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  mon lecteur est reconnu ke en PIO KE FAIRE ???


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mon lecteur est reconnu ke en PIO KE FAIRE ???

Posté le 26-01-2004 à 02:09:43  profilanswer

alors voila g réinstallé windows XP mais mon lecteur n'est reconnu kan PIO ce ki ralenti consirablement ma machine lors d'une gravure ou meme la copie d'un CD sur mon disk ...
g une ASUS A7N8X Deluxe  
athlon XP 2400+
512 DDR 2700
le graveur en question un LG 40/12/40 8Mo de cache
une alim ENERMAX de 460W
voila si qq1 peut m'aider ce serait bien sympa merci

Klisto :-)
Posté le 26-01-2004 à 02:09:43  profilanswer

Posté le 26-01-2004 à 03:55:06  profilanswer
Posté le 26-01-2004 à 10:54:44  profilanswer

Super simple : tu desinstalles dans ton gestionnaire de matos, le controleur où tu as le lecteur incriminé. Tu reboots et tu tests

It's clobberin' time
Posté le 26-01-2004 à 11:06:46  profilanswer

explication du pourquoi
For repeated DMA errors. Windows XP will turn off DMA mode for a device after encountering certain errors during data transfer operations. If more that six DMA transfer timeouts occur, Windows will turn off DMA and use only PIO mode on that device.
In this case, the user cannot turn on DMA for this device. The only option for the user who wants to enable DMA mode is to uninstall and reinstall the device.
Windows XP downgrades the Ultra DMA transfer mode after receiving more than six CRC errors. Whenever possible, the operating system will step down one UDMA mode at a time (from UDMA mode 4 to UDMA mode 3, and so on).
If the mini-IDE driver for the device does not support stepping down transfer modes, or if the device is running UDMA mode 0, Windows XP will step down to PIO mode after encountering six or more CRC errors. In this case, a system reboot should restore the original DMA mode settings.
All CRC and timeout errors are logged in the system event log. These types of errors could be caused by improper mounting or improper cabling (for example, 40-pin instead of 80-pin cable). Or such errors could indicate imminent hardware failure, for example, in a hard drive or chipset. [...] E-DMA.mspx

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  mon lecteur est reconnu ke en PIO KE FAIRE ???


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