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  A vendre CARTE PURE spécial MAX et MAYA


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A vendre CARTE PURE spécial MAX et MAYA

Posté le 09-03-2010 à 16:17:49  profilanswer

Salut à tous,
Je vend une carte graphique d'occasion PURE de ART VPS spécial MAX et MAYA compatible XP.  
Voici les spec.:
Now there's no virtual in reality. With PURE, your images are so realistic you can replace photography. With PURE, there's no megabuck render farm to buy or rent to render your work. PURE is on-board your workstation. And there is certainly no trade-off - on this one PCI card, eight of ART's dedicated ray tracing processors render your work faster, better and more affordably than any other rendering solution.  
Together with ART's RenderPipe for Maya plug-in, RenderPipe MAX for 3dsmax or 3D Studio VIZ, PURE completes a very high performance desktop 3D rendering system. Running under Windows NT and Windows 2000 and XP, it's truly plug and play. An investment in PURE leverages your existing skills, your software and your hardware. It's your personal photorealism solution.
PURE, ART’s new product line is a revolutionary PCI 3D ray traced rendering board for graphics workstations. With a rendering speed of 12X over software-basedray tracing, the simple, easy to use RenderPipe interfaces, and its low cost, PURE is the most efficient high quality 3D rendering solution available. PURE is based around an array of eight of ART’s unique AR350 ray tracing graphics processors. The AR350 is the only 3D chip capable of accelerating the complex, physically based ray traced rendering algorithm. Each AR350 features a geometry co-processor for performing ray/triangle intersection calculations and an end-user-programmable shading co-processor for performing highly flexible shading and lighting calculations. With eight AR350 chips, the PURE is capable of performing over 1.1 Billion ray/triangle intersection tests each second.

Si cela vous interrese, vous pouvez faire une offre. (Prix d'achat neuf = 3000 $)

Posté le 09-03-2010 à 16:17:49  profilanswer

Posté le 09-03-2010 à 16:26:51  answer

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  A vendre CARTE PURE spécial MAX et MAYA


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