessFile" );
  if (!pProcessFile)
   return FALSE;  
   BOOL BResult = TRUE;
   BResult = pProcessFile(chInFileName,chOutFileName,Type);
   if (BResult == FALSE)
    TRACE("Conversion Process OK\n" );
    TRACE("Conversion Process non OK\n" );
With HINSTANCE g_hDllXtlPes = LoadLibrary("XtlPes.dll" ); defined in another .cpp file.
Do you have any ideas on that curious problem ?
Thank's for advance,

Posté le 05-04-2004 à 12:29:29  profilanswer

Pa Capona ಠ_ಠ
Posté le 05-04-2004 à 12:38:29  profilanswer

troll :o (1 post)

Posté le 05-04-2004 à 15:31:41  profilanswer

Don't have any idea ???

--> []
Posté le 05-04-2004 à 15:35:12  profilanswer

Does you ? [:*syl*]

Message édité par *syl* le 05-04-2004 à 15:35:21
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 03:50:17  profilanswer

Jeab, je suis sûr que tu parles mieux français qu'anglais.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Posté le 06-04-2004 à 23:28:27  profilanswer

Pour l'anglais, l'utilisation des temps est assez perfectible! :)
May the Force be with you young jeab !

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  Unresolved Problem


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