Voila je vien d'acheter, monter et instaler une Nvidia 8600 GTS
Au demarrage de windows je recois souvent ce message qui m'inquiette:
"the NVIDIA System sentinel is reporting that the NVIDIA - powered graphics card is not receiving sufficient power.
To protect your hardware from potentiel system lockup, the graphics processor has lowered its performance to level that allows continued safe operations.
To remedy the problem, ensure that your NVIDIA graphics card in your system has the supplemental power connector attched. This connection is required and your system may be damage if it is not in place. Please refer to your owner's manuel for complete inspection instructions. Also, the power supply in your computer must be able to supply ample power to power all of the attached periphericals in addition to this extra connection."
J'ai entendu parlé de carte graphique necessitant une alimentation suplémentaire, mais voila, sur ma carte, je vois qu'un seul endroit pour branché celle ci, mais je ne possede aucune alim interne pour l'emboité...
Voila une photo de ma CG:
http://pan.fotovista.com/dev/7/0/0 [...] 033907.jpg
La prise en question est noir, comporte 6 trous, 3 fois 3 trous superposé a l'horizontale
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