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  [A7V333] Enable Cooling Mod in Bios


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[A7V333] Enable Cooling Mod in Bios

Posté le 09-04-2003 à 10:23:19  profilanswer

The last thing to investigate is the "PCI Master Read Caching". This is a quick one :
Activity 1003 PCI M.R.C. disabled 1003 PCI M.R.C. enabled  
idle >40°C 28°C (as in the first table)  
So this Option is a "must enable" for everyone.
In the 1003 BIOS Setup set the following : Advanced - CHIP Configuration - PCI Master Read Caching : Enabled
Avez vous testé cela ?

Posté le 09-04-2003 à 10:23:19  profilanswer

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  [A7V333] Enable Cooling Mod in Bios


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