j'ai aussi trouvé la commande testlibraw :
successfully got handle
current generation number: 2
2 card(s) found
nodes on bus: 1, card name: ohci1394
nodes on bus: 2, card name: ohci1394
using first card found: 1 nodes on bus, local ID is 0, IRM is 0
doing transactions with custom tag handler
trying to send read request to node 0... completed with value 0x4b107553
using standard tag handler and synchronous calls
trying to read from node 0... completed with value 0x9c197553
testing FCP monitoring on local node
got fcp command from node 0 of 8 bytes: 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
got fcp response from node 0 of 8 bytes: 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef
testing config rom stuff
get_config_rom returned 0, romsize 120, rom_version 4
here are the first 10 quadlets:
0. quadlet: 0x9cd50404
1. quadlet: 0x34393331
2. quadlet: 0x32a264e0
3. quadlet: 0x0018e000
4. quadlet: 0xd0155f00
5. quadlet: 0xc2910400
6. quadlet: 0x18e00003
7. quadlet: 0x03000081
8. quadlet: 0x090000d1
9. quadlet: 0xc083000c
update_config_rom returned 0
polling for leftover messages