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  [TOPIC UNIK] - TES4 Oblivion Cheats, Hacks, Hints & more...


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[TOPIC UNIK] - TES4 Oblivion Cheats, Hacks, Hints & more...


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Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:31:10  profilanswer

On va vommencer par ca et c'est encore en construction...
Ce topic va évoluer donc n'hésitez pas à poster ici !
(PS : je recrute des traducteurs dans toutes les langues !)  :love:  
OBLIVION CHEATS - Commandes à la Console  

Spoiler :

Add spell player.addspell spellID  
Add unlimited gold player.additem 0000000F number  
Change class showclassmenu  
Change player sex sexchange  
Change point of view angle POV angle  
Complete all quest stages caqs  
Create a window with full game scene graph ssg  
Exit game quickly qqq  
Free camera tfc  
Get all spells psb  
Invincibility (God mode) tgm  
Kill creature/human Click creature/human then type kill  
Modify a skill modpcs skill #  
Modify an attribute modpca attribute #  
Move to quest target movetoqt  
Remove an item from your inventory player.removeitem itemID count  
Remove bounty player.setcrimegold 0  
Set player fame SetPCFame  
Set player infamy SetPCInfamy  
Set player level player.setlevel number (1-255)  
Show birthsign menu showbirthsignmenu  
Show birthsigns menu showbirthsignmenu  
Show classes menu showclassmenu  
Show level advance screen advlevel  
Show Races menu showracemenu  
Skill level up advskill skill number  
Toggle AI tai  
Toggle AI detection tdetect  
Toggle collision ("go through walls" ) tcl  
Toggle combat AI tcai  
Toggle debug display tdt  
Toggle fog of war tfow  
Toggle full help tfh  
Toggle grass tg  
Toggle land LOD tll  
Toggle leaves tlv  
Toggle menu mode tm  
Toggle NPC subtitles showsubtitle  
Toggle sky ts  
Toggle trees tt  
Toggle wireframe twf  
Unlock door/chest Click a door or chest and type unlock


Spoiler :

Name Code  
Ale 000B1200  
Beer 000B1202  
Cheap Wine 00037F7F  
Cure for Vampirism 000977E4  
Cyrodilic Brandy 00033569  
Grand Elixir of Exploration 0004E93A  
Hist Sap 0003356A  
Human Blood 00098309  
Mead 000B1201  
Moderate Elixir of Exploration 0004E938  
Newheim's Special Brew 000B1241  
Philter of Frostward 0007BCC9  
Poison of Affliction 0008DC5C  
Poison of Apathy 00009283  
Poison of Burden 000984A5  
Poison of Catastrophe 00009281  
Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC58  
Poison of Confusion 0008DC5E  
Poison of Cowardice 00056E54  
Poison of Debilitation 0000927D  
Poison of Fatigue 0008DC70  
Poison of Feeblemind 00009280  
Poison of Frailty 00009285  
Poison of Fright 0008DC6D  
Poison of Fumbling 0000927C  
Poison of Illness 0008DC73  
Poison of Misfortune 0008DC61  
Poison of Paralysis 00009302  
Poison of Repulsion 00009282  
Poison of Separation 00009284  
Poison of Severing 0008DC76  
Poison of Sickness 0000927F  
Poison of Silence 00009320  
Poison of Slowing 0008DC67  
Poison of the Fool 0008DC64  
Poison of Weakness 0008DC6A  
Poison of Weariness 0000927E  
Potion of Absorption 00009321  
Potion of Agility 00098471  
Potion of Alacrity 0009849B  
Potion of Antivenom 00009308  
Potion of Chameleon 00088B1C  
Potion of Charisma 0009849A  
Potion of Cure Disease 0000920E  
Potion of Cure Paralysis 0000922E  
Potion of Cure Poison 0000920F  
Potion of Dedication 00056E55  
Potion of Detect Life 000984A6  
Potion of Disbelief 00009307  
Potion of Dispel 0000927B  
Potion of Endurance 00098472  
Potion of Fatigue 00098473  
Potion of Feather 000092E6  
Potion of Fire Shield 000092E7  
Potion of Fortitude 00098494  
Potion of Fortune 00098498  
Potion of Frost Shield 000092FE  
Potion of Grace 00098493  
Potion of Grounding 00009309  
Potion of Healing 00098496  
Potion of Health 00098474  
Potion of Insight 00098497  
Potion of Insulation 00009305  
Potion of Intelligence 00098475  
Potion of Invisibility 000092FF  
Potion of Light 00009300  
Potion of Luck 00098476  
Potion of Magicka 00098477  
Potion of Might 0009849C  
Potion of Nighteye 00009301  
Potion of Personality 00098478  
Potion of Reflection 00009303  
Potion of Resistance 00009304  
Potion of Respite 00098495  
Potion of Seastride 000984A4  
Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE3  
Potion of Sorcery 00098499  
Potion of Speed 00098479  
Potion of Strength 0009847A  
Potion of the Sea 000984A3  
Potion of Warmth 00009306  
Potion of Willpower 00056E53  
Rosethorn Mead 000B97EA  
Shadowbanish Wine 00185DCD  
Skooma 0004E0A9  
Strong Elixir of Exploration 0004E939  
Strong Poison of Affliction 0008DC5D  
Strong Poison of Apathy 0009846A  
Strong Poison of Burden 0000920D  
Strong Poison of Catastrophe 00098464  
Strong Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC5A  
Strong Poison of Confusion 0008DC60  
Strong Poison of Cowardice 00056E56  
Strong Poison of Debilitation 000984AC  
Strong Poison of Fatigue 0008DC72  
Strong Poison of Feeblemind 00098462  
Strong Poison of Frailty 0009846C  
Strong Poison of Fright 0008DC6F  
Strong Poison of Fumbling 000984AA  
Strong Poison of Illness 0008DC75  
Strong Poison of Misfortune 0008DC63  
Strong Poison of Paralysis 00098484  
Strong Poison of Repulsion 00098468  
Strong Poison of Separation 00098466  
Strong Poison of Severing 0008DC78  
Strong Poison of Sickness 00098460  
Strong Poison of Silence 0009849E  
Strong Poison of Slowing 0008DC69  
Strong Poison of the Fool 0008DC66  
Strong Poison of Weakness 0008DC6C  
Strong Poison of Weariness 000984AE  
Strong Potion of Absorption 000984A0  
Strong Potion of Agility 000092E9  
Strong Potion of Alacrity 00009319  
Strong Potion of Antivenom 00098490  
Strong Potion of Chameleon 00088B1E  
Strong Potion of Charisma 00009317  
Strong Potion of Dedication 00056E58  
Strong Potion of Detect Life 00009230  
Strong Potion of Disbelief 0009848E  
Strong Potion of Dispel 000984A8  
Strong Potion of Endurance 000092EB  
Strong Potion of Fatigue 000092ED  
Strong Potion of Feather 0009846E  
Strong Potion of Fire Shield 00098470  
Strong Potion of Fortitude 0000930D  
Strong Potion of Fortune 00009315  
Strong Potion of Frost Shield 0009847C  
Strong Potion of Grace 0000930B  
Strong Potion of Grounding 00098492  
Strong Potion of Healing 00009311  
Strong Potion of Health 000092EF  
Strong Potion of Insight 00009313  
Strong Potion of Insulation 00098489  
Strong Potion of Intelligence 000092F1  
Strong Potion of Invisibility 0009847E  
Strong Potion of Light 00098480  
Strong Potion of Luck 000092F3  
Strong Potion of Magicka 000092F9  
Strong Potion of Might 0000931D  
Strong Potion of Nighteye 00098482  
Strong Potion of Personality 000092F5  
Strong Potion of Reflection 00098486  
Strong Potion of Resistance 00098488  
Strong Potion of Respite 0000930F  
Strong Potion of Seastride 00009327  
Strong Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE4  
Strong Potion of Sorcery 0000931B  
Strong Potion of Speed 000092F7  
Strong Potion of Strength 000092FB  
Strong Potion of the Sea 00009325  
Strong Potion of Warmth 0009848C  
Strong Potion of Willpower 00056E57  
Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 00037F84  
Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 00037F82  
Surilie Brothers Wine 00037F80  
Tamika Vintage 399 00037F7E  
Tamika Vintage 415 00037F83  
Tamika's West Weald Wine 00037F81  
Turpentine 0018BD5A  
Turpentine 000CD2DB  
Turpentine 000CD2DC  
Turpentine 000CD2DD  
Turpentine 000CD2DE  
Turpentine 000CD2DF  
Weak Elixir of Exploration 0004E937  
Weak Poison of Affliction 0008DC5B  
Weak Poison of Apathy 00098469  
Weak Poison of Burden 0000920C  
Weak Poison of Catastrophe 00098463  
Weak Poison of Clumsiness 0008DC59  
Weak Poison of Confusion 0008DC5F  
Weak Poison of Cowardice 00056E59  
Weak Poison of Debilitation 000984AB  
Weak Poison of Fatigue 0008DC71  
Weak Poison of Feeblemind 00098461  
Weak Poison of Frailty 0009846B  
Weak Poison of Fright 0008DC6E  
Weak Poison of Fumbling 000984A9  
Weak Poison of Illness 0008DC74  
Weak Poison of Misfortune 0008DC62  
Weak Poison of Paralysis 00098483  
Weak Poison of Repulsion 00098467  
Weak Poison of Separation 00098465  
Weak Poison of Severing 0008DC77  
Weak Poison of Sickness 000984AF  
Weak Poison of Silence 0009849D  
Weak Poison of Slowing 0008DC68  
Weak Poison of the Fool 0008DC65  
Weak Poison of Weakness 0008DC6B  
Weak Poison of Weariness 000984AD  
Weak Potion of Absorption 0009849F  
Weak Potion of Agility 000092E8  
Weak Potion of Alacrity 00009318  
Weak Potion of Antivenom 0009848F  
Weak Potion of Chameleon 00088B1D  
Weak Potion of Charisma 00009316  
Weak Potion of Dedication 00056E52  
Weak Potion of Detect Life 0000922F  
Weak Potion of Disbelief 0009848D  
Weak Potion of Dispel 000984A7  
Weak Potion of Endurance 000092EA  
Weak Potion of Fatigue 000092EC  
Weak Potion of Feather 0009846D  
Weak Potion of Fire Shield 0009846F  
Weak Potion of Fortitude 0000930C  
Weak Potion of Fortune 00009314  
Weak Potion of Frost Shield 0009847B  
Weak Potion of Grace 0000930A  
Weak Potion of Grounding 00098491  
Weak Potion of Healing 00009310  
Weak Potion of Health 000092EE  
Weak Potion of Insight 00009312  
Weak Potion of Insulation 0009848A  
Weak Potion of Intelligence 000092F0  
Weak Potion of Invisibility 0009847D  
Weak Potion of Light 0009847F  
Weak Potion of Luck 000092F2  
Weak Potion of Magicka 000092F8  
Weak Potion of Might 0000931C  
Weak Potion of Nighteye 00098481  
Weak Potion of Personality 000092F4  
Weak Potion of Reflection 00098485  
Weak Potion of Resistance 00098487  
Weak Potion of Respite 0000930E  
Weak Potion of Seastride 00009326  
Weak Potion of Shock Shield 00009AE0  
Weak Potion of Sorcery 0000931A  
Weak Potion of Speed 000092F6  
Weak Potion of Strength 000092FA  
Weak Potion of the Sea 00009324  
Weak Potion of Warmth 0009848B  
Weak Potion of Willpower 00056E51  


Spoiler :

Name Code  
Apprentice Alembic 0006E310  
Apprentice Calcinator 0006E311  
Apprentice Mortar & Pestle 0006E312  
Apprentice Retort 0006E313  
Expert Alembic 0006EE5C  
Expert Calcinator 0006EE5E  
Expert Mortar & Pestle 0006EE60  
Expert Retort 0006EE62  
Journeyman Alembic 0006EE52  
Journeyman Calcinator 0006EE55  
Journeyman Mortar & Pestle 0006EE57  
Journeyman Retort 0006EE59  
Master Alembic 0006EE64  
Master Calcinator 0006EE66  
Master Mortar & Pestle 0006EE68  
Master Retort 0006EE6A  
Novice Alembic 00010604  
Novice Calcinator 0001057D  
Novice Mortar & Pestle 000C7968  
Novice Mortar & Pestle 000105E3  
Novice Retort 00000C4F  

Message édité par HoK le 10-05-2006 à 21:24:35
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:31:10  profilanswer


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:33:45  profilanswer

Spoiler :

Name Code  
Apprentice Alembic 0006E310  
Apprentice Calcinator 0006E311  
Apprentice Mortar & Pestle 0006E312  
Apprentice Retort 0006E313  
Expert Alembic 0006EE5C  
Expert Calcinator 0006EE5E  
Expert Mortar & Pestle 0006EE60  
Expert Retort 0006EE62  
Journeyman Alembic 0006EE52  
Journeyman Calcinator 0006EE55  
Journeyman Mortar & Pestle 0006EE57  
Journeyman Retort 0006EE59  
Master Alembic 0006EE64  
Master Calcinator 0006EE66  
Master Mortar & Pestle 0006EE68  
Master Retort 0006EE6A  
Novice Alembic 00010604  
Novice Calcinator 0001057D  
Novice Mortar & Pestle 000C7968  
Novice Mortar & Pestle 000105E3  
Novice Retort 00000C4F  



Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:34:40  profilanswer


Spoiler :

Name Code  
Aegis of Reflection 00053D77  
Aegis of the Apocalypse 000CA117  
Agronak's Raiment 0003B1DC  
Ambassador's Cuirass 0004965F  
Ancient Blades Helmet 000C8540  
Ancient Blades Shield 000C8541  
Ancient Elven Helm 000150BA  
Annealed Cuirass 0004939B  
Anvil Cuirass 0002766D  
Anvil Shield 000352C3  
Apron of Adroitness 000C5B4A  
Apron of Adroitness 000C5B4B  
Apron of Adroitness 000C5B4C  
Apron of Adroitness 000C5B4D  
Apron of Adroitness 000C5B4E  
Apron of Adroitness 000C5B4F  
Archer's Gauntlets 00049170  
Arena Heavy Raiment 000236EF  
Arena Heavy Raiment 00029921  
Arena Light Raiment 000236F0  
Arena Light Raiment 00029920  
Armor Crafter's Gauntlets 0004F3F7  
Armor of Tiber Septim 0001FECF  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000A55FA  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000A933E  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000BE5D1  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000BE5D2  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000BE5D3  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000BE5D4  
Ayleid Crown of Lindai 000BE5DA  
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata 000A55FB  
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata 000BE5D5  
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata 000BE5D6  
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata 000BE5D7  
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata 000BE5D8  
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata 000BE5D9  
Bands of Kwang Lao 000C47B1  
Bands of the Chosen 0003C803  
Barkeep's Gauntlets 0004950B  
Battle Medic's Cuirass 00049362  
Battlehunter Gauntlets 00049685  
Battlehunter Helmet 00049686  
Beveled Gauntlets 00049397  
Birthright of Astalon 000CA110  
Black Marsh Helmet 0004951A  
Blackwood Boots 00038514  
Blackwood Cuirass 00038510  
Blackwood Gauntlets 00038511  
Blackwood Greaves 00038512  
Blackwood Helmet 00038513  
Blackwood Shield 0003647D  
Bladefall Cuirass 00049389  
Blades Boots 00022F20  
Blades Boots 00023921  
Blades Cuirass 00022F65  
Blades Cuirass 00023318  
Blades Gauntlets 00022F6F  
Blades Gauntlets 0002391C  
Blades Greaves 00022F70  
Blades Greaves 00023329  
Blades Helmet 00000C09  
Blades Helmet 00022F71  
Blades Helmet 000738D6  
Blades Shield 00022F7F  
Blades Shield 00023922  
Blades Shield 000738D7  
Bloodworm Helm 00014673  
Bloodworm Helm 0007BE3F  
Bloodworm Helm 0007BE40  
Bloodworm Helm 0007BE41  
Bloodworm Helm 0007BE42  
Bloodworm Helm 0007BE43  
Blower's Cuirass 000A577F  
Bonfire Greaves 0004F401  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348A6  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348A7  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348A8  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348A9  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348AA  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348AB  
Boots of Bloody Bounding 000348AC  
Boots of Grounding 0004917A  
Boots of Insulation 00049160  
Boots of Legerity 0004916A  
Boots of Plain Striding 0004F3F2  
Boots of Running 00049509  
Boots of Shock Resistance 00049370  
Boots of Silence 00049173  
Boots of Soft Walking 000A5785  
Boots of the Atronach 00047892  
Boots of the Calming Sea 00049392  
Boots of the Cheetah 0004899E  
Boots of the Cutpurse 0004914E  
Boots of the Eel 000489AF  
Boots of the Forest Stalker 000A5784  
Boots of the Harbinger 00049652  
Boots of the Jument 00049667  
Boots of the Olympian 0004788D  
Boots of the Savannah 0004F3F8  
Boots of the Shark 000489B3  
Boots of the Silt~runner 00049377  
Boots of the Storm 0002C23F  
Boots of the Swift Merchant 000CA111  
Boots of the Taskmaster 0002C21E  
Boots of the Thrall 0002C215  
Boots of the Tiger 000489A6  
Boots of the Unburdened 0004951D  
Borosilicate Boots 000493A6  
Bound Boots 0002626A  
Bound Cuirass 0002626B  
Bound Gauntlets 0002626C  
Bound Greaves 00026270  
Bound Helmet 00026272  
Bound Helmet 00051B47  
Bound Mythic Dawn Armor 00033525  
Bound Shield 00026263  
Bravil Cuirass 00027673  
Bravil Shield 000352C5  
Broadhead Gauntlets 000A577A  
Broken Shield 0006E2E1  
Bruma Cuirass 00027677  
Bruma Shield 000352C7  
Brusef Amelion's Boots 0012DD1B  
Brusef Amelion's Cuirass 000091FA  
Brusef Amelion's Gauntlets 0012DD1A  
Brusef Amelion's Greaves 0012DD18  
Brusef Amelion's Helmet 0012DD19  
Brusef Amelion's Shield 0012DD1C  
Burning Shield 00049688  
Canopy Helmet 00049388  
Cave Diver's Helmet 00049684  
Cave Scout Helmet 00049676  
Cavern Guide Gauntlets 00049674  
Chainmail Boots 0001C6D4  
Chainmail Cuirass 0001C6D3  
Chainmail Gauntlets 0001C6D6  
Chainmail Greaves 0001C6D5  
Chainmail Helmet 000977BC  
Chainmail Helmet 0001C6D7  
Chameleon Cuirass 00049165  
Cheydinhal Cuirass 00027678  
Cheydinhal Shield 000352C9  
Chorrol Cuirass 00027679  
Chorrol Shield 000352CB  
Clannfear Hide Shield 0004F3F9  
Clear Sight Gauntlets 000A577C  
Copperhead Cuirass 0004915F  
Crystal Greaves 0004939A  
Crystalline Cuirass 00049393  
Cuirass of Anu's Blessing 00049380  
Cuirass of Battle 00049672  
Cuirass of Cleansing 000493A5  
Cuirass of Fortitude 0002C218  
Cuirass of Health 0004916C  
Cuirass of Lifeblood 0004966C  
Cuirass of Natural Assi~milation 0004938B  
Cuirass of Pain Resistance 0004969B  
Cuirass of Poison Blood 0004969D  
Cuirass of Protection 00049179  
Cuirass of Resilience 00049520  
Cuirass of Resistance 00049515  
Cuirass of Skill 0004950C  
Cuirass of Tenacity 0004968A  
Cuirass of the Assassin 00049147  
Cuirass of the Bear 0004899F  
Cuirass of the Blood Legion 0002C223  
Cuirass of the Cameleon 00048997  
Cuirass of the Cave Viper 0004967C  
Cuirass of the Cobra 000489AE  
Cuirass of the Diplomat 00049660  
Cuirass of the Elephant 000489AD  
Cuirass of the Farlands Trader 000A577E  
Cuirass of the Fox 000489A4  
Cuirass of the Herald 00049521  
Cuirass of the Jugger~naut 00049692  
Cuirass of the Pit Viper 0002C23B  
Cuirass of the Ranger 00049378  
Cuirass of the Spy 00049359  
Cuirass of the Thief~catcher 0004914F  
Cuirass of the Undefeated 0002C21B  
Cuirass of Vitality 0004966A  
Cured Shield 0004914C  
Daedric Boots 00036359  
Daedric Cuirass 0003635B  
Daedric Gauntlets 0000C582  
Daedric Gauntlets 00036358  
Daedric Greaves 0003635A  
Daedric Helmet 000733F4  
Daedric Helmet 00036357  
Daedric Shield 000733F0  
Daedric Shield 0003635C  
Darksplitter Helmet 00049696  
Deathmarch Greaves 0002C21A  
Deepdweller's Shield 00049668  
Deer Skin Gauntlets 00048999  
Deer Skin Helmet 0004899B  
Defender's Shield 00049670  
Dondoran's Juggernaut 000CA10F  
Dremora Caitiff Boots 0003E9BA  
Dremora Caitiff Cuirass 0003E9BE  
Dremora Caitiff Greaves 0003E9BF  
Dremora Caitiff Helmet 0008B882  
Dremora Caitiff Robe 00066A34  
Dremora Caitiff Shield 0003E9C0  
Dremora Churl Boots 0003E9B9  
Dremora Churl Cuirass 0003E9BD  
Dremora Churl Greaves 0003E9BC  
Dremora Churl Robe 00066A33  
Dremora Kynmarcher Boots 0003E9B3  
Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass 0003E9B4  
Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves 0003E9B5  
Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet 0008B88C  
Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet 0008B88D  
Dremora Kynmarcher Robe 00066A38  
Dremora Kynreeve Boots 0003E9AF  
Dremora Kynreeve Cuirass 0003E9B0  
Dremora Kynreeve Greaves 0003E9B1  
Dremora Kynreeve Helmet 0008B88A  
Dremora Kynreeve Helmet 0000C57D  
Dremora Kynreeve Robe 00066A36  
Dremora Kynreeve Shield 0000C57E  
Dremora Kynreeve Shield 0003E9B2  
Dremora Kynval Boots 0003E9BB  
Dremora Kynval Cuirass 0003E9C1  
Dremora Kynval Greaves 0003E9AE  
Dremora Kynval Helmet 0008B888  
Dremora Kynval Robe 00066A35  
Dremora Markynaz Boots 0000C57F  
Dremora Markynaz Boots 0003E9B6  
Dremora Markynaz Cuirass 0000C580  
Dremora Markynaz Cuirass 0003E9B7  
Dremora Markynaz Greaves 0000C581  
Dremora Markynaz Greaves 0003E9B8  
Dremora Markynaz Robe 00066A39  
Dremora Valkynaz Robe 00066A3A  
Dwarven Boots 00036347  
Dwarven Ceremonial Shield 000C5610  
Dwarven Cuirass 00036349  
Dwarven Gauntlets 00036346  
Dwarven Greaves 00036348  
Dwarven Helmet 000733F1  
Dwarven Helmet 00036345  
Dwarven Shield 000733EE  
Dwarven Shield 0003634A  
Dwarvenskin Shield 0002C220  
Eagle Feather Shield 000489AA  
Ebony Boots 00036353  
Ebony Ceremonial Gauntlets 000C5615  
Ebony Ceremonial Shield 000C561E  
Ebony Cuirass 0002AD85  
Ebony Gauntlets 00036352  
Ebony Greaves 00036354  
Ebony Helmet 000733F3  
Ebony Helmet 00036351  
Ebony Shield 000733EF  
Ebony Shield 00036356  
Elven Boots 0002299F  
Elven Boots 00014F13  
Elven Ceremonial Cuirass 000C55FE  
Elven Ceremonial Helmet 000CAB65  
Elven Ceremonial Shield 000C7984  
Elven Cuirass 0002299C  
Elven Cuirass 00014F0D  
Elven Gauntlets 0002299E  
Elven Gauntlets 00014F10  
Elven Greaves 0002299D  
Elven Greaves 00014F11  
Elven Helmet 000229A1  
Elven Helmet 000733E5  
Elven Helmet 00014F12  
Elven Shield 000229A0  
Elven Shield 000977C1  
Emperor's Boots 0001FECE  
Emperor's Cuirass 0003ABB9  
Emperor's Gauntlets 0001FED0  
Emperor's Greaves 0001FED1  
Emperor's Helmet 0001FED2  
Emperor's Robe 0000C4D5  
Enchanterbane Helmet 00049514  
Escutcheon of Chorrol 0008B07D  
Escutcheon of Chorrol 0006BDFA  
Escutcheon of Chorrol 0006BDFB  
Escutcheon of Chorrol 0006BDFC  
Escutcheon of Chorrol 0006BDFD  
Escutcheon of Chorrol 0006BDFE  
Extinguishing Shield 0004951E  
Eyes of Akatosh 0004951B  
Fence Cuirass 00049154  
Ferocious Cuirass 0004968C  
Fin Gleam 00082DD8  
Fire Greaves 00049512  
Fire Ritual Greaves 00049699  
Firewalker Greaves 00049176  
Fists of the Drunkard 000CA11A  
Flamewalker Greaves 0002C229  
Fleetfoot Boots 00049360  
Flowing Greaves 0004939C  
Footpad's Boots 00049156  
Forgemaster's Gauntlets 00049523  
Fortress Shield 00049653  
Frost Shield 00049656  
Frozen Shield 00049693  
Fur Boots 00024767  
Fur Cuirass 00024766  
Fur Gauntlets 00024765  
Fur Greaves 00024764  
Fur Helmet 00024768  
Fur Helmet 000733E2  
Fur Shield 00025056  
Fur Shield 000977BE  
Gauntlets of Blinding Speed 00047891  
Gauntlets of Brutality 00049691  
Gauntlets of Brutality 0002C217  
Gauntlets of Force 0004F3F3  
Gauntlets of Gluttony 000CA11C  
Gauntlets of Infiltration 00049155  
Gauntlets of Life Detection 00049167  
Gauntlets of Life Seeing 0004935C  
Gauntlets of Life Sight 0004937C  
Gauntlets of Lockbreaking 000A5780  
Gauntlets of Might 00049669  
Gauntlets of Passing 000A5781  
Gauntlets of Potence 0004951F  
Gauntlets of Punishment 0002C221  
Gauntlets of Revelation 00049507  
Gauntlets of Survival 0004969A  
Gauntlets of the Battle~mage 00047894  
Gauntlets of the Equinox 0004936C  
Gauntlets of the Forge 00049524  
Gauntlets of the Fray 00049671  
Gauntlets of the Gladiator 00049654  
Gauntlets of the Horker 000489AB  
Gauntlets of the Hunter 0004F3F0  
Gauntlets of the North 0004965D  
Gauntlets of the Pugilist 0004789B  
Gauntlets of the Rat 000489A5  
Gauntlets of the Scout 0004914A  
Gauntlets of the Sentinel 00049665  
Gauntlets of the Tundra 0004915C  
Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster 0004788C  
Gauntlets of the Woodsman 000489A3  
Gauntlets of Vigor 00049500  
Gauntlets of Winter 0004F402  
General's Cuirass 00049655  
General's Shield 00049369  
Glass Boots 00036341  
Glass Ceremonial Cuirass 0v00C560B  
Glass Ceremonial Gauntlets 000C560D  
Glass Ceremonial Shield 000C560E  
Glass Cuirass 00036343  
Glass Gauntlets 00036340  
Glass Greaves 00036342  
Glass Helmet 000733E6  
Glass Helmet 0003633F  
Glass Shield 000733E1  
Glass Shield 00036344  
Gloves of the Caster 00047893  
Greaves of Canyon Striding 00049364  
Greaves of Fire Resistance 0004936B  
Greaves of Fluid Motion 000493A4  
Greaves of Free Movement 0004936F  
Greaves of Freedom 0004F404  
Greaves of Grace 0004937D  
Greaves of Legerity 00049169  
Greaves of Movement 0004938A  
Greaves of Poise 00049398  
Greaves of Proficiency 00049365  
Greaves of Protection 00049382  
Greaves of Purity 000493AB  
Greaves of Quickness 0004914D  
Greaves of Resilient Flesh 000478A3  
Greaves of Shaded Rest 00049387  
Greaves of Skill 00049152  
Greaves of Spell Absorption 0004917E  
Greaves of Spell Consumption 00049376  
Greaves of the Acrobat 0004916E  
Greaves of the Cat 0004899D  
Greaves of the Deep Dweller 00049679  
Greaves of the Everlasting 0004937F  
Greaves of the Flame 0004965C  
Greaves of the Foot~soldier 0004916F  
Greaves of the Kiln 000493A1  
Greaves of the Laborer 0004966B  
Greaves of the Monkey 000489A1  
Greaves of the Rhino 000489A2  
Greaves of the Sun 000478A1  
Greaves of the Tree Runner 00049381  
Greaves of the Tumbler 00049151  
Greaves of the Unstoppable 0004969C  
Greaves of the Warmonger 0004968B  
Greaves of Well-Being 0004788F  
Grounded Boots 000478A2  
Guard Helmet 0002767C  
Hammerfell Shield 0004950A  
Hand of Akatosh 00049657  
Hands of Midnight 00082DDF  
Hands of the Atronach 000CA118  
Hardened Shield 000493A9  
Heavy Raiment of Valor 000355FA  
Helm of Ferocity 000CA11B  
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw 000A5659  
Helm of the Deep Delver 000CA119  
Helmet of Arkay 00049506  
Helmet of Enlightenment 00049363  
Helmet of Exposition 00049396  
Helmet of Life Detection 00049168  
Helmet of Life Seeing 0004935D  
Helmet of Life Sight 0004937B  
Helmet of Magicka Resistance 0004936D  
Helmet of Night Eye 00049175  
Helmet of Power 00049522  
Helmet of Spell Resistence 0004F403  
Helmet of the Apprentice 0004915D  
Helmet of the Deep 00049664  
Helmet of the Drowned 000496A5  
Helmet of the Flood 0002C24E  
Helmet of the Hunter 0004F3F1  
Helmet of the Lemur 000489AC  
Helmet of the Mage 0004789E  
Helmet of the Mind 00047890  
Helmet of the Owl 000489A0  
Helmet of the Scout 0004914B  
Helmet of the Sentinel 00049666  
High Rock Helmet 00049503  
Horselord's Cuirass 0004F3FB  
Huntsman Gauntlets 000A577B  
Ice Cuirass 000478A0  
Imperial Dragon Boots 000ADD4E  
Imperial Dragon Boots 000ADDA3  
Imperial Dragon Cuirass 000ADD50  
Imperial Dragon Cuirass 000ADDAA  
Imperial Dragon Gauntlets 000ADD51  
Imperial Dragon Gauntlets 000ADE26  
Imperial Dragon Greaves 000ADD52  
Imperial Dragon Greaves 000ADE27  
Imperial Dragon Helmet 000ADDA2  
Imperial Dragon Helmet 000ADE2A  
Imperial Horseman Helmet 0009416A  
Imperial Palace Cuirass 00064F75  
Imperial Watch Boots 0018AE4B  
Imperial Watch Cuirass 0018AE4C  
Imperial Watch Gauntlets 0018AE4D  
Imperial Watch Greaves 0018AE4E  
Imperial Watch Helmet 0018AE4F  
Imperial Watch Shield 000653F7  
Infiltrator's Gauntlets 00049172  
Inquisitor's Gauntlets 0002C214  
Inquisitor's Helmet 0002C212  
Insulated Shield 000493AA  
Iron Boots 0001C6CF  
Iron Cuirass 0001C6D1  
Iron Gauntlets 0001C6D2  
Iron Greaves 0001C6D0  
Iron Helmet 000733EB  
Iron Helmet 0001C6CE  
Iron Mountain Shield 00049681  
Iron Shield 000733ED  
Iron Shield 000352C1  
Ironheart Cuirass 00049502  
Knights of the Thorn Shield 0012DD1D  
Kvatch Cuirass 000C49BF  
Kvatch Cuirass 000C49C0  
Kvatch Cuirass 000C49C1  
Kvatch Cuirass 000C49C2  
Kvatch Cuirass 000C49C3  
Kvatch Cuirass 000C49C4  
Kvatch Cuirass 0002767A  
Kvatch Shield 000352CD  
Leather Boots 0002319B  
Leather Bracer 000229A9  
Leather Cuirass 0002319A  
Leather Cuirass 0000C1D6  
Leather Gauntlets 00023199  
Leather Greaves 00023198  
Leather Greaves 0015985E  
Leather Helmet 0002319C  
Leather Helmet 000733E3  
Leather Shield 00025058  
Leather Shield 000977BF  
Legion Boots 00028ADE  
Legion Cuirass 00028ADF  
Legion Gauntlets 00028AE0  
Legion Greaves 00028AE1  
Legion Helmet 00028AE2  
Legion Shield 000352D3  
Leyawiin Cuirass 0002767B  
Leyawiin Shield 000352CF  
Light Iron Shield 00032D49  
Light Iron Shield 000733E0  
Light Raiment of Valor 0003563E  
Lightfoot Boots 00049508  
Lightning Run Boots 00049399  
Lightning Strider Boots 0004F405  
Lightning Strider Shield 0002ADCF  
Lion's Paw Gauntlets 0004F3FA  
Mage Fighter's Greaves 00049683  
Mage's Helmet 0004916D  
Magebane Greaves 0002C247  
Magehunter's Helmet 00049178  
Magekiller Greaves 000496A4  
Mageslayer's Helmet 0002C235  
Magnifying Gauntlets 000A5782  
Marathon Greaves 0004916B  
Masque of Clavicus Vile 000228EE  
Master Forge Gauntlets 0004966E  
Merchant's Cuirass 00049171  
Mercury Shield 00049678  
Miner's Boots 0004966F  
Mirror Shield 0004789F  
Mithril Boots 0002C0FC  
Mithril Cuirass 0002C0FE  
Mithril Gauntlets 0002C100  
Mithril Greaves 0002C102  
Mithril Helmet 0002C104  
Mithril Helmet 000733E4  
Mithril Shield 000352BF  
Mithril Shield 000977C0  
Monkeypants 000CA112  
Monolithic Shield 0002C244  
Moonlight Gauntlets 0004F3FE  
Moonlight Shield 0004F3FD  
Moonshadow Gauntlets 0002C224  
Moonshadow Shield 0002C226  
Mountaineer's Gauntlets 0004967A  
Mountaineer's Shield 00049673  
Mudcrab Shield 000489B2  
Nighteye Helmet 00049368  
Nimble Greaves 0004935F  
Nord Gauntlets 00049177  
Nordslayer Gauntlets 0002C233  
Ogre Skin Shield 0002ADCE  
Orcish Boots 0003634D  
Orcish Cuirass 0003634F  
Orcish Gauntlets 0003634C  
Orcish Greaves 0003634E  
Orcish Helmet 000733F2  
Orcish Helmet 0003634B  
Orcish Shield 00036350  
Orcish Shield 000977BD  
Outrider Shield 00049163  
Peak Climber's Boots 0004968F  
Pinarus' Iron Cuirass 000CBD4F  
Pit Boots 00008A78  
Pit Cuirass 00008A76  
Pit Gauntlets 00008A79  
Pit Greaves 00008A77  
Pit Helmet 00008A7A  
Quartz Cuirass 000493A3  
Quicksilver Boots 000CA113  
Rasheda's Special 000CA114  
Reflecting Helmet 000493A2  
Retributive Justice 00049511  
Riverwalking Boots 00049164  
Rough Leather Boots 0015985B  
Rough Leather Cuirass 0015985C  
Rough Leather Gauntlets 0015985D  
Rough Leather Helmet 0015985F  
Rough Leather Shield 00047AC8  
Royal Cuirass 00049516  
Rugged Cuirass 00049501  
Ruined Akaviri Shield 0001C161  
Rusty Iron Cuirass 000661C1  
Rusty Iron Gauntlets 000661C2  
Rusty Iron Greaves 000661C3  
Rusty Iron Helmet 000661C4  
Rusty Iron Shield 000661C5  
Salamander Scale Shield 0004899C  
Salubrious Cuirass 0004F3F6  
Savage Gauntlets 00049689  
Saviour's Hide 00027107  
Seastrider's Helmet 0002ADD1  
Shaman Helmet 0004968D  
Shield of Animus 0002C228  
Shield of Elsweyr 0004950E  
Shield of Frost 00049157  
Shield of Grounding 00053D79  
Shield of Justice 00053D76  
Shield of Lightning 000496A3  
Shield of Mirrors 000493A0  
Shield of Nature's Vengence 00049385  
Shield of Reflection 0004F400  
Shield of Retribution 00049677  
Shield of Retributive Strike 0004F3FF  
Shield of Returning 0004936A  
Shield of Shattering 0004939F  
Shield of Storms 00049375  
Shield of Summer 00049366  
Shield of the Divine 0004965A  
Shield of the Elements 0004789D  
Shield of the Empire 00049510  
Shield of the Flame 00053D74  
Shield of the North 00053D75  
Shield of the Pathfinder 00049675  
Shield of the Red Moun~tain 0004935E  
Shield of the Sun 00049658  
Shield of the Tower 00049519  
Shield of the Turtle 00053D78  
Shield of the Unbroken 000496A2  
Shield of the Undefeated 00049663  
Shield of the Unrelenting 00049690  
Shield of the Untamed 00049698  
Shield of Vengence 0002C227  
Shield of Vindication 0004915A  
Shield of Winter Solstice 00049383  
Shrouded Armor 000347F7  
Shrouded Hood 000347F4  
Silica Boots 000493AC  
Skingrad Cuirass 0001DC4B  
Skingrad Shield 000352D1  
Skyrim Gauntlets 00049513  
Slavemaster's Greaves 0002C239  
Smelter Shield 000494FF  
Smuggler's Boots 000A5783  
Sniper Gauntlets 00049153  
Snowblind Gauntlets 00049694  
Snowblind Shield 00049695  
Solid Shield 00049374  
Spell Breaker 000897C2  
Spellbinder Greaves 0002ADD0  
Spellblocker Shield 0004915B  
Spelltaker's Greaves 00049391  
Spiked Shield 00049697  
Stalwart Cuirass 0004F3F4  
Steel Boots 000229A5  
Steel Cuirass 000229A2  
Steel Gauntlets 0001C6D8  
Steel Greaves 000229A3  
Steel Helmet 000229A4  
Steel Helmet 0006AA9B  
Steel Helmet 000733EC  
Steel Shield 00023923  
Steel Shield 000977C2  
Storm Stomper Boots 0004969E  
Stormhammer Boots 0004967D  
Stormhammer Shield 00049682  
Stormlord's Shield 0002C245  
Stormrider Boots 0004938C  
Stormrider Shield 00049390  
Sunburst Gauntlets 0004950D  
Swamp Boots 00049687  
Sylvan Barkshield 0004938F  
Sylvan Scout Boots 0004937E  
Tempered Greaves 0004939D  
The Gray Aegis 0002996A  
Thiefhunter's Gauntlets 0004951C  
Threefold Shield 00049386  
Tiger Fang Shield 000489A9  
Tireless Greaves 00049361  
Tireless Greaves 0004F3F5  
Tower of the Nine 000CA116  
Umbra's Ebony Boots 0000A307  
Umbra's Ebony Boots 0000A30D  
Umbra's Ebony Cuirass 0000A308  
Umbra's Ebony Cuirass 0000A30E  
Umbra's Ebony Gauntlets 0000A309  
Umbra's Ebony Gauntlets 0000A30F  
Umbra's Ebony Greaves 0000A30A  
Umbra's Ebony Greaves 0000A310  
Umbra's Ebony Helmet 0000A30B  
Umbra's Ebony Helmet 0000A311  
Umbra's Ebony Shield 0000A30C  
Umbra's Ebony Shield 0000A312  
Unyielding Cuirass 0004936E  
Valdemar's Shield 00187BB9  
Valdemar's Shield 00187BBA  
Valdemar's Shield 00187BBB  
Valdemar's Shield 00187BBC  
Viperbane Cuirass 00036355  
Vvardenfell Trader's Cuirass 000A577D  
Warforger's Gauntlets 0002C21D  
Warmage's Helmet 0004966D  
Warmaster Gauntlets 0004968E  
Waterwalking Boots 0004917F  
Weaponbane Cuirass 0004967B  
Weaponward Cuirass 0004915E  
Winterbane Shield 0004F3FC  
Witchfinder's Shield 0004965B  
Witchhunter Helmet 0004965E  
Wizard's Helmet 00049150

Message édité par HoK le 30-04-2006 à 03:46:09

Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:44:27  profilanswer

? non mé t pas obligé de t'en servir...Mais ca peut être utile quand tu est à +250H de jeu comme moi...
Attends a cause de l'anti flood je peut pas tout poster d'un coup et c'est pas fini  
(la liste est en cours de traduction... et désolé mais j'aime pas trop sarkozy...)

Spoiler :

Arrow of Blizzards 0004BF0B  
Arrow of Brilliance 00008A4D  
Arrow of Burning 0004BEFB  
Arrow of Cleansing 000CD53F  
Arrow of Cold 0004BF02  
Arrow of Cowardice 0003DFDB  
Arrow of Discord 0003BF67  
Arrow of Dispel 0004BF11  
Arrow of Drain Magicka 0004BF00  
Arrow of Embers 0004BF10  
Arrow of Extrication 00022DB5  
Arrow of Fatigue 0003DFD6  
Arrow of Fear 0003DFD8  
Arrow of Fire 0004BF07  
Arrow of Flames 0004BF04  
Arrow of Freezing 0004BF05  
Arrow of Frost 0004BEF9  
Arrow of Harm 0003DFD7  
Arrow of Hexing 00159676  
Arrow of Illumination 00008A4C  
Arrow of Immolation 000CD542  
Arrow of Jinxing 0004BEFF  
Arrow of Jolts 0004BEFD  
Arrow of Light 00008A4F  
Arrow of Lightning 0004BF0C  
Arrow of Misery 0003DFD9  
Arrow of Numbing 0004BEFC  
Arrow of Qualms 0003DFDA  
Arrow of Savage Frost 000CD540  
Arrow of Scorching 0004BF01  
Arrow of Shocking 0004BF03  
Arrow of Silence 0003DFDC  
Arrow of Sparks 0004BEFA  
Arrow of Stillness 0003DFDD  
Arrow of Storm Strike 000CD543  
Arrow of Storms 0004BF0F  
Arrow of Sunlight 0000BAD9  
Arrow of the Blaze 0004BF0A  
Arrow of the Dynamo 0004BF09  
Arrow of the Glacier 0004BF08  
Arrow of the Inferno 0004BF0D  
Arrow of the North Winds 000CD545  
Arrow of Voltage 0004BF06  
Arrow of Winter 0004BF0E  
Arrow of Withering 0003CB6C  
Daedric Arrow 0001EFD3  
Dremora Barbed Arrow 000872A7  
Dremora Broadhead Arrow 000872A6  
Dremora Field Arrow 000872A5  
Dwarven Arrow 00022BE2  
Ebony Arrow 0001EFD5  
Elven Arrow 000229C0  
Flare Arrow 00008A4E  
Glass Arrow 00022BE1  
Hatreds Soul Arrow 00014EB3  
Iron Arrow 00017829  
Magebane Arrow 000CD544  
Rose of Sithis 0003266D  
SilverArrow 0001EFD4  
Steel Arrow 000229C1  
Stormcall Arrow 000CD541

Message édité par HoK le 30-04-2006 à 03:45:54

Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:45:16  profilanswer

OBLIVION CHEATS - Books & Scrolls  

Spoiler :

"2920, Evening Star (v12)" 000243DB  
"2920, First Seed (v3)" 000243D7  
"2920, Frostfall (v10)" 000243F5  
"2920, Hearth Fire (v9)" 000243F4  
"2920, Last Seed (v8)" 00024547  
"2920, MidYear (v6)" 00024402  
"2920, Morning Star (v1)" 000243E4  
"2920, Rain's Hand (v4)" 0002453F  
"2920, Second Seed (v5)" 0002454D  
"2920, Sun's Dawn (v2)" 00024538  
"2920, Sun's Dusk (v11)" 000243D3  
"2920, Sun's Height (v7)" 00024534  
"A Dance in Fire, v 7" 00024536  
"A Dance in Fire, v1" 000243CB  
"A Dance in Fire, v2" 000243EA  
"A Dance in Fire, v3" 000243DF  
"A Dance in Fire, v4" 000243CC  
"A Dance in Fire, v5" 00024411  
"A Dance in Fire, v6" 00024535  
"Biography of Barenziah, v 1" 00024550  
"Biography of Barenziah, v 2" 00024551  
"Biography of Barenziah, v 3" 00024552  
"Biography of Barenziah, v 3" 00024553  
"Brief History of the Empire, v 1" 00024554  
"Brief History of the Empire, v 2" 00024555  
"Brief History of the Empire, v 3" 00024556  
"Brief History of the Empire, v 4" 00024557  
"Fighters Guild History, 1st Ed." 000A915C  
"Frontier, Conquest" 00024566  
"Gray Fox, Man or Myth?" 0006D6EE  
"Mannimarco, King of Worms" 000243D0  
"Mystery of Talara, v 1" 000243CE  
"Mystery of Talara, v 2" 00024540  
"Mystery of Talara, v 3" 000243FB  
"Mystery of Talara, v 4" 0002440A  
"Mystery of Talara, v 5" 00024580  
"Palla, volume 1" 00024409  
"Palla, volume 2" 000243DD  
"Slythe's Journal, page 1" 0018BC23  
"Slythe's Journal, page 2" 0018D25B  
"Slythe's Journal, page 3" 0018D25D  
"Souls, Black and White" 00073A6B  
"The Argonian Account, Book 1" 000243E2  
"The Argonian Account, Book 2" 00024559  
"The Argonian Account, Book 3" 00024407  
"The Argonian Account, Book 4" 0002455A  
"The Black Arrow, v 1" 000243CD  
"The Black Arrow, v 2" 00024531  
"The Real Barenziah, v 1" 00024570  
"The Real Barenziah, v 2" 00024571  
"The Real Barenziah, v 3" 00024572  
"The Real Barenziah, v 4" 00024573  
"The Real Barenziah, v 5" 00024574  
"The Wolf Queen, v 1" 00024542  
"The Wolf Queen, v 2" 000243FD  
"The Wolf Queen, v 3" 00024406  
"The Wolf Queen, v 4" 00024533  
"The Wolf Queen, v 5" 0002454C  
"The Wolf Queen, v 6" 00024546  
"The Wolf Queen, v 7" 0002454E  
"The Wolf Queen, v 8" 00024581  
"Worn, Faded Note" 0002C500  
A Bloody Journal 0002FF32  
A Children's Anuad 00024576  
A Game at Dinner 000243CF  
A Hypothetical Treachery 000243F9  
A Less Rude Song 00024569  
A Life of Uriel Septim VII 000AA07D  
A New Guild for Fighters? 00098682  
A Poorly Scrawled Note 000C45B3  
Absorb Agility 000849F7  
Absorb Endurance 000849D2  
Absorb Fatigue 000849D8  
Absorb Health 000849D9  
Absorb Intelligence 000849D3  
Absorb Luck 000849D4  
Absorb Magicka 0000A94E  
Absorb Major Magicka 0000A94F  
Absorb Maximal Magicka 0000A950  
Absorb Minimal Magicka 000849DD  
Absorb Minor Magicka 0000A94D  
Absorb Skill: Acrobatics 000849DE  
Absorb Skill: Alchemy 000849DF  
Absorb Skill: Alteration 000849E0  
Absorb Skill: Armorer 000849E1  
Absorb Skill: Athletics 000849E2  
Absorb Skill: Blade 000849E3  
Absorb Skill: Block 000849E4  
Absorb Skill: Blunt 000849E5  
Absorb Skill: Conjuration 000849E6  
Absorb Skill: Destruction 000849E7  
Absorb Skill: Hand to Hand 000849E8  
Absorb Skill: Heavy Armor 000849E9  
Absorb Skill: Illusion 000849EA  
Absorb Skill: Light Armor 000849ED  
Absorb Skill: Marksman 000849EC  
Absorb Skill: Mercantile 000849EB  
Absorb Skill: Mysticism 000849EE  
Absorb Skill: Restoration 000849EF  
Absorb Skill: Security 000849F0  
Absorb Skill: Sneak 000849F1  
Absorb Skill: Speechcraft 000849F2  
Absorb Speed 000849D5  
Absorb Strength 000849D6  
Absorb Willpower 000849D7  
Adamus Phillida Slain! 0006D6ED  
Advances in Lock Picking 00073A65  
Aegis 0008991F  
Aevar Stone-Singer 00024543  
Agnar's Journal 000C55DF  
Ahzirr Traajijazeri 000243FE  
Akaviri Diary Translation 0001C162  
Alluring Gaze 00084AEF  
Alval Uvani's Schedule 00066200  
Amantius Allectus' Diary 000355ED  
Ancotar's Journal 00185934  
Andre's Letter 000C56D9  
Annal of the Fire Nexus 000CA11F  
Anvil Tarts Thwarted! 00066CD5  
Aquatic Adaptation 0008ADA8  
Aquatic Evolution 0008ADAA  
Aquatic Transcendence 0008ADAB  
Arcana Restored 00024584  
Arctic Blow 000888EE  
Assassination! 000274EE  
Ayleid Reference Text 0003353B  
Azura and the Box 0002453B  
Battle of Sancre Tor 00073A61  
Beast of Burden 000888B9  
Before the Ages of Man 00073A63  
Beggar 000243E1  
Beggar Prince 0001FB53  
Beguile 000150B9  
Beguiling Touch 00084AF1  
Bible of the Deep Ones 000C7B33  
Biography of the Wolf Queen 0002454B  
Blazing Spear 000888C0  
Blizzard 000888E5  
Bound Axe 000849F3  
Bound Boots 000849F4  
Bound Bow 000849F5  
Bound Cuirass 000849F6  
Bound Dagger 000849F8  
Bound Gauntlets 000849F9  
Bound Greaves 000849FA  
Bound Helmet 000849FB  
Bound Mace 000849FC  
Bound Shield 000849FD  
Bound Sword 000849FE  
Brenus Astis' Journal 0002A577  
Burdening Touch 00084AE2  
Burning Touch 000888C3  
Calcinator Treatise 00073A5F  
Calming Touch 00084AEA  
Candlelight 000898EE  
Chameleon 00084AEB  
Cherim's Heart of Anequina 000243DC  
Cheydinhal Heir Saved! 00066CD3  
Children of the Sky 00024587  
Chimarvamidium 00024403  
Chronicle of Sacrifice 000CA11D  
Cleansing of the Fane 0002C8DD  
Cloak 00084AED  
Cold Touch 000888EB  
Command Creature 00084AF3  
Command Humanoid 00084AF5  
Commanding Touch 00084AF7  
Consume Health 000849DB  
Convalescence 000C7666  
Corrode Armor 00088891  
Corrode Weapon 00088893  
Crumpled Note 00074A8A  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000624D1  
crumpled piece of paper 000624D2  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000AA07E  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000AA07F  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000AA080  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000AA081  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000AA082  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000AA083  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 0008DC4A  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 0008DC4C  
Cure Disease 00087293  
Cure Paralysis 00087294  
Cure Poison 00087295  
Damage Agility 00087296  
Damage Fatigue 0008729D  
Damage Intelligence 00087298  
Damage Luck 00087299  
Damage Speed 0008729A  
Damage Strength 0008729B  
Damage Willpower 0008729C  
Dar-Ma's Diary 000280A9  
Darkest Darkness 00024564  
Daughter of the Niben 000243D4  
Daylight 000898F0  
De Rerum Dirennis 000243D2  
Dead Drop Orders #1 0002FB3E  
Dead Drop Orders #2 00031B2A  
Dead Drop Orders #3 0002FB3B  
Dead Drop Orders #4 00030146  
Dead Drop Orders #5 00030194  
Dead Drop Orders #6 00030195  
Dead Drop Orders #7 000301AD  
Dead Drop Orders #8 0000396B  
Death Blow of Abernanit 000243E8  
Debilitate 000898FB  
Deed to Benirus Manor 0000A1BC  
Defend 0008991C  
Devour Health 000849DC  
Diary of Springheel Jak 000152FC  
Dire Enervation 000888A4  
Dire Sever Magicka 00088885  
Dire Wound 000888A7  
Dirty Scroll 0006BFAC  
Disintegrate Armor 00088892  
Disintegrate Weapon 00088894  
Dismiss Undead 0008ADA6  
Dispel 00088895  
Dispel Other 00088899  
Divining the Elder Scolls 0000A254  
Document of Purile Banter 000CA11E  
Dominate Creature 00084AF4  
Dominate Humanoid 00084AF6  
Dominating Touch 00084AF8  
Draconis Gift List 00002DAB  
Drain Skill: Alteration 000888AD  
Drain Skill: Blade 000888AE  
Drain Skill: Block 0008DC82  
Drain Skill: Blunt 0008DC81  
Drain Skill: Conjuration 000888AF  
Drain Skill: Destruction 000888B0  
Drain Skill: Hand to Hand 000888B1  
Drain Skill: Heavy Armor 000888B2  
Drain Skill: Heavy Armor 0008DC83  
Drain Skill: Illusion 000888B3  
Drain Skill: Marksman 000888B4  
Drain Skill: Mysticism 0008DC84  
Drain Skill: Restoration 000888B5  
Drain Skill: Sneak 0008DC85  
Dwemer History and Culture 00022B17  
Earana's Notes 000277AE  
Ease Burden 000888B6  
Elder Scroll 00022DB0  
Electric Shell 0008992C  
Electric Shield 0008992D  
Electric Touch 00089929  
Electrocution 00089927  
Elevate Magicka 00008874  
Encumbering Touch 00084AE4  
Enthralling Presence 00084AEE  
Entropic Bolt 0008729E  
Entropic Touch 00088881  
Eyes of Eventide 000898F5  
Eyes of Midnight 000898F6  
Fall of the Snow Prince 00024544  
Father Of The Niben 00024530  
Fearful Gaze 00088888  
Feyfolken I 000243E7  
Feyfolken II 000243ED  
Feyfolken III 000243F1  
Fingers of the Mountain 00001101  
Fire and Darkness 000243E5  
Fire Ball 000888BA  
Fire Shield 000888C9  
Fire Storm 000888BB  
Five Songs of King Wulfharth 00024588  
Flame Shield 000888C8  
Flame Tempest 000888BC  
Flame Touch 000888C4  
Flare 000888BE  
Flash Bolt 000888BF  
Folded Page 000624D3  
Followers of the Gray Fox 00024595  
Forged List of Candidates 0000C229  
Fortify Health 000888DB  
Fortify Magicka 000888DD  
Fragment: On Artaeum 00024589  
Fragment: Song of Hrormir 0000A256  
Frenzy 000888DF  
Frost Bolt 000888E8  
Frost Shell 000888EF  
Frost Touch 000888EC  
Fundaments of Alchemy 00024567  
Galerion The Mystic 00024568  
Gelebourne's Journal 00038447  
Ghost Walk 000898EA  
Gills 0008ADA9  
Glacial Wall 000888F1  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B0  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B1  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B2  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B3  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B4  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B5  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B6  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B7  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B8  
Glarthir's Notes 000831B9  
Glories and Laments 0000A2B3  
Gods and Worship 0002456F  
Grantham Blakeley's Map 000366B3  
Grasp of Terror 0008888B  
Gray Fox Unmasked! 0006D6EF  
Greater Convalescence 000C7667  
Greater Detect Life 0008888F  
Greater Dispel 00088896  
Greater Dispel Other 0008889A  
Greater Fortify Fatigue 000888DA  
Greater Fortify Health 000888DC  
Greater Fortify Magicka 000888DE  
Greater Restore Agility 00089906  
Greater Restore Endurance 00089908  
Greater Restore Intelligence 0008990A  
Greater Restore Luck 0008990C  
Greater Restore Personality 0008990E  
Greater Restore Speed 00089910  
Greater Restore Strength 00089912  
Greater Restore Willpower 00089914  
Greater Soul Trap 0008AD94  
Greater Spell Reflection 00089902  
Greatest Painter Safe! 00066CD4  
Guard 0008991D  
Guide to Anvil 0002455B  
Guide to Bravil 0002455F  
Guide to Bruma 0002455E  
Guide to Cheydinhal 00024561  
Guide to Chorrol 0002455D  
Guide to Leyawiin 00024560  
Guide to Skingrad 0002455C  
Guide to the Imperial City 00024562  
Hail Storm 000888E3  
Hailstone 000888E7  
Hallgerd's Tale 00024401  
Handbill 0006B5C8  
Handbill 0006B5C9  
Handbill 0006B5CA  
Handbill 0006B5CB  
Handbill 0006B5CC  
Handbill 0006B5CD  
Handbill 0006B5CE  
Handbill 0006B5CF  
Handbill 0006B5D0  
Handbill 0006B5D1  
Handbill 0006B5D2  
Handbill 0006B5D3  
Handbill 0006B5D4  
Handbill 0006B5D5  
Handbill 0006B5D6  
Handbill 0006B5D7  
Handbill 0006B5D8  
Handbill 0006B5D9  
Handbill 00071765  
Handbill 00071766  
Handbill 00071767  
Handbill 00071768  
Handbill 00071769  
Handbill 0007176A  
Handbill 0007176B  
Handbill 0007176C  
Handbill 0007176D  
Handbill 0007176E  
Handbill 0007176F  
Handbill 00071770  
Handbill 00071771  
Handbill 00071772  
Handbill 00071773  
Handbill 00071774  
Handbill 00071775  
Handbill 00071776  
Handbill 00071777  
Handbill 00071778  
Handbill 00071779  
Handbill 0007177A  
Handbill 0007177B  
Handbill 0007177C  
Handbill 0007177D  
Handbill 0007177E  
Handbill 0007177F  
Handbill 00071780  
Handbill 00071781  
Handbill 00071782  
Handbill 00071783  
Handbill 00071784  
Handbill 00071785  
Handbill 00071786  
Handbill 00071787  
Handbill 00071788  
Handbill 00071789  
Handbill 0007178A  
Handbill 0007178B  
Handwritten Note 000C7631  
Handwritten Note 0018BC65 [/b]  
Handwritten Note 0008DC48  
Handwritten Note 000908C7  
Hanging Gardens 0002458A  
Hastily Scrawled Note 00033DEC  
Heat Burst 000888C1  
Heat Shell 000888C7  
Heavy Armor Repair 00073A68  
Heroic Touch 00089901  
Heroism 000898FF  
Hiding with the Shadow 0001FB52  
Hindering Touch 00084AE3  
History of Lock Picking 0001FB51  
History of the Fighters Guild 00024405  
House Balcony Area 000B1626  
House Balcony Upgrade 000B1627  
House Bedroom Area 000B1581  
House Bedroom Area 000B1593  
House Bedroom Area 000B15AD  
House Bedroom Area 000B15DA  
House Bedroom Area 000B1628  
House Den Area 000B1624  
House Dining Area 00090EB3  
House Dining Area 000B157F  
House Dining Area 000B158D  
House Dining Area 000B15B3  
House Dining Area 000B15D8  
House Dining Area 000B1621  
House Dining Area 00092022  
House Dining Upgrade 000B15D9  
House Display Case Upgrade 000B162B  
House Dressing Area 000B15AE  
House Kitchen Area 00090EB2  
House Kitchen Area 000B1583  
House Kitchen Area 000B158E  
House Kitchen Area 000B15B1  
House Kitchen Area 000B15D5  
House Kitchen Area 000B1622  
House Kitchen Area 0009202C  
House Lower Storage Area 000B1594  
House Lower Wall Hangings 000B1595  
House Lower Wall Hangings 000B15B5  
House Lower Wall Hangings 000B15DD  
House Lower Wall Hangings 000B162E  
House Middle Wall Hangings 000B15DE  
House Racks Assortment 00090EB5  
House Reading Area 00090629  
House Reading Area 000B1580  
House Servants Quarters 000B15DB  
House Servants Quarters 000B162D  
House Sitting Area 000B15B2  
House Sitting Area 000B15D6  
House Sitting Area 000B1623  
House Sitting Area 0009202E  
House Storage Area 00090EB4  
House Storage Area 000B1584  
House Storage Area 000B15B0  
House Storage Area 000B162C  
House Storage Area 00092023  
House Study Area 000B1582  
House Study Area 000B1592  
House Study Area 000B15B4  
House Study Area 000B15D7  
House Study Area 000B162A  
House Suite Area 000B15DC  
House Upper Hall Area 000B15AF  
House Upper Hall Area 000B1625  
House Upper Sitting Area 000B1590  
House Upper Sitting Area 000B1629  
House Upper Storage Area 000B158F  
House Upper Wall Hangings 000B1591  
House Upper Wall Hangings 000B15B6  
House Upper Wall Hangings 000B15DF  
House Upper Wall Hangings 000B162F  
House Wall Hangings 00090EB6  
House Wall Hangings 000B1585  
House Wall Hangings 00092027  
How Orsinium Passed to Orcs 00024404  
Hush 0008AD8F  
Ice and Chitin 0002440C  
Ice Blast 000888EA  
Ice Bolt 000888E9  
Ice Shield 000888F0  
Ice Storm 000888E4  
Imbel Genealogy 000152FD  
Immobilize 000898FC  
Immolating Blast 000888C2  
Immortal Blood 000243FC  
Incident in Necrom 00024408  
Inspiration 000898FE  
Inspiring Touch 00089900  
Instructions 0006B5C6  
Instructions: the Gray Cowl 00014740  
Invitation from Umbacano 0002B458  
Jearl's Orders 0000C026  
Journal of Claudius Arcadia 00072296  
Journal of the Lord Lovidicus 00038B2F  
King 000243F0  
Knightfall 00022E65  
Lake Stride 0008ADAD  
Last Scabbard of Akrash 000243DA  
Leech Health 000849DA  
Legend of Krately House 00024549  
Legendary Detect Life 00088890  
Legendary Dispel 00088898  
Legendary Magicka Drain 000888AC  
Legendary Soul Trap 0008AD96  
Legendary Spell Absorption 0008AD99  
Legendary Spell Reflection 00089904  
Letter 000C654D  
Letter 0006B5C0  
Letter 0006B5C1  
Letter 0006B5C2  
Letter 0006B5C3  
Letter 0006B5C4  
Letter 0006B5C5  
Letter 0006B5C7  
Letter from Branwen 000A9668  
Letter to Mother 000AA084  
Letter to the Guild of Mages 000624D4  
Letter to the Guild of Mages 000624DB  
Letter to the Guild of Mages 000624DC  
Light Armor Repair 00073A67  
Lighten Load 000888B7  
Lightning Ball 00089921  
Lightning Blast 00089926  
Lightning Bolt 00089925  
Lightning Grasp 0008992A  
Lightning Storm 00089922  
Lightning Surge 0008992B  
Lightning Wall 0008992E  
Liminal Bridges 00073A60  
List of Candidates 0000C04A  
List of Death 00028D78  
List of Death 00028D79  
List of Death 00028D7B  
List of Death 00028D7C  
List of Death 00028D7F  
List of Death 00028D80  
List of Death 00028D82  
Lithnilian's Research Notes 00185377  
Log of the Emma May 000366B1  
Long Forgotten Note 000B6C0A  
Lord Jornibret's Last Dance 0002440D  
Lost Histories of Tamriel 000C4A2B  
Lost Histories of Tamriel 0000BF8C  
Love Letter from Relfina 0001E084  
Lynch's Instructions 00015727  
Macabre Manifest 0001D046  
Mace Etiquette 00073A66  
Mages Guild Charter 00026D8B  
Magic from the Sky 00078563  
Major Detect Life 0008888D  
Major Enervation 000888A3  
Major Heal Other 000B11FF  
Major Magicka Drain 000888AA  
Major Sever Magicka 00088884  
Major Soul Trap 0008AD93  
Major Wound 000888A6  
Manual of Armor 000AA288  
Manual of Arms 0002456A  
Manual of Spellcraft 0002456B  
Manual of Spellcraft 0006DDA1  
March of the Sea 0008ADAE  
Master Zoaraym's Tale 00024400  
Mesmerizing Grasp 00084AF2  
Messenger's Diary 0001C16C  
Minor Detect Life 0008888C  
Minor Enervation 000888A2  
Minor Heal Other 000B11FE  
Minor Magicka Drain 000888A9  
Minor Soul Trap 0008AD92  
Minor Wound 000888A5  
Mixed Unit Tactics 0002456C  
Modern Heretics 00026B1D  
Moonlight 000898ED  
More Than Mortal 0002453A  
Movement Mastery 0008ADA2  
Mute 0008AD90  
Mysterious Akavir 0002456E  
Mysterious Note 000355E0  
Mysterious Scroll 00094085  
Mysterium Xarxes 00005599  
Mysterium Xarxes 0008B60A  
Mysticism 0002458B  
Myth or Menace? 0001F113  
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1 00022B04  
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2 00022B05  
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 00022B06  
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 00022B07  
N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! 0002458D  
Necromancer's Moon 00002DD1  
Nerevar Moon and Star 0002458C  
New 'Doomstones' Series! 0006BD47  
New Watch Captain Named 0006D6F2  
Night Falls on Sentinel 000243EF  
Night Mother Rituals! 0007BEA0  
Nirnroot Missive 0004E95E  
Note 00068C10  
Note 00068C11  
Note 00068C12  
Note 00068C13  
Note 00068C14  
Note 00068C15  
Note 00068C16  
Note 00068C17  
Note 0002C524  
Note 000B073C  
Note from First Mate Filch 000738D8  
Note from Gray Fox 0000A1B1  
Note from Raminus Polus 0000A23B  
Note of Bounty 000B073D  
Note of Exception 000C6548  
Note to Gwinas 00022B83  
Notes on Racial Phylogeny 0002453D  
Notes: Captain Montrose 000950E2  
Oceanic Journey 0008ADAF  
Oghma Infinium 000228F1  
On Morrowind 0002456D  
On Oblivion 0002457E  
Open Average Lock 000898F9  
Open Easy Lock 000898F8  
Open Hard Lock 000898FA  
Open Very Easy Lock 000898F7  
Open Very Hard Lock 000CBF7B  
Oppressing Grasp 00084AE5  
Orders From Lucien Lachance 00035E03  
Origin of the Mages Guild 0002458F  
Pacification 00084AE8  
Pack Mule 000888B8  
Palace Break-In? 0006D6F4  
Pale Pass Discovery! 00066CD2  
Pale Pass Map 00066D69  
Paralyze 000898FD  
Parchment 000CAA9A  
Pension of the Ancestor Moth 000982F0  
Plan for the Big Heist 00022DB4  
Poor Burdened by Taxes! 0006D6F0  
Pranks Spoils Society Gathering! 00098689  
Proper Lock Design 00073A64  
Protect 0008991B  
Provinces of Tamriel 0002457F  
Psychic Motion 0008ADA0  
Public Notice 00071D50  
Purloined Shadows 0002454A  
Rage 000888E0  
Rain of Burning Dogs! 00098683  
Ramblings of Audens Avidius 0003D06B  
Reality & Other Falsehoods 00073A69  
Rebuke Undead 0008ADA5  
Recipe 0006DBBA  
Recipe 0006DBBB  
Recipe 0006DBBC  
Remanada 000BF1CF  
Remote Manipulation 0008AD9F  
Report: Disaster at Ionith 00024558  
Repulse Undead 0008ADA4  
Response to Bero's Speech 000243F8  
Restore Agility 00089905  
Restore Endurance 00089907  
Restore Intelligence 00089909  
Restore Luck 0008990B  
Restore Personality 0008990D  
Restore Speed 0008990F  
Restore Strength 00089911  
Restore Willpower 00089913  
Reverse Invisibility 0003001B  
Rislav The Righteous 0002440F  
River Walk 0008ADAC  
Ruins of Kemel-Ze 00024575  
Sacred Witness 00024548  
Scorching Blow 000888C6  
Scrap from Lorgren's Diary 00003A9B  
Sealed Forged Candidate List 0000C22A  
Sealed Note 00022173  
Searing Grasp 000888C5  
Seductive Charm 00084AF9  
Serenity 00084AE7  
Sever Magicka 00088883  
Shadow 00084AEC  
Shadow Shape 000898E9  
Shield 0008991E  
Shock 00089924  
Shocking Burst 00089920  
Shocking Touch 00089928  
Shop Hours 000C4284  
Shopping List 0006DBBD  
Shopping List 0006DBBE  
Shopping List 00154CD6  
Shopping List 00154CD7  
Shopping List 00154CD8  
Shopping List 00154CD9  
Shopping List 00154CDA  
Shopping List 00154CDB  
Shopping List 00154CDC  
Shopping List 00154CDD  
Silence 0008AD91  
Sithis 000243D6  
Sketch of the High Fane 0002AF00  
Snowball 000888E6  
Song Of Hrormir 000243E6  
Song of the Alchemists 000243D1  
Soothing Touch 00084AE9  
Spark 00089923  
Spectral Form 000898EB  
Spell Absorption 0008AD97  
Spirit of the Daedra 00024582  
Starlight 000898EC  
Stormrider Scroll 000CA120  
Suicide Note 001778D9  
Summon Clannfear 00015AD9  
Summon Daedroth 00015ADA  
Summon Dremora 00015AD8  
Summon Flame Atronach 00015AD7  
Summon Frost Atronach 00015ADC  
Summon Ghost 00015AD0  
Summon Headless Zombie 0008AD9E  
Summon Lich 00015AD3  
Summon Rufio's Ghost 0009190F  
Summon Scamp 00015AD5  
Summon Skeleton 00015ACF  
Summon Skeleton Archer 0008AD9A  
Summon Skeleton Champ 0008AD9B  
Summon Skeleton Hero 0008AD9C  
Summon Spider Daedra 00015AD6  
Summon Storm Atronach 00015ADD  
Summon Wraith 00015AD2  
Summon Wraith Gloom 0008AD9D  
Summon Xivilai 00015AD4  
Summon Zombie 00015AD1  
Summoning Dremora Lord 00015ADB  
Superior Convalescence 000C7668  
Superior Detect Life 0008888E  
Superior Magicka Drain 000888AB  
Superior Self 00088897  
Superior Soul Trap 0008AD95  
Superior Spell Absorption 0008AD98  
Superior Spell Reflection 00089903  
Superior Wound 000888A8  
Surfeit of Thieves 00024545  
Suspicious Letter 0003C37E  
Tamrielic Lore 0002457A  
Tavern Hours 000C47BD  
Telaendril's Ocheeva Note 00175F62  
Telekinesis 0008ADA1  
Ten Commands: Nine Divines 00024577  
Terrifying Presence 00088889  
The Amulet of Kings 00024578  
The Armorer's Challenge 000243D9  
The Art of War Magic 000243FA  
The Black Arts On Trial 00024539  
The Book of Daedra 00024563  
The Brothers of Darkness 00024586  
The Buying Game 00024532  
The Doors of Oblivion 000243F2  
The Dragon Break 000243D5  
The Eastern Provinces 00024565  
The Exodus 0002453E  
The Firmament 0002457B  
The Firsthold Revolt 00024537  
The Five Tenets 00024596  
The Gold Ribbon of Merit 00024410  
The Horrors of Castle Xyr 000243F7  
The Importance of Where 000243EE  
The Last King of the Ayleids 00058EEE  
The Legendary Sancre Tor 00073A62  
The Legendary Scourge 00024583  
The Locked Room 00024541  
The Lunar Lorkhan 000243D8  
The Lusty Argonian Maid 00078562  
The Madness of Pelagius 0002457D  
The Mirror 000243E9  
The Old Ways 0002458E  
The Path of Transcendence 0003647E  
The Pig Children 00024590  
The Posting of the Hunt 00024585  
The Ransom of Zarek 000243DE  
The Rear Guard 0002440B  
The Red Book of Riddles 00024591  
The Red Kitchen Reader 000243E0  
The Refugees 0002440E  
The Seed 000243FF  
The Third Door 000243F3  
The True Nature of Orcs 00024592  
The Warp in the West 000243EC  
The Warrior's Charge 000243F6  
The Waters of Oblivion 00024593  
The Wild Elves 00024594  
Thief 000243CA  
Thief of Virtue 0001F112  
Tome of Unlife 00003AA3  
Torchlight 000898EF  
Touch of Fear 0008888A  
Touch of Frenzy 000888E1  
Touch of Rage 000888E2  
Tragic Accident! Baenlin Dead! 000732B7  
Traitor's Diary 00003968  
Transfer Orders 000C4A29  
Transfer Orders 000982F1  
Trials of St. Alessia 00024579  
Turn Undead 0008ADA3  
Undelivered Letter 000C794B  
Vampire Nest in the City! 0006D6F3  
Varieties of Daedra 0002457C  
Vernaccus and Bourlor 0002452F  
Vicente's Note to Ocheeva 000693D2  
Voice of Dread 00088887  
Voice of Rapture 00084AF0  
Wanted Poster 000982EF  
Warrior 000243EB  
Water Breathing 0008ADA7  
Waterfront Raid Fails! 0006D6F1  
Waterfront Tax Records 000C4A2A  
Waterfront Tax Records 00034875  
Way of the Exposed Palm 00073A6A  
Weakness to Disease 0008ADB0  
Weakness to Fire 0008ADB1  
Weakness to Frost 0008ADB2  
Weakness to Magicka 0008ADB3  
Weakness to Poison 0008ADB5  
Weakness to Shock 0008ADB6  
Weakness to Weapons 0008ADB4  
Weathered Journal 000624D9  
Winter's Grasp 000888ED  
Withering Bolt 0008729F  
Withering Touch 00088882  
Withershins 0002453C  
Words and Philosophy 000243E3

Message édité par HoK le 30-04-2006 à 03:48:29

Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 03:49:12  profilanswer

OBLIVION CHEATS - Ingredients  

Spoiler :

Alkanet Flower 0003365C  
Aloe Vera Leaves 000A7924  
Ambrosia 000704A0  
Apple 0003365D  
Arrowroot 0003365E  
Ashes of Hindaril 000977DD  
Beef 0003365F  
Bergamot Seeds 000A7933  
Blackberry 00033663  
Bloodgrass 00033664  
Boar Meat 00033665  
Bog Beacon Asco Cap 0008446C  
Bonemeal 00048734  
Bonemeal 0001EBFF  
Bread Loaf 00023D89  
Cairn Bolete Cap 0006251E  
Carrot 00033666  
Carrot of Seeing 00082DE2  
Cheese Wedge 00033668  
Cheese Wheel 00033669  
Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap 0008529C  
Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap 0008529B  
Clannfear Claws 0003366A  
Clouded Funnel Cap 00084472  
Columbine Root Pulp 000A7925  
Corn 0003366B  
Crab Meat 0003366C  
Daedra Heart 0001EC8F  
Daedra Silk 00033670  
Daedra Venin 00033671  
Daedroth Teeth 00033672  
Dragon's Tongue 00025039  
Dreugh Wax 00033673  
Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap 0008529D  
Ectoplasm 0001EBFE  
Elf Cup Cap 0008529E  
Emetic Russula Cap 0008529F  
Fennel Seeds 000A7926  
Fire Salts 00033675  
Flax Seeds 000A7927  
Flour 00033674  
Fly Amanita Cap 00084471  
Foxglove Nectar 00033687  
Frost Salts 00022E5B  
Garlic 00033677  
Ginkgo Leaf 00033678  
Ginseng 00033679  
Glow Dust 0001EBE8  
Grapes 0003367B  
Green Stain Cup Cap 0008446A  
Green Stain Shelf Cap 0008529A  
Ham 0003367C  
Harrada 0003367D  
Human Heart 000CD51C  
Human Heart 00071F36  
Human Skin 00071F35  
Imp Fluid 000549BE  
Imp Gall 0002EE72  
Ironwood Nut 0003367E  
Jumbo Potato 00177A2A  
Lady's Mantle Leaves 000A7928  
Lady's Smock Leaves 000A7929  
Lavender Sprig 000A792A  
Leek 00033680  
Lettuce 00033681  
Lichor 0007049E  
Mandrake Root 00033683  
Milk Thistle Seeds 000A792C  
Minotaur Horn 00033568  
Monkshood Root Pulp 000A792E  
Morning Glory Root Pulp 000A792F  
Mort Flesh 00033685  
Motherwort Sprig 000A7930  
Mugwort Seeds 000A7931  
Mutton 00033686  
Nightshade 00033688  
Nirnroot 0004E940  
Ogre's Teeth 00033689  
Onion 0003368A  
Orange 0007588E  
Painted Troll Fat 0009209E  
Pear 0003368B  
Peony Seeds 000A7932  
Pinarus' Prize Minotaur Horn 000CBD45  
Poisoned Apple 000918F0  
Potato 0003368C  
Primrose Leaves 000A7934  
Pumpkin 0003368D  
Radish 0003368E  
Rat Meat 0003368F  
Rat Poison 00026B08  
Redwort Flower 0002503A  
Refined Frost Salts 00022F1A  
Rice 00033690  
Root Pulp 00033691  
Rumare Slaughterfish Scales 00185FE2  
S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread 00177A29  
Sacred Lotus Seeds 000A7936  
Scales 00033692  
Scamp Skin 00033693  
Shepherd's Pie 000B97E9  
Somnalius Frond 00033696  
Spiddal Stick 00033697  
St. Jahn's Wort Nectar 000A7939  
Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap 0008446B  
Stinkhorn Cap 0008446D  
Strawberry 00033699  
Summer Bolete Cap 00084470  
Sweetcake 0003369A  
Sweetroll 0003369B  
Taproot 000AF06E  
Tiger Lily Nectar 000A792B  
Tinder Polypore Cap 0008446F  
Tobacco 0003369D  
Tomato 0003369E  
Troll Fat 00026B5C  
Unicorn Horn 0001EC5B  
Vampire Dust 0004872C  
Vampire Dust 00009182  
Venison 0002229B  
Viper's Bugloss Leaves 000A793B  
Void Salts 0003369F  
Water Hyacinth Nectar 000A793C  
Watermelon 000336A0  
Wheat Grain 000336A1  
White Seed Pod 000336A2  
Wisp Stalk Caps 0006251F  
Wormwood Leaves 000A793E


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:06:35  profilanswer


Spoiler :

A Rusty Key 00024FE9  
A Warlock's Luck Key 0000A076  
Abandoned House Key 000034F3  
Adrian Decanius' House 0001777A  
Aelwin's Key 00067DD4  
Agarmir's House Key 00022BB6  
Agnete's Key 00029187  
Agronak's Mysterious Key 00038EE9  
Ahdarji 's House Key 00035989  
Akaviri Fort Key 0001C17C  
Alberic Litte's Key 0002921A  
Aldos Othran's Key 000034E3  
Algot's House Key 0001D35C  
Allectus' Key 0001DA89  
Alval Uvani's Key 00035982  
Ancestor Moth Key 0009DAC6  
Ancestor Moth Temple 00098307  
Andragil's Key 0000A080  
Angelie's House Key 00022BB2  
Antoinetta Marie's Key 000693D9  
Anvil Chapel Key 0000A261  
Anvil Dungeon Key 0000A264  
Arcane Univ. Enchanter's Key 00092155  
Arch-Mage's Key 00005297  
Archer's Paradox Key 0000A077  
Aredil's House Key 00022BDF  
Aren's Strange Key 00090746  
Aren's Tower Key 00098308  
Arkay Chapel Undercroft Key 00091ADA  
Arnora's Chest Key 00093555  
Arnora's Key 00035E51  
Arriana Valga's Key 000242B6  
Arriana Valga's Quarters Key 000C5581  
Arvena Thelas' Key 0000A26A  
Arvin Dalvilu's Key 0009824D  
Astinia Atius' Key 00022BC3  
Athram House Key 00022BB9  
Ayleid Cask Key 000A6570  
Baenlin's Key 00035E48  
Baeralorn's Key 0000C0F4  
Bantien's Key 00022BB4  
Barash House Key 000513C1  
Basement Key 00035E50  
Baurus' Key 0001E702  
Beldaburo Key 0005E182  
Benirus Manor Key 00003A97  
Bernadette Peneles' Key 00029185  
Bit and Bridle Key 0001D1FF  
Black Brugo's Key 00085960  
Blackwood Co. Basement Key 00035705  
Bleak Mine Key 00098251  
Borba's Goods Key 000034E7  
Bradon's Key 000385A4  
Bradus' Key 0000A268  
Bralin's Key 000034EE  
Branwen and Saliith's Key 000C47B3  
Bravil Castle Key 0000A073  
Bravil Chapel Key 0000A078  
Bravil Dungeon Key 0000A113  
Brolus' Key 00035E4D  
Brotch Calus' Key 00035E56  
Bruma Chapel Key 00036243  
Bruma Dungeon Key 00036261  
Caminalda's Key 0000A95A  
Canne's Key 00029184  
Captain Patneim's Key 000738E0  
Captain's Key 00049357  
Carandial's Key 0000A07A  
Casta Scribonia's Key 0002921C  
Castle Anvil Interior Key 0000A263  
Castle Anvil Key 0000A262  
Castle Bravil Interior Key 0000A074  
Castle Bruma Interior Key 00035E45  
Castle Bruma Key 00035E44  
Castle Leyawiin Interior Key 0003597E  
Castle Leyawiin Key 0003597D  
Catacombs Key 0000C585  
Chanel's Key 000242B5  
Charcoal Cave Key 0008BA68  
Cheydinhal Bridge Inn Key 000034E6  
Cheydinhal Castle 000034EB  
Cheydinhal Castle Interior 000034EC  
Cheydinhal Chapel Key 000034EA  
Cheydinhal Dungeon Key 000055D7  
Chorrol Castle Private Area 000242B2  
Chorrol Chapel Undercroft Key 00029214  
Chorrol Dungeon Key 0002917D  
Chorrol Jail Key 0002AD2A  
Cingor's Key 00035988  
City-Swimmer's Key 0000A07D  
Claudius Arcadia's House Key 00022BDE  
Coast Guard Station Key 0003598C  
Commander's Chest Key 00093485  
Commerce Office Key 0004798A  
Curtis' House Key 0001D5B2  
Cyronin Sintav's House Key 0001781C  
Dagon Shrine Key 00033910  
Damian Magius' Key 000534F3  
Dar Jee's Key 00035980  
Dareloth's Key 000534F4  
Dark Fissure Cell Key 0005BEA0  
Derics' Key 00035983  
Display Case Key 00049D21  
Display Case Key 0008DD5F  
Divine Elegance Key 0001D205  
Dorian's House Key 00022BC6  
Dovyn Aren's Key 000177D3  
Dro'shanji's Key 0002CF34  
Dul gro-Shug's Key 00017779  
Dust Eater Cell Key 0006507C  
Dynari Amnis' Key 00022BBF  
Echo Cave Key 0001648F  
Edgar's Discount Spells 00022A72  
Escape Route Key 00028EDE  
Estelle Renoit's Key 00029212  
Eugal Belette's Key 0002921B  
Falcar's Key 0002E99F  
Faregyl Inn Key 0000CBDC  
Fathis Ules' Key 0001781A  
Feed Bag Key 00022A71  
Fighters Guild Key 0002229E  
Fighting Chance Key 0001D157  
First Edition Key 0001D155  
First Hunter's Run Key 0018D13E  
Flanau Hlaalu's Key 0002917B  
Fo'c's'le Key 0000BC68  
Forgotten Key 00074A8F  
Fort Blueblood Key 0003CD2D  
Fort Grief Door Key 0001FEEE  
Fort Grief Real Key 0001FEF0  
Fort Ontus Key 0004ECEC  
Fort Redman Key 0009D2D6  
Fort Sutch Gate Key 00032665  
Francois Motierre's Key 00029218  
Fyre Light Cave Key 0005B47F  
Gallenus Rosentia's Key 00033C71  
Ganredhel's Key 000034F2  
Garrus Darelliun's Key 0003C2C1  
Geem Jasaiin's Key 0001EB81  
Gelebourne's Key 000385A2  
Gharz House Key 000034E2  
Gilen Norvalo's Key 0001D35E  
Glarthir's Key 0001DC48  
Glarthir's Secret Key 000831BB  
Gogan's House Key 00064202  
Gogron gro-Bolmog's Key 0006C677  
Graman's House Key 0001D35D  
Grey Throat's House Key 0001DA91  
Guildmaster's Key 0018D83F  
Guildmaster's Key 0006E2EA  
Gundalas' Key 0003598D  
Gunder's Key 00029186  
Gweden Basement Key 0008696D  
Hackdirt Key 00028B7B  
Hagaer's House Key 0001DA94  
Hame Dungeon Key 00085083  
Hammer and Axe Key 00035E43  
Harm's Folly Key 00189D0F  
Hastrel Ottus' House Key 0001D35B  
Helvius Cecia's Key 00035E54  
Helvo Atius' Key 00022BB0  
Henantier's Key 0002CF33  
Herminia Cinna's House Key 000177F2  
High Fane Key 0002AF06  
Honmund's Key 00035E47  
Horn Cave Cellar Key 0005B609  
Horn Cave Storage Key 0005BC2A  
Hrol Ulfgar's Key 00098293  
Ida Vlinorman's House Key 000177EE  
Imbel Family Crypt Key 000152FF  
Imbel House Key 0009DB17  
Imperial City Lighthouse Key 0009096C  
Imperial City Sewers Key 0004F61A  
Imperial Palace Key 00115E05  
Imperial Prison Key 00092D8A  
Imperial Prison Key 000950C2  
Imperial Sewer Key 00027477  
Imperial Trading Company Key 000534F5  
Imperial Watch Key 00015EAF  
Imperial Watch Office Key 00086967  
Iniel Sintav's House Key 00017775  
Inventius' Key 0000A267  
Irene Metric's House Key 0001777C  
Iron Key 00159826  
J'bari's Key 00035981  
J'Ghasta's Key 00035E55  
J'mhad's House Key 00022BE0  
Jair's Key 000477E4  
Jakben Imbel's House Key 00022BC8  
Jastia Sintav's House Key 00017819  
Jearl's Key 0002007F  
Jeetum Ze's Room Key 000A5650  
Jenseric's Cabin Key 00064615  
Jenseric's House Key 0001DB08  
Jensine's Merchandise 0001D201  
Jesan Sextius' Key 0000A26D  
Jewelry Box Key 0000A9D7  
Jirolin Doran's Key 00029219  
Kalthar's Key 0000CF21  
Kastus Sintav's House Key 00017817  
Key 0006DF2E  
Key 0003EE5D  
Key of Hidden Wealth 000C59A2  
King and Queen Tavern Key 00022B6E  
Kvatch Guard House Key 00031D31  
Kvinchal's Key 000477E3  
Lazare Milvan's Key 00029190  
Lelles' Quality Mercandise Key 0000A25F  
Leyawiin Chapel Key 00069B16  
Leyawiin City Watch Key 0003597F  
Leyawiin Dungeon Key 00035F8C  
Leyawiin Secret Room Key 00092156  
Lighthouse Cellar Key 00054031  
Lighthouse Key 0000A25E  
Lindai's Royal Tomb Key 000A55FC  
Lirrians' Key 00035E4B  
Llevana Nedaren's Key 000034E4  
Loche's House Key 0000A081  
Lorkmir's House Key 00017776  
Lorkmir's House Key 00017833  
Lost Boy's Key 000998CF  
Luciana Galena's Key 0000A07F  
Luronk's House Key 0001DA8F  
Lyra Rosentia's Key 00035E49  
Mach-Na's Key 000034E8  
Mages Guild Key 0002229C  
Magul House Key 000034E1  
Malyani Dalvilu's Key 00098298  
Marana Rian's House Key 0001DA96  
Margarte's Key 00035985  
Marinus Catiotus' House 000177EF  
Matthias' House Key 00022BBB  
Medrike's Key 0000C32A  
Methredhel's House Key 0005202F  
Mine Key 0000295D  
Mirabelle Monet's Key 0000A265  
Miscarcand Key 000C58B6  
Modryn Oreyn's Key 00029220  
Moranda Gate Key 00051871  
Mraaj-Dar's Key 0006FDA7  
Murgakh gro-Ushag's Key 0002921E  
My Bravil House Key 0004ED80  
My Bruma House Key 0004ED88  
My Cheydinhal House Key 0004ED87  
My Chorrol House Key 0004ED8A  
My Imperial City House Key 0005319E  
My Leyawiin House Key 0004ED86  
My Skingrad House Key 0004ED89  
Mystic Emporium Key 0001D1FE  
NE Watch Tower Key 00053FF3  
Necromancer's Moss Rock Key 0005B912  
Neville's Chest Key 000852DB  
Newheim's Key 0000A269  
Newlands Lodge Key 000034E5  
Ninedava Gate Key 00051F8D  
Nivan Dalvilu's Key 0009829E  
Nord Winds Key 00035E3F  
Novaroma Key 00035E3E  
NW Watch Tower Key 00053FF4  
Oaken-Hull's Key 0000A266  
Odiil Farm Key 000C89DD  
Ohtimbar's Key 000034F1  
Old Key 00074A8E  
Ongar's Key 00035E4E  
Ontus Vanin's Key 00022BBA  
Ormil's Cabin Key 0000C1FE  
Ormil's Cabin Key 0007BAE0  
Orthe's Key 0000C329  
Orum House Key 000034EF  
Othrelos' House Key 000177F0  
Otumeel's Key 0003598A  
Pennus Mallius' House Key 0001D5B3  
Plotius' Key 0003598B  
Pot Hole Cell Key 0005BD64  
Prison Cell Key 00023FFD  
Quill-Weave's Key 0000A26B  
Ra'Jahirr's Key 00035987  
Ra'jhan's House Key 000177F3  
Ra'jiradh's House Key 00022BC1  
Ranaline's Key 0000A07E  
Rasheda's Key 00029213  
Raynil's Key 000385A3  
Raynil's Room Key 00038449  
Redas Dalvilu's Key 000982A3  
Redwater Slough Key 00070248  
Regner's Key 00035E53  
Reman Broder's Key 00029188  
Reynald Jemane's Key 0002921D  
Ri'Zakar's Room Key 000A564F  
Rimalus Bruiant's Key 00029216  
Rindir's Staffs Key 0001D152  
Ritual Key 00033911  
Riverview Key 000034F0  
Roderic Pierrane's Key 00017816  
Roebeck Bridge Room Key 00026CD5  
Ruslan's House Key 0001DA92  
Rusty Key 00074A8D  
Rythe's Studio Key 0001BC2C  
S'krivva's Key 0000A07C  
S'rathad's House Key 00022BC5  
Salmo's Key 00029189  
Salomon Geonette's House Key 0001DA8B  
Sancre Tor Key 0000A23F  
Sanctuary Well Key 0000B258  
Satha Dalvilu's Key 000982A7  
Scinia Crypt Key 000568AD  
Sea Tub Clarabella Key 000738DF  
Second Hunter's Run Key 0018D13F  
Secret Cell Key 000838CE  
Seed-Neeus' Key 00029211  
Seridur's House Key 0001DA8E  
Serpent's Wake Captain's Key 0007B73E  
Serpent's Wake Key 0000A26E  
Severius Atius' Key 00022BAF  
Sewer Gate Key 000274F5  
Shameer's Key 0002918A  
Shardrock Key 0018BA0E  
Shiny Ogre Cage Key 0001EC48  
Shrine of Dagon Key 0001F14C  
Sigil Keep Key 00093EF5  
Sigil Key 0009504C  
Sigil Key 0009C225  
Sinderion's Key 00068B05  
Skingrad Castle Key 0002C461  
Skingrad Castle Silver Key 0002C460  
Skingrad Chapel Key 00069B17  
Skingrad Dungeon Key 00035F8D  
Skingrad Guardhouse Key 0002ADAC  
Slash 'N Smash Key 0001D200  
Sleeping Mare Key 0000525D  
Small Key 000366BC  
Smoke Tomb Inner Key 00083FB5  
Smoke Tomb Outer Key 00083FB4  
Smuggler's Key 000A943C  
Soris Arenim's Key 0002C677  
South Watch Tower Key 00053FF2  
Southern Books Key 00026085  
Stantus Varrid's House Key 0001D359  
Stonewall Shields Key 0001D156  
Storage Room Key 0000C1FC  
Storeroom Key 00025099  
Summitmist Manor Key 000837D1  
Sunken Sewers Key 0009588D  
Surilie's House Key 0002918B  
Surius Afranius' House Key 0001DA98  
Talasma's Key 0009853D  
Tamika's Key 0002918C  
Tarnished Ogre Cage Key 0001EC41  
Teekeeus' Key 00025067  
Teinaava's Key 000693DA  
Telaendril's Key 0006FDA8  
Tertius Favonius' House Key 000177F1  
Thamriel's House Key 00022BC0  
The Best Defense Key 0001D204  
The Bloodwork's Sewer Key 000677DB  
The Copious Coinpurse Key 0001D154  
The Fair Deal Key 0000A075  
The First Key of Dark Hate 00014D63  
The Gilded Carafe Key 0001D202  
The Main Ingredient Key 0001D153  
The March Rider Key 000034E9  
The Second Key of Dark Hate 00014D64  
Three Brothers Trade Goods Key 0001D206  
Toadstool Grog Key 000974E8  
Top Deck Key 0000C1FD  
Toutius Sextius' Key 0002918D  
Trentius Mausoleum Key 000CA22C  
Trenus Duronius' House Key 0001D35A  
Tun-Zeeus' Key 0003597C  
Ulrich Leland's Key 0003F31A  
Ulrika Ulfgar's Key 000982AA  
Umbacano Manor Key 0002B455  
Umbacano's Key 0002B456  
Undena Orethi's Key 0002918E  
Underpall Gate Key 0004E151  
Ungolim's Key 0000A07B  
Urasek Lockup Key 000CA6DF  
Usheeja's House Key 00022BC4  
Uuras' Key 0002918F  
Vahtacen Ruins Key 0005401E  
Valen Dreth's Cell Key 000950C0  
Valtieri's Key 000693D8  
Valus Odiil's Key 0002921F  
Varel Morvayn's Key 0000A260  
Varon Vamori's Key 0000A079  
Vilena Donton's Key 00029217  
Vilverin Chamber Key 0006C323  
Vilverin Sepulcher Key 000C76CD  
Warden Kastav's Key 00035DAB  
Warehouse Key 0001D203  
Wariel's Key 00026836  
Waterfront Sewers Key 00026089  
Weebam-Na's Key 00035986  
Well Key 000084D3  
Wellspring Cave Key 0006B396  
West Weald Inn Key 000979ED  
White Stallion Lodge Key 000908C1  
Whitmond Farm Key 0000CBEC  
Willow Bank Key 000034ED  
Wumeek's Key 0001EB7E  


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:07:06  profilanswer


Spoiler :

Torch 00084AA2  
Torch 0002CF9F


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:07:36  profilanswer

OBLIVION CHEATS - Miscellaneous  

Spoiler :

Agarmir's Shovel 0001D0AF  
Akaviri Orders 000785E0  
Akaviri Orders 0001C173  
Argonian Heart 0003558F  
Ayleid Statue 000844C4  
Ayleid Statue 0002AB48  
Basket 00024D91  
Basket 00024D92  
Bear Pelt 000228E3  
Blood Potion 001192AE  
Blue Cheese 000D3B25  
Bone 000223A8  
Bone 00023880  
Bone 00023881  
Bone 000180DE  
Bone 0001DE26  
Bones 00023882  
Bouquet of Flowers 00049CFD  
Bowl 000105D5  
Bowl 000105D7  
Bowl 000105D9  
Bowl 0001F1D9  
Bowl 0001F1DA  
Bowl 0001F1DB  
Broom 000250FF  
Broom 00019113  
Brush Jar 0001BBCB  
Brush of Truepaint 0001BB36  
Calipers 0001C66C  
Carved Panel 0002AF03  
Ceramic Bowl 0002507A  
Ceramic Cup 0002507B  
Ceramic Goblet 0002507C  
Ceramic Pitcher 0002507D  
Ceramic Pitcher 0002507E  
Ceramic Plate 0002507F  
Ceramic Tankard 0002724F  
Ceramic Urn 00025080  
Ceramic Vase 00025081  
Cheddar Cheese 000D3B2F  
Clay Bowl 00022295  
Clay Bowl 00022298  
Clay Bowl 00022299  
Clay Cup 00022538  
Clay Cup 00022539  
Clay Goblet 0002253C  
Clay Pitcher 00022543  
Clay Pitcher 00022544  
Clay Pitcher 00022545  
Clay Plate 0002254C  
Clay Plate 0002254D  
Clay Tankard 00022559  
Clay Urn 00022553  
Clay Vase 00022557  
Cloth 0000087A  
Cloth 0000088D  
Cloth 0000089F  
Cloth 000008D8  
Cloth 000008E6  
Colossal Black Soul Gem 00007E9C  
Covered Pot 000105DF  
Covered Pot 000105E0  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000A9353  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000A9355  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000A9357  
Crumpled Piece of Paper 000BF14D  
Crystal Ball 0001048C  
Crystal Ball 00035F86  
Crystal Ball 0001C60D  
Diamond 00038BA7  
Dirty Shoes 0009F8FD  
Element of Courage 0002C6EF  
Element of Patience 0002C6EE  
Element of Perception 0002C6F0  
Element of Resolve 0002C6ED  
Emerald 00038BA4  
Empty Hist Bottle 0008996E  
Eye of Nocturnal 00026AC9  
Filled Colossal Black Soul Gem 00007E9D  
Finger of Adamus Phillida 001778DB  
Fingers of the Mountain 0000510D  
Flawed Diamond 00038BA8  
Flawed Emerald 00038BA6  
Flawed Pearl 00038B99  
Flawed Ruby 00038B9F  
Flawed Sapphire 00038BA2  
Flawed Topaz 00038B9C  
Flawless Diamond 00038BA9  
Flawless Emerald 00038BA5  
Flawless Pearl 00038B9A  
Flawless Ruby 00038BA0  
Flawless Sapphire 00038BA3  
Flawless Topaz 00038B9D  
Folded Cloth 000008DA  
Folded Cloth 000008DC  
Folded Cloth 00000D41  
Folded Cloth 00000D52  
Folded Cloth 00000D76  
Fork 00019116  
Garridan's Tear 00025B33  
Garridan's Tear 0007BE48  
Glass of Time 0002A60B  
Gold 0000000F  
Gold Nugget 00049808  
Great Sigil Stone 0003844E  
Great Welkynd Stone 000345AF  
Hand Scythe 00025100  
Hermaeus Mora's Soul Gem 0008B61E  
Hoe 00025101  
Hourglass 0001C666  
Imperial Legion Seal 0000C22C  
Inkwell 00023D61  
Key-Shaped Arrowhead 0001482C  
Knife 00019117  
Ladle 000105DB  
Languorwine Antidote 00028276  
Lion Pelt 000228E4  
Llathasa's Bust 00008032  
Llathasa's Bust 0001E861  
Lockpick 0000000A  
Loose Pipe 00089783  
Magicka Potion 001192AF  
Marana Rian's Coin 000613C0  
Marble Cheese 000D3B2A  
Metal Bowl 000CD400  
Metal Goblet 000CD401  
Metal Plate 000CD402  
Metal Tankard 000CD403  
Metal Tankard 000CD404  
Metal Tankard 000CD405  
Metal Tankard 000CD406  
Metal Tankard 000CD407  
Metal Urn 000CD4DB  
Metal Urn 000CD4DC  
Metal Urn 000CD4E8  
Metal Urn 000CD4E9  
Mother's Head 0006AAA5  
Newheim's Heirloom 00002E90  
Oaken-Hall Heirloom 000CBD41  
Oar 00025102  
Olroy Cheese 0008C26A  
Orb of Vaermina 0001EC18  
Paint Brush 0001BBC5  
Paint Brush 0001BBC6  
Paint Brush 0001BBC7  
Paint Brush 0001BBC8  
Paint Brush 0001BBC9  
Paint Brush 0001BBCA  
Paint Palette 0001BBCC  
Pearl 00038B98  
Pewter Bowl 0001C624  
Pewter Bowl 0001C625  
Pewter Cup 000104C0  
Pewter Cup 000104C1  
Pewter Cup 0001C616  
Pewter Cup 0001C619  
Pewter Fork 0001C622  
Pewter Knife 0001C620  
Pewter Mug 0000FD93  
Pewter Mug 0000FDA4  
Pewter Mug 0000FDAC  
Pewter Pitcher 0001C61F  
Pewter Plate 0001C626  
Pewter Plate 0001C627  
Pewter Pot 0001C61A  
Pewter Pot 0001C61B  
Pewter Pot 0001C61C  
Pewter Spoon 0001C623  
Pickaxe 00025103  
Pickaxe 000180E0  
Pitchfork 00025113  
Planter 00015BB0  
Planter 00015BB3  
Planter 00015BB4  
Planter 00015BB5  
Planter 00015BB6  
Planter 00015BB7  
Planter 00015BB8  
Planter 00015BBA  
Planter 00015BBB  
Plate 00019118  
Quill 00023D63  
Rake 00025116  
Recently Used Pickaxe 0009F8FA  
Red Bowl 000836CE  
Repair Hammer 0000000C  
Reward Painting 00034E62  
Roderick's Medicine 00030FD7  
Roderick's Poison 00030FD6  
Rolled Up Portrait 00034E52  
Ruby 00038B9E  
Rufio's Skull 000918FA  
Sands of Resolve 0002FB3F  
Sapphire 00038BA1  
Savilla's Stone 000C4A2C  
Savilla's Stone 00014706  
Scales 000105F3  
Scales of Pitiless Justice 000918FD  
Scythe 0002511A  
Shears 0002511C  
Shovel 000251A8  
Silver Bowl 00000C08  
Silver Bowl 000105E7  
Silver Carafe 00019107  
Silver Fork 0001924A  
Silver Glass 0001DBFC  
Silver Goblet 0001DCCC  
Silver Goblet 0001DCCF  
Silver Knife 00023C13  
Silver Nugget 00049809  
Silver Pitcher 00023C15  
Silver Pitcher 00023C17  
Silver Plate 00023C19  
Silver Spoon 00023C1B  
Silver Tankard 00023C1D  
Silver Urn 00023C1F  
Silver Urn 00023C21  
Silver Vase 00023C23  
Skeletal Hand 00003A99  
Skeleton Key 0000000B  
Skull 00023F6E  
Spoon 00019119  
Statuette of a Dog 00026B25  
Statuette of a Dog 0007B7B0  
Stone Brick 00025946  
Stone Brick 00025947  
Stone Brick 00025948  
Stone Brick 00025949  
Stone Brick 0002594A  
Stone Cup 000104C7  
Stone Cup 000104C9  
Stone Cup 00019115  
Stone Mug 000104CB  
Stone of St. Alessia 00003949  
Stone Pitcher 000105DD  
Svenja's Arm 000C55E1  
Svenja's Head 000C55E2  
Svenja's Leg 000C55E0  
Svenja's Torso 000C55E3  
Tan Bowl 00022535  
Tan Bowl 00022536  
Tan Bowl 00022537  
Tan Bowl 000836CF  
Tan Cup 0002253A  
Tan Cup 0002253B  
Tan Cup 0001F1DC  
Tan Cup 0001F1DD  
Tan Cup 0001F1DE  
Tan Goblet 00022542  
Tan Jug 0001F1DF  
Tan Jug 0001F1E0  
Tan Jug 0001F1E1  
Tan Jug 0001F1E2  
Tan Jug 0001F1E3  
Tan Jug 0001F1E4  
Tan Mug 0001F1E5  
Tan Pitcher 00022546  
Tan Pitcher 00022547  
Tan Pitcher 00022548  
Tan Pitcher 0001F1E6  
Tan Plate 0002254E  
Tan Plate 0002254F  
Tan Plate 0001F1E7  
Tan Tankard 00022550  
Tan Urn 00022554  
Tan Urn 00022555  
Tan Urn 00022556  
Tan Vase 00022558  
Tongs 000251AC  
Tongs 0001C66F  
Topaz 00038B9B  
Urn 00022551  
Urn 00022552  
Vampirism Cure Potion 0009812D  
Varla Stone 00000194  
Varulae's Crystal Ball 00095A38  
Wedding Gift 000CBD43  
Weight 0001C5ED  
Welkynd Stone 00000191  
West Weald Bear Fang 0018AE3F  
Wolf Pelt 000228E2  
Yarn 00025205  
Yarn 00025206


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:25:33  profilanswer

Ben c'est pour que les gens puissent faire une recherche depuis le moteur de recherche interne au forum :D

Spoiler :

Azura's Star 00000193  
Black Soul Gem 00000192  
Black Soul Gem 000382E0  
Black Soul Gem 0003C7FC  
Black Soul Gem 0001EC14  
Colossal Black Soul Gem 000C6988  
Colossal Black Soul Gem 00015208  
Common Soul Gem 00015B8B  
Common Soul Gem 000382D4  
Common Soul Gem 000382D5  
Common Soul Gem 000382D6  
Grand Soul Gem 00015B8E  
Grand Soul Gem 000382DB  
Grand Soul Gem 000382DC  
Grand Soul Gem 000382DD  
Grand Soul Gem 000382DE  
Grand Soul Gem 000382DF  
Greater Soul Gem 00015B8C  
Greater Soul Gem 000382D7  
Greater Soul Gem 000382D8  
Greater Soul Gem 000382D9  
Greater Soul Gem 000382DA  
Lesser Soul Gem 00023D69  
Lesser Soul Gem 000382D2  
Lesser Soul Gem 000382D3  
Petty Soul Gem 00023D67  
Petty Soul Gem 000382D1

Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:25:33  profilanswer


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:26:56  profilanswer


Spoiler :

Name Code  
Akavari Sunderblade 000CA154  
Akavari Warblade 000CA155  
Akaviri Dai-Katana 0009DAC5  
Akaviri Katana 00024DCA  
Akaviri Katana 000977C9  
Akaviri Warhammer Burden 000387B5  
Ancient Akaviri Katana 000E78E5  
Apotheosis 000CA153  
Axe of Hazards 0003CCFF  
Axe of Icy Darkness 0003BF64  
Ayleid Long Sword 00014F14  
Ayleid Mace 00014F15  
Battle Axe of Absorption 0003841F  
Battle Axe of Beguilement 0003539C  
Battle Axe of Blizzards 0002308B  
Battle Axe of Cold 000220A8  
Battle Axe of Damnation 000353C2  
Battle Axe of Decay 0003B407  
Battle Axe of Deception 0003539A  
Battle Axe of Depletion 000387AE  
Battle Axe of Diminishing 0003D7D3  
Battle Axe of Dispel 0003D7CB  
Battle Axe of Dissolution 0003B40A  
Battle Axe of Embers 0003DAE7  
Battle Axe of Enfeeblement 0003CD09  
Battle Axe of Feeding 0003B402  
Battle Axe of Fire 0003DB0C  
Battle Axe of Flames 0003DB03  
Battle Axe of Freezing 000225D9  
Battle Axe of Frost 0003DB8F  
Battle Axe of Jinxing 0003AB6F  
Battle Axe of Lightning 0002C278  
Battle Axe of Putrification 0003B40C  
Battle Axe of Rending 0003B40E  
Battle Axe of Sapping 0003D7E2  
Battle Axe of Scorching 0003DAFA  
Battle Axe of Shocking 0002B8D6  
Battle Axe of Siphoning 0003B3FF  
Battle Axe of Soul Snares 000353CA  
Battle Axe of Soul Traps 00035397  
Battle Axe of Souls 00035C27  
Battle Axe of Sparks 0002B561  
Battle Axe of Storms 0002C286  
Battle Axe of the Blaze 0003DB15  
Battle Axe of the Dynamo 0002BFFA  
Battle Axe of the Glacier 00022738  
Battle Axe of the Inferno 0003DB1E  
Battle Axe of Transmogrify 0003B403  
Battle Axe of Voltage 0002BDDD  
Battle Axe of Weakness 0003AB43  
Battle Axe of Winter 000230D9  
Battleaxe of Hatred 000CA152  
Baurus's Akaviri Katana 0006B843  
Black Bow 000908AD  
Blackwater Blade 0006B697  
Blackwater Blade 0006B698  
Blackwater Blade 0006B699  
Blackwater Blade 0006B69A  
Blackwater Blade 0006B69B  
Blackwater Blade 0000C201  
Blade of Fiery Light 0003BF60  
Blade of Woe 00022BA8  
Blade of Woe 000918FF  
Blade of Woe 00091900  
Blade of Woe 00091901  
Blade of Woe 00091902  
Blade of Woe 00091903  
Blade of Woe 00091904  
Blade of Woe 00091905  
Blizzard Bow 0003CD06  
Boreal 0003CD05  
Bound Axe 00026276  
Bound Bow 0002627D  
Bound Dagger 0002627C  
Bound Mace 00026274  
Bound Sword 00026273  
Bow of Blizzards 0002308D  
Bow of Burning 0003DAF2  
Bow of Cold 000220F6  
Bow of Curses 0003AB87  
Bow of Despair 0003AC88  
Bow of Embers 0003DAE9  
Bow of Fire 0003DB0D  
Bow of Flames 0003DB04  
Bow of Freezing 000225DA  
Bow of Frost 0003DB91  
Bow of Gloom 0003AC89  
Bow of Harm 0003AB6C  
Bow of Infernal Frost 00082DE4  
Bow of Infliction 000CA156  
Bow of Jolts 0002B585  
Bow of Lightning 0002C27A  
Bow of Numbing 0003DB7B  
Bow of Quietus 0002B558  
Bow of Scorching 0003DAFB  
Bow of Shocking 0002B8D7  
Bow of Silence 0002B559  
Bow of Sparks 0002B562  
Bow of Storms 0002C287  
Bow of the Blaze 0003DB16  
Bow of the Dynamo 0002BFFB  
Bow of the Glacier 00022854  
Bow of the Inferno 0003DB1F  
Bow of Voltage 0002BEB2  
Bow of Weariness 0003AB6B  
Bow of Winter 000230DD  
Broken Sword 0002D72B  
Brusef Amelion's Sword 000091FB  
Burden of Agnosticism 00014953  
Burden of Anger 0001494F  
Burden of Arrogance 00014950  
Burden of Flesh 00014952  
Burden of Secrecy 00014951  
Burden of Sin 00014954  
Burz's Glass Mace 000C760E  
Burz's Glass Mace 000C760F  
Burz's Glass Mace 000C7610  
Caelia's Steel Longsword 0006AA99  
Calliben's Grim Retort 000CB6F3  
Captain Kordan's Saber 000CA158  
Ceremonial Dagger 0008DA4A  
Chillrend 00068BFC  
Chillrend 00068BFD  
Chillrend 00068BFE  
Chillrend 00068BFF  
Chillrend 00068C00  
Chillrend 00068C01  
Claymore of Blizzards 00023095  
Claymore of Brittleness 0003D7BB  
Claymore of Burning 0003DAF3  
Claymore of Cold 0002224D  
Claymore of Depletion 0003AB75  
Claymore of Depletion 0003D7E8  
Claymore of Disintegration 0003D7C7  
Claymore of Dispel 0003D7CC  
Claymore of Embers 0003DAEA  
Claymore of Fire 0003DB0E  
Claymore of Flames 0003DB05  
Claymore of Fracturing 0003D7BF  
Claymore of Fragments 0003D7B8  
Claymore of Freezing 000225F6  
Claymore of Frost 0003DB73  
Claymore of Jinxing 0003AB74  
Claymore of Jolts 0002B586  
Claymore of Lightning 0002C27B  
Claymore of Numbing 0003DB7C  
Claymore of Pain 0003D7DE  
Claymore of Sapping 0003D7E3  
Claymore of Scorching 0003DAFC  
Claymore of Shattering 0003D7C3  
Claymore of Shocking 0002B8D8  
Claymore of Sparks 0002B563  
Claymore of Storms 0002C289  
Claymore of the Blaze 0003DB17  
Claymore of the Dynamo 0002BFFC  
Claymore of the Glacier 00022A2B  
Claymore of the Inferno 0003DB20  
Claymore of Voltage 0002BFF3  
Claymore of Weariness 0003D7DA  
Claymore of Winter 000230DE  
Club 00159829  
Club 0003B375  
Cursed Mace 00026F98  
Daedric Battle Axe 00035E77  
Daedric Bow 000733DD  
Daedric Bow 00035E7C  
Daedric Claymore 00035E78  
Daedric Dagger 00035E72  
Daedric Longsword 000733D8  
Daedric Longsword 00035E76  
Daedric Mace 00035E75  
Daedric Shortsword 00035E73  
Daedric War Axe 00035E74  
Daedric Warhammer 00035E79  
Dagger of Absorption 0003841A  
Dagger of Blizzards 00023098  
Dagger of Brittleness 0003D7BC  
Dagger of Burning 0003DAF4  
Dagger of Cold 0002257F  
Dagger of Depletion 000387AA  
Dagger of Depletion 0003D7E9  
Dagger of Diminishing 0003D7D4  
Dagger of Discipline 000C891F  
Dagger of Disintegration 0003D7C8  
Dagger of Dispel 0003D7CD  
Dagger of Embers 0003DAEB  
Dagger of Enfeeblement 000389E6  
Dagger of Fire 0003DB0F  
Dagger of Flames 0003DB06  
Dagger of Fracturing 0003D7C0  
Dagger of Fragments 0003D7B7  
Dagger of Freezing 000225FC  
Dagger of Frost 0003DB74  
Dagger of Jinxing 0003AB6E  
Dagger of Jolts 0002B588  
Dagger of Lightning 0002C27D  
Dagger of Numbing 0003DB7D  
Dagger of Pacification 0003BF61  
Dagger of Pain 0003D7DF  
Dagger of Paralysis 0002B560  
Dagger of Sapping 0003D7E4  
Dagger of Scorching 0003DAFD  
Dagger of Shattering 0003D7C4  
Dagger of Shocking 0002B8D9  
Dagger of Sparks 0002B564  
Dagger of Storms 0002C28D  
Dagger of the Blaze 0003DB18  
Dagger of the Dynamo 0002BFFD  
Dagger of the Glacier 00022A2C  
Dagger of the Inferno 0003DB21  
Dagger of Voltage 0002BFF4  
Dagger of Weakness 0003AB3F  
Dagger of Weariness 0003D7DB  
Dagger of Winter 000230DF  
Dalvilu Cermonial Dagger 0001ECE5  
Debaser 0006BD81  
Debaser 0006BD82  
Debaser 0006BD83  
Debaser 0006BD84  
Debaser 0006BD85  
Debaser 0001D0B4  
Defiler 0003CB6B  
Destarine's Cleaver 000CA159  
Dragon's Bow 0003CD04  
Dremora Bow 000872AA  
Dremora Claymore 0003E9C4  
Dremora Heavy Bow 000872AB  
Dremora Light Bow 000872A9  
Dremora Longsword 0003E9C3  
Dremora Mace 0003E9C2  
Dwarven Battle Axe 00035DCD  
Dwarven Bow 000733DB  
Dwarven Bow 00035DCE  
Dwarven Bow Replica 000C7979  
Dwarven Claymore 00035DCF  
Dwarven Claymore 000977CA  
Dwarven Claymore Replica 000C5606  
Dwarven Dagger 00035DD0  
Dwarven Longsword 000732B6  
Dwarven Longsword 00035DD1  
Dwarven Mace 00035DD2  
Dwarven Shortsword 00035DD3  
Dwarven War Axe 00035DD4  
Dwarven War Axe Replica 000C5602  
Dwarven Warhammer 00035DD5  
Ebony Battle Axe 00035E6F  
Ebony Blade 00027109  
Ebony Bow 00035E7B  
Ebony Bow 000977D0  
Ebony Claymore 00035E70  
Ebony Dagger 00035E6A  
Ebony Dagger Replica 000C5616  
Ebony Longsword 000732DE  
Ebony Longsword 00035E6E  
Ebony Mace 00035E6D  
Ebony Mace 000977CE  
Ebony Mace Replica 000C561F  
Ebony Shortsword 00035E6B  
Ebony Shortsword Replica 000C798A  
Ebony War Axe 00035E6C  
Ebony War Axe 000977CF  
Ebony Warhammer 00035E71  
Ebony Warhammer Replica 000C5604  
Elven Battle Axe 00035E67  
Elven Bow 000229BF  
Elven Bow 000977CC  
Elven Claymore 00035E68  
Elven Dagger 00035E63  
Elven Long Sword 000229B3  
Elven Long Sword 000977CD  
Elven Long Sword Replica 000C55FF  
Elven Mace 00035E66  
Elven Shortsword 00035E64  
Elven Shortsword Replica 000C7985  
Elven War Axe 00035E65  
Elven Warhammer 00035E69  
Enchanted Dagger 0003FBCE  
Essence of Regret 00014963  
Fine Iron Battle Axe 0003A85F  
Fine Iron Bow 0003A860  
Fine Iron Claymore 0003A861  
Fine Iron Dagger 0003A862  
Fine Iron Longsword 0003A863  
Fine Iron Mace 0003A864  
Fine Iron Shortsword 0003A865  
Fine Iron War Axe 0003A866  
Fine Iron Warhammer 0003A867  
Fine Steel Battle Axe 0003A856  
Fine Steel Bow 0003A857  
Fine Steel Claymore 0003A858  
Fine Steel Dagger 0003A859  
Fine Steel Longsword 0003A85A  
Fine Steel Mace 0003A85B  
Fine Steel Shortsword 0003A85C  
Fine Steel War Axe 0003A85D  
Fine Steel Warhammer 0003A85E  
Frostwyrm Bow 000C55E4  
Ghost Axe 0003CD07  
Gift of Flame 0001494C  
Gladiator's Sword 0003E45B  
Glass Battle Axe 00035E60  
Glass Battle Axe Replica 000C5608  
Glass Bow 000733DC  
Glass Bow 00035E7A  
Glass Claymore 00035E61  
Glass Dagger 00035E5B  
Glass Dagger Replica 000C7973  
Glass Longsword 000732DD  
Glass Longsword 00035E5F  
Glass Longsword Replica 000C5601  
Glass Mace 00035E5E  
Glass Shortsword 00035E5C  
Glass Shortsword Replica 000C7989  
Glass War Axe 00035E5D  
Glass Warhammer 00035E62  
Glass Warhammer 000977CB  
Glenroy's Akaviri Katana 00022F82  
Goblin Shaman Staff 00066C45  
Goblin Totem Staff 000AA01F  
Goldbrand 00027105  
Greater Staff of Anarchy 00091322  
Greater Staff of Apathy 000912EC  
Greater Staff of Blundering 000912D4  
Greater Staff of Burden 000912BF  
Greater Staff of Calm 000912C2  
Greater Staff of Catastrophe 000912E3  
Greater Staff of Charm 000912C8  
Greater Staff of Confusion 000912F2  
Greater Staff of Corrosion 000912FC  
Greater Staff of Demoralize 000912F6  
Greater Staff of Dispel 000912FF  
Greater Staff of Domination 000912D1  
Greater Staff of Fatigue 000912DA  
Greater Staff of Feeblemind 000912D7  
Greater Staff of Fire 00091326  
Greater Staff of Fireball 00091329  
Greater Staff of Fragility 0009131F  
Greater Staff of Frailty 000912EF  
Greater Staff of Frost 0009132C  
Greater Staff of Ice Storm 0009132F  
Greater Staff of Lethargy 0009131C  
Greater Staff of Light 00091332  
Greater Staff of Lightning 000914B6  
Greater Staff of Open 00091335  
Greater Staff of Ruin 00091302  
Greater Staff of Severing 000912E6  
Greater Staff of Sickness 000912DD  
Greater Staff of Silence 000914BC  
Greater Staff of Stopping 00091338  
Greater Staff of Storms 000914B9  
Greater Staff of Sundering 00091316  
Greater Staff of Taming 000912CE  
Greater Staff of Telekinesis 000914BF  
Greater Staff of the Dazed 00091310  
Greater Staff of the Doomed 00091313  
Greater Staff of the Grave 000914C2  
Greater Staff of the Oaf 00091305  
Greater Staff of the Pariah 000912E9  
Greater Staff of the Plague 00091308  
Greater Staff of the Weary 0009130A  
Greater Staff of Weakness 000912E1  
Hatreds Heart 00014836  
Hatreds Heart 00014C6C  
Hatreds Heart 00014C6D  
Hatreds Heart 00014C6E  
Hatreds Heart 00014C6F  
Hatreds Heart 00014C70  
Hatreds Soul 00014D65  
Hatreds Soul 00014D66  
Hatreds Soul 00014D67  
Hatreds Soul 00014D68  
Hatreds Soul 00014D69  
Hatreds Soul 00014D6A  
Heat of Sinfulness 00014960  
Honorblade of Chorrol 00028BA0  
Hrormir's Icestaff 00002DDF  
Hrormir's Icestaff 00047372  
Immolator 0003CD01  
Iron Battle Axe 00000D7F  
Iron Bow 00025231  
Iron Bow 000977C6  
Iron Claymore 0001C6CD  
Iron Dagger 00019171  
Iron Longsword 00000C0C  
Iron Longsword 000977D1  
Iron Mace 00000D82  
Iron Shortsword 00000C0D  
Iron War Axe 00000D81  
Iron War Axe 000977C8  
Iron Warhammer 00019172  
Languorwine Blade 00028277  
Lesser Staff of Anarchy 00091323  
Lesser Staff of Apathy 000912ED  
Lesser Staff of Blundering 000912D2  
Lesser Staff of Burden 000912D8  
Lesser Staff of Calm 000912C0  
Lesser Staff of Catastrophe 000912E4  
Lesser Staff of Charm 000912C6  
Lesser Staff of Confusion 000912F3  
Lesser Staff of Corrosion 000912FA  
Lesser Staff of Demoralize 000912F4  
Lesser Staff of Dispel 000912FD  
Lesser Staff of Domination 000912CF  
Lesser Staff of Fatigue 000912DB  
Lesser Staff of Feeblemind 000912E0  
Lesser Staff of Fire 00091324  
Lesser Staff of Fireball 00091327  
Lesser Staff of Fragility 00091320  
Lesser Staff of Frailty 000912F0  
Lesser Staff of Frost 0009132A  
Lesser Staff of Ice Storm 0009132D  
Lesser Staff of Lethargy 0009131D  
Lesser Staff of Light 00091330  
Lesser Staff of Lightning 000914CA  
Lesser Staff of Open 00091334  
Lesser Staff of Ruin 00091300  
Lesser Staff of Severing 000912E7  
Lesser Staff of Sickness 000912DE  
Lesser Staff of Silence 000914BA  
Lesser Staff of Stopping 00091336  
Lesser Staff of Storms 000914B7  
Lesser Staff of Sundering 00091317  
Lesser Staff of Taming 000912CC  
Lesser Staff of Telekinesis 000914BD  
Lesser Staff of the Dazed 00091311  
Lesser Staff of the Doomed 00091314  
Lesser Staff of the Grave 000914C0  
Lesser Staff of the Oaf 00091303  
Lesser Staff of the Pariah 000912EA  
Lesser Staff of the Plague 00091306  
Lesser Staff of the Weary 00091309  
Lesser Staff of Weakness 000912D5  
Long Sword of Brittleness 0003D7BD  
Long Sword of Depletion 0003D7EA  
Long Sword of Flames 0003DB07  
Long Sword of Freezing 0002263D  
Long Sword of Voltage 0002BFF5  
Longsword of Absorption 0003841D  
Longsword of Blizzards 000230A6  
Longsword of Burning 0003DAF5  
Longsword of Cold 00022580  
Longsword of Depletion 000387AC  
Longsword of Diminishing 0003D7D5  
Longsword of Disintegration 0003D7C9  
Longsword of Dispel 0003D7CE  
Longsword of Embers 0003DAEC  
Longsword of Enfeeblement 000389E8  
Longsword of Fire 0003DB10  
Longsword of Fracturing 0003D7C1  
Longsword of Fragments 0003D7B9  
Longsword of Frost 000B0705  
Longsword of Frost 0003DB75  
Longsword of Jinxing 0003AB70  
Longsword of Jolts 0002B589  
Longsword of Lightning 0002C27E  
Longsword of Numbing 0003DB7E  
Longsword of Pain 0003D7E0  
Longsword of Sapping 0003D7E5  
Longsword of Scorching 0003DAFE  
Longsword of Shattering 0003D7C5  
Longsword of Shocking 0002B8DD  
Longsword of Sparks 0002B565  
Longsword of Storms 0002C28F  
Longsword of the Blaze 0003DB19  
Longsword of the Dynamo 0002C00C  
Longsword of the Glacier 00022A2E  
Longsword of the Inferno 0003DB22  
Longsword of Weakness 0003AB41  
Longsword of Weariness 0003D7DC  
Longsword of Winter 000230E0  
Mace of Abeyance 000359E7  
Mace of Absorption 0003841C  
Mace of Aversion 000353D1  
Mace of Blizzards 000230AB  
Mace of Burden 000387B6  
Mace of Burning 0003DAF6  
Mace of Cold 0002258C  
Mace of Deadweight 000387BE  
Mace of Decay 0003AF07  
Mace of Depletion 000387AD  
Mace of Diminishing 0003D7D6  
Mace of Dispel 0003D7CF  
Mace of Dissolution 0003AF08  
Mace of Embers 0003DAED  
Mace of Encumbrance 000387BA  
Mace of Enfeeblement 000389E9  
Mace of Excess 000387BC  
Mace of Feeding 000387A8  
Mace of Fire 0003DB11  
Mace of Flames 0003DB08  
Mace of Fracturing 0003AF0A  
Mace of Freezing 00022642  
Mace of Frost 0003DB76  
Mace of Holy Light 00035A64  
Mace of Jinxing 0003AB73  
Mace of Jolts 0002B58A  
Mace of Legion 0003BF65  
Mace of Lightning 0002C280  
Mace of Molag Bal 00027117  
Mace of Numbing 0003DB7F  
Mace of Overload 000387B7  
Mace of Putrification 0003AF0D  
Mace of Rending 0003AF0E  
Mace of Repelling 000353CC  
Mace of Sapping 0003D7E6  
Mace of Scorching 0003DAFF  
Mace of Shocking 0002BAAA  
Mace of Siphoning 000387A7  
Mace of Sparks 0002B566  
Mace of Storms 0002C290  
Mace of Strain 000387B4  
Mace of the Blaze 0003DB1A  
Mace of the Dynamo 0002C00D  
Mace of the Glacier 00022A2F  
Mace of the Inferno 0003DB23  
Mace of the Undead 00035AB3  
Mace of Transmogrify 0003B404  
Mace of Turning 000353D4  
Mace of Voltage 0002BFF6  
Mace of Warding 000353D0  
Mace of Weakness 0003AB40  
Mace of Weight 000387B1  
Mace of Winter 000230E1  
Mage's Mace 0003E45D  
Mage's Staff of Charm 000E9442  
Mage's Staff of Charm 000E9443  
Mage's Staff of Charm 000E9444  
Mage's Staff of Charm 0001FE11  
Mage's Staff of Dispel 000E9445  
Mage's Staff of Dispel 000E9446  
Mage's Staff of Dispel 000E9447  
Mage's Staff of Dispel 0001FE16  
Mage's Staff of Fire 000E9448  
Mage's Staff of Fire 000E9449  
Mage's Staff of Fire 000E944A  
Mage's Staff of Fire 000E944B  
Mage's Staff of Frost 000E944C  
Mage's Staff of Frost 000E944D  
Mage's Staff of Frost 000E944E  
Mage's Staff of Frost 0001FE0F  
Mage's Staff of Paralysis 000E944F  
Mage's Staff of Paralysis 000E9450  
Mage's Staff of Paralysis 000E9451  
Mage's Staff of Paralysis 0001FE12  
Mage's Staff of Shock 000E9452  
Mage's Staff of Shock 000E9453  
Mage's Staff of Shock 000E9454  
Mage's Staff of Shock 0001FE10  
Mage's Staff of Silence 000E9455  
Mage's Staff of Silence 000E9456  
Mage's Staff of Silence 000E9457  
Mage's Staff of Silence 0001FE13  
Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 000E9458  
Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 000E9459  
Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 000E945A  
Mage's Staff of Soul Trap 0001FE14  
Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 000E945B  
Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 000E945C  
Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 000E945D  
Mage's Staff of Telekinesis 0001FE15  
Mages Staff 0002C6A8  
Mankar Camoran's Staff 000477FC  
Mankar Camoran's Staff 000BE320  
Mankar Camoran's Staff 000BE321  
Mankar Camoran's Staff 000BE322  
Mishaxhi's Cleaver 00187BC0  
Mishaxhi's Cleaver 00187BC5  
Mishaxhi's Cleaver 00187BC6  
Mishaxhi's Cleaver 00187BC7  
Naked Axe 0003E45E  
Nearness of Evil 0001493D  
Northwind 00187BC1  
Northwind 00187BC2  
Northwind 00187BC3  
Northwind 00187BC4  
Oblivion's Caress 00014962  
Oblivion's Embrace 000149E2  
Penance of Animosity 00014966  
Penance of Deception 0001496A  
Penance of Faithlessness 0001496B  
Penance of Hatred 00014967  
Penance of Larceny 00014968  
Penance of Pride 00014969  
Perdition's Wrath 00082DE3  
Pounder 0003BF66  
Purging Flame 00014961  
Quality Battle Axe Ember 0003DAF1  
Quality Battle Axe Shiver 0003DB7A  
Quality Battle Axe Soul Trap 00035385  
Quality Battle Axe Spark 0002B573  
Quintessence of Remorse 000149E5  
Redwave 00095A39  
Redwave 00095A3A  
Redwave 00095A3B  
Redwave 00095A3C  
Redwave 00095A3D  
Redwave 00095A3E  
Redwave 00095A3F  
Renault's Akaviri Katana 00066C44  
Retaliation of Blood 000149ED  
Retaliation of Spirit 000149EF  
Retribution of Aggression 000149E7  
Retribution of Cowardness 000149E6  
Retribution of Hubris 000149E9  
Retribution of Hypocrisy 000149EA  
Retribution of Rapacity 000149E8  
Retribution of Treachery 000149EC  
Revealer of Iniquity 0001494E  
Rockshatter 00061421  
Rockshatter 0000CF1A  
Rockshatter 0000CF1B  
Rockshatter 0000CF1C  
Rockshatter 0000CF1D  
Rockshatter 0000CF1E  
Rockshatter 0000CF1F  
Rockshatter 00014EC2  
Rockshatter 00014EC3  
Rockshatter 00014EC4  
Rockshatter 00014EC5  
Rockshatter 00014EC6  
Rohssan's Antique Cutlass 0001C14B  
Rugdumph's Sword 0000BEA6  
Ruined Akaviri Katana 000980DF  
Ruma's Staff 0001FB1C  
Rusty Iron Bow 00047ACA  
Rusty Iron Dagger 00047AC2  
Rusty Iron Dagger 00090616  
Rusty Iron Mace 00090614  
Rusty Iron Shortsword 00090615  
Rusty Iron War Axe 00090613  
Sanguine Rose 000228EF  
Shadowhunt 00034897  
Shadowhunt 00034898  
Shadowhunt 00034899  
Shadowhunt 0003489A  
Shadowhunt 0003489B  
Shadowhunt 0003489C  
Shadowhunt 0003489D  
Sharpened Cutlass 000055AB  
Shimmerstrike 0002990E  
Shortsword of Absorption 0003841E  
Shortsword of Blizzards 000230AC  
Shortsword of Brittleness 0003D7BE  
Shortsword of Burning 0003DAF7  
Shortsword of Cold 0002259C  
Shortsword of Depletion 000387AB  
Shortsword of Depletion 0003D7EB  
Shortsword of Diminishing 0003D7D7  
Shortsword of Disintegration 0003D7CA  
Shortsword of Dispel 0003D7D0  
Shortsword of Embers 0003DAEE  
Shortsword of Enfeeblement 000389E7  
Shortsword of Fire 0003DB12  
Shortsword of Flames 0003DB09  
Shortsword of Fracturing 0003D7C2  
Shortsword of Fragments 0003D7BA  
Shortsword of Freezing 00022643  
Shortsword of Frost 0003DB77  
Shortsword of Jinxing 0003AB71  
Shortsword of Jolts 0002D72E  
Shortsword of Lightning 0002C281  
Shortsword of Numbing 0003DB80  
Shortsword of Pain 0003D7E1  
Shortsword of Paralysis 0002B55F  
Shortsword of Sapping 0003D7E7  
Shortsword of Scorching 0003DB00  
Shortsword of Shattering 0003D7C6  
Shortsword of Shocking 0002BB17  
Shortsword of Sparks 0002B567  
Shortsword of Storms 0002C292  
Shortsword of the Blaze 0003DB1B  
Shortsword of the Dynamo 0002C00E  
Shortsword of the Fang 0003CB6A  
Shortsword of the Glacier 00022EBD  
Shortsword of the Inferno 0003DB24  
Shortsword of Voltage 0002BFF7  
Shortsword of Weakness 0003AB42  
Shortsword of Weariness 0003D7DD  
Shortsword of Winter 000230E2  
Silver BattleAxe 00025221  
Silver BattleAxe 000977D2  
Silver Bow 00025227  
Silver Bow 000733DA  
Silver Claymore 00025226  
Silver Dagger 00025224  
Silver Longsword 0002521F  
Silver Longsword 000977C7  
Silver Mace 00025223  
Silver Mace 000977C4  
Silver Shortsword 00025220  
Silver Shortsword 000977C5  
Silver War Axe 00025222  
Silver Warhammer 00025225  
Sinweaver 0000172E  
Skull of Corruption 00027116  
Spellbreaker 00027112  
Staff of Anarchy 00091321  
Staff of Apathy 000912EB  
Staff of Banishment 000914D2  
Staff of Blundering 000912D3  
Staff of Burden 000912BE  
Staff of Calm 000912C1  
Staff of Catastrophe 000912E2  
Staff of Charm 000912C7  
Staff of Conflagration 000914C5  
Staff of Confusion 000912F1  
Staff of Corrosion 000912FB  
Staff of Demoralize 000912F5  
Staff of Diminishing 000914C4  
Staff of Discord 000914CD  
Staff of Dispel 000912FE  
Staff of Domination 000912D0  
Staff of Fatigue 000912D9  
Staff of Feeblemind 000912DF  
Staff of Fire 00091325  
Staff of Fireball 00091328  
Staff of Flame 0001CECC  
Staff of Fragility 0009131E  
Staff of Frailty 000912EE  
Staff of Frost 0009132B  
Staff of Hoarfrost 000914C6  
Staff of Ice Storm 0009132E  
Staff of Indarys 0006B66D  
Staff of Indarys 0006B66E  
Staff of Indarys 0006B66F  
Staff of Indarys 0006B670  
Staff of Indarys 0006B671  
Staff of Indarys 000335AF  
Staff of Legion 000914CC  
Staff of Lethargy 0009131B  
Staff of Light 00091331  
Staff of Lightning 000914B5  
Staff of Nenalata 00058EEC  
Staff of Nenalata 000BE5DC  
Staff of Nenalata 000BE5DD  
Staff of Nenalata 000BE5DE  
Staff of Nenalata 000BE5DF  
Staff of Nenalata 000BE5E0  
Staff of Open 00091333  
Staff of Pacification 000914C9  
Staff of Paralyzing Burst 00091337  
Staff of Ruin 00091301  
Staff of Severing 000912E5  
Staff of Sickness 000912DC  
Staff of Silence 000914BB  
Staff of Storms 000914B8  
Staff of Submission 000914CB  
Staff of Sundering 00091315  
Staff of Taming 000912CD  
Staff of Telekinesis 000914BE  
Staff of the Battlemage 000493BD  
Staff of the Dazed 0009130F  
Staff of the Doomed 00091312  
Staff of the Everscamp 0004F790  
Staff of the Grave 000914C1  
Staff of the Healer 000914D1  
Staff of the Mundane 000914D0  
Staff of the Oaf 00091304  
Staff of the Pariah 000912E8  
Staff of the Plague 00091307  
Staff of the Weary 0009130B  
Staff of Thunderbolts 000914C7  
Staff of Unholy Terror 00056E50  
Staff of Vulnerability 000914CF  
Staff of Weakness 000912D6  
Staff of Weakness 000914C8  
Staff of Withering 000914C3  
Staff of Worms 0004A24E  
Steel Battle Axe 000229B6  
Steel Bow 000229B7  
Steel Bow 0018ABF9  
Steel Bow 000733D9  
Steel Claymore 000229B8  
Steel Cutlass 0003AA82  
Steel Dagger 000229B9  
Steel Longsword 000229BA  
Steel Longsword 0018ABF7  
Steel Longsword 000977C3  
Steel Mace 000229BB  
Steel Shortsword 000229BC  
Steel Shortsword 00047ABF  
Steel War Axe 000229BD  
Steel Warhammer 000229BE  
Steel Warhammer 0018ABF8  
Storm Bow 0003CD08  
Sufferthorn 000347EB  
Sufferthorn 000347EC  
Sufferthorn 000347ED  
Sufferthorn 000347EE  
Sufferthorn 000347EF  
Sufferthorn 000347F0  
Sufferthorn 000347F1  
Sword of Submission 0003BF63  
Sword of Wounding 0003CD02  
Tempest 0003CCFE  
Thieve's Dagger 0003E45C  
Thornblade 0006B661  
Thornblade 0006B662  
Thornblade 0006B663  
Thornblade 0006B664  
Thornblade 0006B665  
Thornblade 000335AE  
Truncheon of Submission 000CA157  
Umbra 00026B22  
Unfinished Staff 000355A6  
Volendrung 00027108  
Volendrung 0009DB4F  
Voltag 0003BF62  
Wabbajack 000228F0  
War Axe of Absorption 00038420  
War Axe of Beguilement 0004F036  
War Axe of Blizzards 000230AD  
War Axe of Burning 0003DAF8  
War Axe of Cold 000225B4  
War Axe of Damnation 000353C5  
War Axe of Decay 0003B408  
War Axe of Deception 0003539B  
War Axe of Depletion 000387AF  
War Axe of Diminishing 0003D7D8  
War Axe of Dispel 0003D7D1  
War Axe of Dissolution 0003B409  
War Axe of Embers 0003DAEF  
War Axe of Enfeeblement 000389EB  
War Axe of Feeding 0003B401  
War Axe of Fire 0003DB13  
War Axe of Flames 0003DB0A  
War Axe of Fracturing 0003B40B  
War Axe of Freezing 00022647  
War Axe of Frost 0003DB78  
War Axe of Jinxing 0003AB72  
War Axe of Jolts 0002B58B  
War Axe of Lightning 0002C283  
War Axe of Numbing 0003DB81  
War Axe of Putrification 0003B40D  
War Axe of Rending 0003B40F  
War Axe of Sapping 0004F038  
War Axe of Scorching 0003DB01  
War Axe of Seduction 00035396  
War Axe of Shocking 0002BD0F  
War Axe of Siphoning 0003B400  
War Axe of Soul Snares 000353CB  
War Axe of Soul Traps 00035398  
War Axe of Souls 0003537A  
War Axe of Sparks 0002B571  
War Axe of Storms 0002C296  
War Axe of the Blaze 0003DB1C  
War Axe of the Dynamo 0002C020  
War Axe of the Glacier 00023003  
War Axe of the Inferno 0003DB25  
War Axe of Transmogrify 0003B405  
War Axe of Voltage 0002BFF8  
War Axe of Weakness 0003AB44  
War Axe of Winter 000230E3  
Warhammer of Abeyance 00035A24  
Warhammer of Absorption 0003841B  
Warhammer of Aversion 000353D2  
Warhammer of Blizzards 000230D3  
Warhammer of Burning 0003DAF9  
Warhammer of Cold 000225D8  
Warhammer of Deadweight 000387BD  
Warhammer of Decay 0003AF06  
Warhammer of Depletion 000387B0  
Warhammer of Diminishing 0003D7D9  
Warhammer of Dispel 0003D7D2  
Warhammer of Dissolution 0003AF09  
Warhammer of Embers 0003DAF0  
Warhammer of Encumbrance 000387B9  
Warhammer of Enfeeblement 000389EA  
Warhammer of Excess 000387BB  
Warhammer of Feeding 000387A9  
Warhammer of Fire 0003DB14  
Warhammer of Flames 0003DB0B  
Warhammer of Fracturing 0003AF0B  
Warhammer of Freezing 00022650  
Warhammer of Frost 0003DB79  
Warhammer of Holy Light 00035AAE  
Warhammer of Jinxing 0003AB6D  
Warhammer of Jolts 0002B58C  
Warhammer of Lightning 0002C284  
Warhammer of Numbing 0003DB82  
Warhammer of Overload 000387B8  
Warhammer of Putrification 0003AF0C  
Warhammer of Rending 0003AF0F  
Warhammer of Sapping 0004F03A  
Warhammer of Scorching 0003DB02  
Warhammer of Shocking 0002BD6B  
Warhammer of Siphoning 000387A6  
Warhammer of Sparks 0002B572  
Warhammer of Storms 0002C298  
Warhammer of Strain 000387B3  
Warhammer of the Blaze 0003DB1D  
Warhammer of the Dynamo 0002C025  
Warhammer of the Glacier 00023087  
Warhammer of the Grave 000353CE  
Warhammer of the Inferno 0003DB26  
Warhammer of the Undead 00035AB6  
Warhammer of Transmogrify 0003B406  
Warhammer of Turning 00035644  
Warhammer of Voltage 0002BFF9  
Warhammer of Warding 000353CF  
Warhammer of Weakness 0003AB3E  
Warhammer of Weight 000387B2  
Warhammer of Winter 000230E4  
Weight of Guilt 0001494D  
Witsplinter 0006B1B9  
Witsplinter 0006B1C0  
Witsplinter 0006B1C1  
Witsplinter 0006B1C2  
Witsplinter 0006B1C3  
Witsplinter 0006B1C4


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 04:27:39  profilanswer

Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 06:18:31  profilanswer

Ouais, l'idée de départ est bonne, mais c'est saoulant comme c'est présenté en spoilers de 10 kms de long ^^


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 06:24:27  profilanswer

je sais mais si je met pas de spoilers jpense que ca va geuler encore plus...
Par contre la jvais aller dodo et demain y'aura des ajouts jpense...


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 13:03:18  profilanswer

Re à tous !
Si vous êtes interessé par d'autres astuces, je vais d'ailleurs en poster d'autres aujourd'hui hésitez pas à me contacter


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 14:19:06  profilanswer

Chan officiel irc :  
Server :  
Channel :
Au fait c'est quoi le chan de HFR ?


Transactions (1)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 14:43:59  profilanswer

ces cheats comment ils s utilisent?


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 14:51:26  profilanswer

ben t'as la liste des commandes au tout début du post


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 14:55:26  profilanswer

et en gros pour les objets il faut utiliser :

Spoiler :

player.additem xxx yy avec x le code du l'objet et y la quantité voulue voila c'est tout...


Transactions (1)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 14:57:32  profilanswer

ca se tape dans la console pendant le jeu?


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 15:17:52  profilanswer

oui quand tu veut mais faut pas trop en abuser c'est juste qu'au moins il y a cette possibilité...


Transactions (1)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 15:20:03  profilanswer

j ai deja fini le jeu en quete principale( extra la fin d ailleurs)
je me l ereprends tranquille sans faire la quete principale pour l instant ;)


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-04-2006 à 18:37:52  profilanswer

:pt1cable:  lol dédé tu m'as eu en plus ! chuis allé trop vite :D


Transactions (0)
Posté le 02-05-2006 à 01:56:00  profilanswer

NOUVEAU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Transactions (1)
Posté le 02-05-2006 à 02:25:57  profilanswer

dede67 a écrit :

hello voila ce que HOK voulais dire mais en plus simple

c est quoi ce bordel?  :heink:  
et c est quoi bite machin?ca a un rapport avec oblivion?  :heink:


Transactions (0)
Posté le 02-05-2006 à 14:09:48  profilanswer

non aucun c un truc de vampire sur internet ca n'a rien a voir


Transactions (0)
Posté le 05-05-2006 à 01:34:41  profilanswer

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait s'il existe un cheat pour passer juste au niveau supérieur car j'ai un pote qui est buggué au level 14 et il n'a plus de progression. Par avance, merci si quelqu'un a la réponse. :jap:

i875@3.6GHz Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3 Gskill Eco cas7 DDR3 4x2 Go  HD5870 Apogee XT EK-5870 2xEKWB XTC 140 Laing DDC Mes feedbacks

Transactions (1)
Posté le 05-05-2006 à 01:41:02  profilanswer

HoK a écrit :

:pt1cable:  lol dédé tu m'as eu en plus ! chuis allé trop vite :D

Nombre de messages postés :   2
Spam -> [:ban]


Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-05-2006 à 14:31:53  profilanswer

Oui tu peut utiliser la commande advlevel pour augmenter ton level  :pt1cable:  


Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-05-2006 à 21:19:56  profilanswer

HoK a écrit :

Oui tu peut utiliser la commande advlevel pour augmenter ton level  :pt1cable:  

Merci :jap:

i875@3.6GHz Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3 Gskill Eco cas7 DDR3 4x2 Go  HD5870 Apogee XT EK-5870 2xEKWB XTC 140 Laing DDC Mes feedbacks

Transactions (0)
Posté le 10-05-2006 à 21:21:51  profilanswer

on a besoin de contributeurs donc stp aide le wiki a fonctionner...
rendez-vous sur sur quakenet

Message édité par HoK le 10-05-2006 à 21:22:41
Moune pour les intimes :o
Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-05-2006 à 20:32:25  profilanswer

dede67 a écrit :

hello voila ce que HOK voulais dire mais en plus simple


Citation :

un méssage a été envoyé aux moderateurs :o

edit: les cheats cay mal  [:dawao]  
surtout dans un jeu aussi simple qu'oblivion :heink:

Message édité par Timoonn le 16-05-2006 à 20:35:12

HFPonss - Désactivez votre Adblock sur HFR - Découper le monde à coup de rasoir pour voir au cœur du fruit, le noyau noir.

Transactions (1)
Posté le 16-05-2006 à 20:36:51  profilanswer

Citation personnelle associée au pseudo :    le roi du p2p c'est dédé   [:falcon'eye]  
Il est mal parti lui, de toute façon Ban - sodo -gravier ca changera rien il reviendra pas il pas posté depuis son spam sur le forum ... à moins qu'il soit Ban ou TT    [:sly--chub]

Moune pour les intimes :o
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-05-2006 à 20:36:33  profilanswer

surtout qu'aucun cheat ne marche :lol:
enfin si mais il ne donne pas la moindre indications sur le leur fonctionnements [:rofl]

Message édité par Timoonn le 19-05-2006 à 20:40:15

HFPonss - Désactivez votre Adblock sur HFR - Découper le monde à coup de rasoir pour voir au cœur du fruit, le noyau noir.

Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-05-2006 à 21:16:44  profilanswer

c'est just les code d'ID des objet ....
ta une commande et après te mé l'id par exemple ""cmd" 0000000b x" (x étant un nombre) donne x crochet
donc sa sert a rien de faire du copié collé du TES Construction Set  
au pire sufit de le télécharger

In TUX we trust
Transactions (0)
Posté le 16-06-2006 à 11:09:57  profilanswer

Salut a tous, moi je voudrais savoir comment on utilise les armes voleuses d'âmes ???
j'en ai une, quand j'acheve un mec avec, le jeu me dit "vous avez capturé une âme", et apres plus rien, niet, nada, qu'dale... je ne sais pas quoi en faire, ni ou elle se trouve...
Help please

In TUX we trust
Transactions (0)
Posté le 29-11-2006 à 21:43:18  profilanswer

coucou tout le monde,  
J'ai besoin de votre aide pour avancer dans oblivion... :/
Je fais la quete des lames, j'arrive dans les cavernes du lac arrius, là j'y vais bourrin et je tue tout le monde, puis je récupère le mysterium Xarxes. tout va bien jusque là. :)
le problème c'est que j'arrive pas à sortir des cavernes !
je me retrouve soit face à un éboulie, soit face à une porte que je peux pas crocheter... j'ai pourtant fouillé les cadavres !!
help car je suis bien coincé là :(


Transactions (0)
Posté le 30-11-2006 à 19:21:35  profilanswer

télécharge l'éditeur et déblock la porte :/
c'est un jeux buggué qui si on ne fait pas sa devient très vite lourd

Posté le   profilanswer

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