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  Augmenter le voltage du CPU sur une TUSL2-C ?


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Augmenter le voltage du CPU sur une TUSL2-C ?

Posté le 19-05-2002 à 10:34:57  profilanswer

Je possede un pIII 1ghz@1.25 mais avec un voltage limité par defaut a 1.8V, il y aurait il une manippe pour detourmé cette limite :??: et me permettre ainsi de continuer a OC ?
Merci d'avance ;)


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par claps le 19-05-2002 à 10:35:17--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]

Posté le 19-05-2002 à 10:34:57  profilanswer

Posté le 19-05-2002 à 11:37:41  profilanswer

un petit [:yoyoz]

Posté le 19-05-2002 à 13:12:09  profilanswer

Sans bricoler le régulateur de courant, ce n est pas possible
Epluche un peu ce sujet, c est très interessant.. [...] eadid=8136
Accessoirement j ai voulu pousser  un P 700 sur une TUSL 2 C mais même en shuntant les broches du P III pour faire passer un voltage par défaut plus élévé,cela bloque à la tension maxi de 1.825 si mes souvenirs sont bons...( 933mhz en usage courant c est bon mais un peu plus... :)  )
J aurais du rester sur une CUSL 2 C !
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figured maybe i should post a way to raise Vcore above 1.825 volts for a ASUS TUSL2 mobo or C no matter. Here's a pm i sent someone about 2 months ago.  
Volt mod the Intersil chip #ISL6524CB. It's located directly above socket 370. Solder a 500 Kohm resistor 25 turn cermet pot from Pin #21 to ground. Make sure it's at 500 (K)ohm and that you solder correct pins on cermet pot. Ohm it out first. Pin #21 is FB. The legs closest to socket are pins 15 thru 28 from left to right. I believe 200 kohms got me to 2.10 volts. But i'm not positive just somewhere in that ballpark. Sure helps cold boot problem though. Here's the PDF file  
Same instructions as i gave in my other post. First of all you can't miss the chip you need to mod. Directly above the cpu socket. It has 28 legs on it. Look at the pdf file and you'll see where pin #21 is located. There is a small indentation on chip so you can always tell which pin is which. Always need a point of referance. Just solder or better yet use a micro clip to pin #21 to 200 K ohm variable resistor. 25 or a 50 turn pot. Do not use a 1 turn variable resistor. So pin #21 to resistor to ground. Just use the screw for mobo as the ground point. Make sure resistor is at 500 k ohm. When you start comp voltage will only be increased by maybe .05 volts. Then start adjusting the variable resistor and watch voltage in BIOS. Keep cranking until you get the disired volts you want. From what i read it looks like 2.5 volts is max for that chip. Way more then is needed. So no worries about frying anything there. Er except maybe a cpu. If you can't understand theese instructions i suggest you check out hmm a finnish site er ok try Hope your german is good. Just look for how to do a Vcore volt mod for a KG-7 or KR7a or just about any AMD motherboard. They got instructions and pictures all over the net. Good luck  
OK Thanks, I think i under stand how to do it.  
BTW I have an Richtech chip instead of the ICL6524CB but they probulably work the same way right???  
Actually its an Richtec RT 9238 CS3HT4 and the Pin7 is Vid25 and the Pin22 is FB1. should I use FB1(pin22)???  
Yes if you have the Richtec RT 9238 then take FB1 pin22 to ground via a 500k ohm resistor.  
So looks like there's at least 2 brands of VRM chips being used on a TUSL2 or C mobo. Hope some people understand theese instructions. Also if there are other brands of VRM chips then by all means post what chip it is and i'm sure someone can read the data sheet and figure it out.

Je pense pour ma part plus simplement me séparer de mon P700III et d acheter un Celeron 1.3 pour le pousser autour des 1.6 ...Moins risqué que de prendre le fer à souder....


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par pierrelyon le 19-05-2002 à 13:24:25--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]

Posté le 20-05-2002 à 00:09:20  profilanswer

merci pour ta reponse, effectivement ca n'a pas l'air simple; je crois donc que je vais me contenter de mon overclock a 1.25Ghz qui n'est quand meme pas si mal que ca ;)
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  Overclocking, Cooling & Modding

  Augmenter le voltage du CPU sur une TUSL2-C ?


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