en dvd: -Seigneur des anneaux:retour du roi ( 2 dvd) -podium ( 3 dvd) -swat -xmen 2
sinon voila la liste des jeux que je peux acheter: -Animal Crossing: gamecube -Blinx 2-Master Of Time And Space: xbox -Burnout 3-Takedown: ps2/xbox -Call Of Duty-le jour de gloire: ps2/gamecube -Champions Of Norrath: ps2 -Chronicles Of Riddick: xbox -Colin Mc Rae 2005: ps2 -Confliet Vietnam: ps2/xbox -Crash Twin Sanity: ps2/xbox -Def Jam Fight For NY: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Donkey Konga-jeu avec les bongos: gamecube -Dragon Ball Z-Budokai 3: ps2 -Eye Toy Play 2-sans la caméra: ps2 -Eye Toy Chat-sans la caméra: ps2 -Fable: xbox -Fifa Football 2005: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Fight Club: ps2 -Flat Out: ps2/xbox -Full Spectrum Warrior: xbox -Ghost Recon 2: ps2 -Goldeneye Au Service Du Mal: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Grand Theft Auto-San Andreas: ps2 -Harvest Moon: gamecube -Ikaruga: gamecube -Jak 3-Le Retour d´une Légende: ps2 -Killzone: ps2 -Kingdom Underfire: xbox -Le Seigneur Des Anneaux-Le Tiers Age: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Les Urbz-Les Sims In The City: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Mario Golf: gamecube -Metroid Prime 2 Echoes: gamecube -Need For Speed underground 2: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Onimusha 3: ps2 -Outrun 2: xbox -Paper Mario-La Porte Du Millenaire: gamecube -Phantasy Star Online I et II: gamecube -Phantasy Star Online 3: gamecube -Pikmin 2: gamecube -Prince Of Persia 2: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Pro Evolution Soccer 4: ps2 -Rainbow Six 3-Black Arrow: xbox -Rallisport Challenge 2: xbox -Ratchet et Clank 3: ps2 -Resident Evil Outbreak: ps2 -Shellshock Nam´67: ps2/xbox -Shrek 2: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Silent Hill 4-The Room: ps2/xbox -Singstar Nrj Party-sans les micros: ps2 -Skies Of Arcadia-Legends: gamecube -Star Ocean-Till The End Of Time: ps2 -Star Wars Battlefront: ps2/xbox -Super Monkey Ball 2: gamecube -Tales Of Symphonia: gamecube -The Getaway 2 Black Monday: ps2 -Toca Race Driver 2: ps2/xbox -Tony Hawk´s Underground 2: ps2/xbox/gamecube -Wrc 4: ps2 -Zelda four swords: gamecube