Citation :
Window Managers: Beryl & AIGLX
Nvidia/Ati users: Includes a script for downloading and automatic 3D driver installation.
Office: OpenOffice 2.0.4, Orage Calendar, Evince, Scribus
Image Editing: GimpShop, Gogh, GSumi, GQview, Gtkam
Vector Drawing: Inkscape
3D Modeling: Blender, YafRay
Instant Messenger: aMSN 0.97
Internet: Iceweasel (flashplayer, audio/video plugins, and java are available), Icedove, Gftp
P2P: Bittornado
Multimedia: XMMS, Mplayer, Gxine, AviDemux, Kino, XdvdShrink, StreamTuner, Audacity, Brasero, Gnomebaker, FFMpeg, GtkPod, JackControl, Grip, Gstreamer, MT-DAAPD
Emulators: Wine
Others: Automount, Cool & Quiet, Samba-Server, NTFS-3G, Conky, XfApplets, Internet Sharing Wizard, Ndiswrapper (Ndisgtk), Upgrade Wizard, Bulk Renamer, Suspend2 (Hibernate).