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  un nouveau how-to vient de sortir intitulé : Encourage Women in Linux


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un nouveau how-to vient de sortir intitulé : Encourage Women in Linux

Posté le 22-09-2002 à 11:18:56  profilanswer
Do's and don't's of encouraging women in Linux
DON'T make sexist or gender-related jokes or comments
DO fight back or ridicule sexist jokes when they occur
DON'T refer to women or anyone else as bitches
DO talk about women (and all humans) in a respectful manner
DON'T take the keyboard away
DO give directions and explain them clearly
DON'T make sexual advances
DO be friendly and treat women like normal people
DON'T whine about the lack of women in computing
DO demonstrate your commitment to encouraging women in computing
DON'T stare and point
DO act like women are normally present
DON'T treat women stereotypically
DO treat women like everyone else
DON'T criticize too much
DO compliment women on meaningful matters
DON'T invite only male speakers
DO invite women speakers
DON'T micro-specialize or obsess about the same topics
DO discuss broader topics
DON'T make your meetings difficult to attend
DO make meetings attractive to women
DON'T make newcomers feel unwelcome or out of place
DO give newcomers ways to meet people
DON'T underestimate or dismiss girlfriends or wives
DO treat girlfriends and wives as independent people
:lol: mdr :lol:

Message édité par angryboy le 22-09-2002 à 11:21:33
Posté le 22-09-2002 à 11:18:56  profilanswer

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  un nouveau how-to vient de sortir intitulé : Encourage Women in Linux


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