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  Dual channel et Athlon 64 !!!


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Dual channel et Athlon 64 !!!

Posté le 22-04-2005 à 23:20:12  profilanswer

Batterie de test effectué avec et sans dual channel ====> resultat : le dual channel n'apporte pas grand chose !!!!!!!!

One of the major updates in the most recent Athlon 64 line, previously reserved to the FX models only, was the inclusion of an on-board 128bit dual channel memory controller, which finally brought the Athlon family of processors on a memory speed par with their Intel siblings, and in some cases allowed the to perform better than those smug Pentium chips.
Due to one of those engineering accidents that will be funny once we get past the humiliation, we have recently been able to run a full battery of tests on a single channel Athlon 64 4000+. Since a lot of factory-made PCs these days are shipping with single 256 or 512 MB modules, we thought we’d take the opportunity to compare single-channel RAM performance with its double-channel counterpart, to finally answer the age-old question: is the second stick worth it? Let’s have a look.
La suite du test : [...] rticle=128

Message édité par Druss2 le 22-04-2005 à 23:25:58
Posté le 22-04-2005 à 23:20:12  profilanswer

Posté le 22-04-2005 à 23:21:40  profilanswer

Ben voilà c'est ça que je cherchais à poster pour un gars qui voulait passer en dual channel, je n'arrivais plus à remettre la main dessus :jap:

Wizard of the Coast
Posté le 22-04-2005 à 23:22:32  profilanswer

1°/ Scoop [:dakans]
2°/ Manque la moitié de l'article, là :/

Le topic du QLRR et FIRE - Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, become evil.
Posté le 22-04-2005 à 23:22:35  profilanswer

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  Dual channel et Athlon 64 !!!


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