USB 2.0 Drivers
Note: Please do not get confused which type of USB controller you have. This article should clarify any questions you may have.
pour via... ou winxp+sp1 (si t as une licence officielle...)
WinXP - Due to licensing agreements, USB 2.0 drivers are not available for download. USB 2.0 drivers are supplied on CD with new mainboards. If you have misplaced the driver CD or have questions about the USB 2.0 driver, please contact your motherboard manufacturer or Microsoft.
Win2K - Due to licensing agreements, USB 2.0 drivers are not available for download. USB 2.0 drivers are available through Windows Update.
Win98/SE/ME - Please download and install these drivers. (Package V2.42L)
Linux - USB 2.0 support is available in kernel 2.5.2 or later. Further information.