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  MALTE - Recherche Administrateur Base de Données SQL


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MALTE - Recherche Administrateur Base de Données SQL

Posté le 25-09-2017 à 18:56:26  profilanswer

Bonjour je partage l'annonce ci-dessous, pour un poste à Malte, 24k €uros par an +20% bonus annuel selon performance.
PM moi si vous êtes intéressé ou si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui pourrait correspondre :)
Merci et bonne soirée !/matinée/journée
The Job
The Data Specialist (SQL) is responsible for designing then maintaining the SQL Database as well as building activity reports for the Workforce Planning team. They create robust database that are adapted to the Contact Center environment. They import data from our different providers and store it in a comprehensive data warehouse. They design reports and views based on the database. They will work closely with Business Intelligence and CS Management to ensure that systems are up and working so that management have the necessary reports and insight to run the service with efficiency. The Data Specialist contributes to the smooth running of the Contact Center.
The main job duties of the Data Specialist are :
    Designing and maintaining custom SQL Databases;
    Extracting, mapping, analysing and verifying data to ensure accuracy of the information being recorded;
    Developing queries and database structure;
    Designing professional activity reports and forecasting reports (static and ad hoc);
    Providing technical support and assistance in regards to Data, Reports and Systems;
    Helping the Workforce Planning team in their daily tasks (forecasting, scheduling etc.);
    Training others within the department to use the tools.
Are you the Data Specialist we are looking for?
If you are you will have at least 1 year working experience using SQL and you will be proficient in SQL Database modelling and SQL reporting. You have great analytical skills and superior attention to detail.
Experience in and knowledge of Customer Services is a plus and a qualification in IT or Statistics will be considered an asset. Knowledge of Salesforce would also be a plus to have.
You are a good decision maker and can make decisions independently of direct management whilst following company guidelines and acting in the best interests of the environment and business. You are also a natural problem solver and are able to work autonomously with minimal supervision.
Exceptional written and oral communication skills are a must as well as great organisational and time management skills. Since our main language of communication in all offices in English, the successful candidate must be fluent in English.

Message édité par hellohello88 le 26-09-2017 à 15:44:15
Posté le 25-09-2017 à 18:56:26  profilanswer

Posté le 26-09-2017 à 11:52:36  profilanswer

24 k€ ?

Posté le 26-09-2017 à 15:43:46  profilanswer

oui c'est bien ça, 24 K €.
La monnaie de Malte est l'Euro.

Tout problème a sa solution.
Posté le 26-09-2017 à 16:40:58  profilanswer

hellohello88 a écrit :



oui c'est bien ça, 24 K €.
La monnaie de Malte est l'Euro.






Je ne connais pas vraiment le niveau de vie à Malte mais un DBA à 24K€, ça me parait bien faible même si c'est au soleil.

Message édité par slr56 le 26-09-2017 à 16:42:18

Configurations type du moment : [...] 1331_1.htm
Posté le 26-09-2017 à 17:57:08  profilanswer

pour être précis, 24k+20% de bonus annuel, ca fait à peu près 1500€ par mois + 3600 euros annuels (/12=300)=environ 1800e par mois.
Ce qui représente 1.7 fois le salaire moyen de Malte.
Par ailleurs, le salaire peut être un peu négocié, 24k étant une valeur minimum.
Enfin, cette annonce cible plus un junior qui veut faire sa place ou tenter une expérience à l'étranger que quelqu'un de confirmé avec beaucoup d'expérience.

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  MALTE - Recherche Administrateur Base de Données SQL


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