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Gouranga !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 14:43:16  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
Fort :lol:

« Franchement si j'étais toi, je... – T'es moi ? – Nan. – Bon bah tu fermes ta gueule alors. »
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 14:43:16  profilanswer

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 14:43:49  answer

Ils doivent quand même se marrer de l'autre côté :D

20 titres en GC, 0 abandon, 0 DQ
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 14:54:26  profilanswer

je viens de faire qques recherches (sérieuses tant qu'a faire) et vraiment c'est pas mal, ils séparent le grain de l'ivraie pour nous et on n'a plus qu'a se servir :o
La je suis tombé sur le sympa qui me demande comment je vais :D²

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 14:58:30  answer

hann énorme c'est trop fort :D




Ils font dans le social, j'ai fait le déprimé :D

Citation :

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Nina-Jo(80194)
Nina-Jo(80194): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hey how are you today ?
Nina-Jo(80194): Good Morning!
You: hum i'm looking for a friend
Nina-Jo(80194): I'm find, thank you
You: i'm so lonely today
Nina-Jo(80194): have you tried some of the friends chat rooms?
Nina-Jo(80194): Sorry to hear that..... would you like me to search for some ideas?
You: i would prefer a friend like you, for exemple i've meet a guide before, named camille (71767)
You: i want talk with her ;)
You: could you do that for me pleassee ?
Nina-Jo(80194): Thank you but I'm not allowed to do that..... what state are you in..... so I can help you find someone to talk to.
Nina-Jo(80194): I can't connect you with her
Nina-Jo(80194): sorry
Nina-Jo(80194): don't have the ability
Nina-Jo(80194): I'm sure I can help you, if you give me some basic info to work with
Nina-Jo(80194): Like, what are you interested in?
Nina-Jo(80194): What are your hobbies?
You: hum ... energize and environment
You: i want to be engineer
Nina-Jo(80194): ok, are you college bound?
You: yes
You: my hoobies ? to be plastered ans loaded, it's funny ^^
Nina-Jo(80194): have you checked out Michigan Technological University..... one of the top 50 public schools for engineering in the U.S.
Nina-Jo(80194): I'm looking for some things for you
You: oh nice ! it can interest me indeed
Nina-Jo(80194): my son goes there
You: and he like it ?
Nina-Jo(80194): He LOVES the school and the area
Nina-Jo(80194): I've found something for you
Nina-Jo(80194): I"m checking it out now
You: wow and it's public ! very good news i will talk about it with my parents, thank you very much :)
Nina-Jo(80194): Hold on don't leave
You: okay
Nina-Jo(80194): I'm still looking for you......browser's slow, but I'm getting something
You: get your time i'm not squeeze (dawa, hey hfr hello ! - a trip of my brother don't care of it)
Nina-Jo(80194): Let me find you another please
Nina-Jo(80194): Please rate me on the quality of research I've done for you when we're finished! :)
You: no problem you're one of the best ;) !
Nina-Jo(80194): Thank you :)
Nina-Jo(80194): Most of the chats are tied in to particular universities........
You: ok, thanks you very much, it's enough for me
You: good job man
Nina-Jo(80194): go to and send an email to talk to engineering students to see if yo like thisi
You: in god we trust ;)
Nina-Jo(80194): Ok?
You: ok
Nina-Jo(80194): Have a nice day! :)
Nina-Jo(80194): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Profil supprimé le 07-03-2007 à 15:06:43
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:02:24  answer

C'est malin [:nofret]

Trop beau pour être agréable.
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:02:39  profilanswer

IP fixe? :/ euuuh oui faut éviter de leur parler de cul aussi [:prozac]

nerd nolife asocial antihumain
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:07:45  profilanswer

joe ne trouves pas pci
je fan de ce site  

Gouranga !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:07:47  profilanswer

'tain c'est trop fort :love:

Message édité par FLo14 le 07-03-2007 à 15:08:13

« Franchement si j'étais toi, je... – T'es moi ? – Nan. – Bon bah tu fermes ta gueule alors. »
Gouranga !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:08:06  profilanswer


« Franchement si j'étais toi, je... – T'es moi ? – Nan. – Bon bah tu fermes ta gueule alors. »
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:08:28  answer

[:rofl] Jvais éviter si je veux continuer a me marrer :D

Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:08:28  profilanswer

20 titres en GC, 0 abandon, 0 DQ
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:09:15  profilanswer

A ne pas faire donc :o

nerd nolife asocial antihumain
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:09:28  profilanswer

Citation :

Joe(30946): :( I am sorry, ChaCha has limited or search secessions to 6 minutes or less We have gone over this time. Feel free to do this search again with another guide, or to use ChaCha unassisted by a guide. Thanks for your understanding.
Joe(30946): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.


nerd nolife asocial antihumain
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:12:09  profilanswer

je vais demander le bios d'une 6323 d'msi

Dark Avenger
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:14:12  profilanswer

Han ca doit etre marrant ce truc, faut que j'esseye :miam:

nerd nolife asocial antihumain
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:21:39  profilanswer

Citation :

You: hi
carol(34982): hello
carol(34982): Please give me just a moment as I execute your search!
You: ok i wait, no problem
carol(34982): are you looking to buy card
You: no i want just to upgrade my bios
carol(34982): ok
You: my hdd is misrecognized


carol(34982): see if this one is helpful
You: hey the second is the good one !
carol(34982): ok great
carol(34982): Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?
You: vous p00trez as we say in france


Message édité par 2n2a le 07-03-2007 à 15:22:16
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:24:21  profilanswer

Pour ceux qui ne connaisse pas:

Citation :

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Jeremy(27194)
Jeremy(27194): Welcome to ChaCha!
Jeremy(27194): Hi there I will be helping you with your search.
Jeremy(27194): Would you care to tell me a bit more about your topic?
You: hello
You: i am looking for the indian singer of thriller version
Jeremy(27194): Ok
Jeremy(27194): No problem
Jeremy(27194): here it is
You: you can find the videoclip if you look for thiller indian
Jeremy(27194): yes its there
You: yes it is the videoclip but what is the artist name ?
Jeremy(27194): Ok so you want the artist
Jeremy(27194): name
Jeremy(27194): ?
You: yes but it is not the video I know, it is another one
You: there is a girl with yellow clothes in the video
You: yes the artist name
You: i can send you the link of the video of the artist i am looking for
Jeremy(27194): Yes But im not sure who it is
Jeremy(27194): it says volga
Jeremy(27194): whatever that is
Jeremy(27194): Ohh the video has data in it if you watch it
You: yes but volga is the name of the video provider i think not the artist
You: yes but the data are phone numer, and adress
Jeremy(27194): still looking
You: i searched for volga but found nothing
You: are you still there ?
Jeremy(27194): Ohh yes diggin deep
You: ok ;)
You: this song is hypnotizing and that would be great to find the artist name
Jeremy(27194): Im getting there
Jeremy(27194): hang tight
Jeremy(27194): This is the most accurate source
You: great ! thanks a lot
Jeremy(27194): that was hard
You: true :)
You: but you managed it
Jeremy(27194): thanks
Jeremy(27194): Thank you for choosing ChaCha as your search provider, and have a Great Day!
You: ok bye
Jeremy(27194): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

Dark Avenger
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:27:08  profilanswer

J'ai demande des methodes de suicide et hop, personne au bout du fil [:thalis]

Message édité par Devil_Weapon le 07-03-2007 à 15:34:51
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:39:54  profilanswer

je cherchais un site avec des sous titres de gundam seeds, ils m'envoient un site de torrents pour télécharger les DVD /o\

Message édité par Sylfurd le 07-03-2007 à 15:42:47

NNiD: Sylfurd
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:40:17  profilanswer

Mouai, je lui ai demandé de trouver mon premier post sur le net et elle 'na pas trouvé.
La demoiselle s'est même excusée :)

nerd nolife asocial antihumain
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:41:47  profilanswer

Citation :

You: what is you're wage
dylan(74614): I can't disclose that information.
You: comm'on
dylan(74614): All I can say is we don't get paid much.

il a raccroché le coquin :o
tin j'ai l'impression d'avoir des potes  :sweat:

Dark Avenger
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:41:59  profilanswer

Ah si mais elle me donne que dalle :/

Trop beau pour être agréable.
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:44:51  profilanswer

Une certaine stephany m'a pas trouvé la couleur des yeux d'edith piaf :/

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:46:00  answer

Doakipu a écrit :

Une certaine stephany m'a pas trouvé la couleur des yeux d'edith piaf :/

Mauves on t'a dit :D  

Trop beau pour être agréable.
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:48:05  profilanswer

Oui ben je me renseigne je me documente hein :o
Faudrait que thordax vienne faire un tour j'suis sur qu'il aurait plein de questions à poser :D  

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:48:44  answer

Doakipu a écrit :

Oui ben je me renseigne je me documente hein :o
Faudrait que thordax vienne faire un tour j'suis sur qu'il aurait plein de questions à poser :D

Bouge pas, je le ramène [:nofret]  

bing blang blaow
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:50:31  profilanswer

Ils veulent pas de bonne note gratos :o

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Eileen(79552)
Eileen(79552): Welcome to ChaCha!
Eileen(79552): Hi there, were you looking for something specific?
You: hello
You: no I just wanted to give you a good rating, just to be nice
You: so give my any web poage
You: and I'll just rate you
You: thanks
Eileen(79552): Somehow I doubt that.
You: I'm in a good modd
Eileen(79552): But you have a great day!
You: mood
Eileen(79552): Thank you for using ChaCha!
Status: Session ended


Gouranga !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:51:44  profilanswer

lizette(79669): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hi Lizette
lizette(79669): hello
lizette(79669): Welcome to ChaCha! Please wait a moment while I search for your results.
lizette(79669): Here is another great website for you. Now I will find one more.
You: It seems to require a fee... I omited to say that I want to download for free :o)
lizette(79669): ok no problem
You: I think it is illegal, is this a problem ?
lizette(79669): no, i have it one second, no its not
lizette(79669): Are these results sufficient?
You: hum not really, but I'll try to DL on eMule
You: Thanks !

Je lui ai demandé comment télécharger des épisodes de Desperate Housewives :d

Message édité par FLo14 le 07-03-2007 à 15:52:05

« Franchement si j'étais toi, je... – T'es moi ? – Nan. – Bon bah tu fermes ta gueule alors. »
Shop smart. Shop S-Mart !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:52:47  profilanswer

Bon, je regarde ça [:prodigy]

nerd nolife asocial antihumain
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:54:53  profilanswer

ils sont ouverts 24/7

bing blang blaow
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:55:04  profilanswer

J'ai essayé de Goatsee un guide  [:_astrid]  

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Amber(16398)
Amber(16398): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hello
Amber(16398): Hello, I hope you are doing well.
You: i'm looking for a picture
Amber(16398): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.
You: called Goatsee
Amber(16398): Sorry, that isn't allowed.
You: can you help me out?
You: ok thanks *
You: bye


Shop smart. Shop S-Mart !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:55:49  profilanswer

Citation :

Status: Connected to guide: Cathy(63292)
Cathy(63292): Welcome to ChaCha!
Cathy(63292): Have the results offered meet your desired result today? If not, please tell me how I may assist you further.
You: what's the price of tomatoes in subsahara ?
Cathy(63292): Is that a country?
You: nope, its a region
You: let's just try with morocco

Gouranga !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:56:57  profilanswer

darren a écrit :

J'ai essayé de Goatsee un guide  [:_astrid]  

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Amber(16398)
Amber(16398): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hello
Amber(16398): Hello, I hope you are doing well.
You: i'm looking for a picture
Amber(16398): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.
You: called Goatsee
Amber(16398): Sorry, that isn't allowed.
You: can you help me out?
You: ok thanks *
You: bye

Bon bah il reste lemontree et les autres :d

« Franchement si j'étais toi, je... – T'es moi ? – Nan. – Bon bah tu fermes ta gueule alors. »
bing blang blaow
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 15:57:21  profilanswer

FLo14 a écrit :

Bon bah il reste lemontree et les autres :d

Je le tente [:dawa]


Shop smart. Shop S-Mart !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:00:02  profilanswer

Tain mais c'est trop con ce truc :d²²²²²²²

bing blang blaow
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:03:54  profilanswer

Lalz, je lui demande Lemontree, elle me dit qu'elle en mange beaucoup, ensuite que c'est un peu acide :o
Et elle a pas trouvé au final :D

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Teresa(81268)
Teresa(81268): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hello
You: looking for a pic called lemontree please
You: can you find that for me?
Teresa(81268): G'morning, how may I help you this morning?
Teresa(81268): sure brb with your results
You: cool thanks!
You: I love lemons
Teresa(81268): me too :)
You: it's full of vitamins
Teresa(81268): I have to be careful on how many I eat, cause of the acid
You: yep, it's very acid, judging by what I've been told
You: do you eat a lot of lemons?
Teresa(81268): from time to time i do
You: ok
You: are all the guides from the US?
Teresa(81268): truly, im not sure
You: ok, hi from France then
Teresa(81268): i found something you might be interested in
You: cool, shoot!
Teresa(81268): here is a page where you can get a free tree
You: awesome! ùy own lemon tree!
You: thanks!
Teresa(81268): I think you have to enter your zip to see if the promotion is in your area
Teresa(81268): Are these results sufficient?
You: yep, perfect!
You: have a good day!
Teresa(81268): I hope you have a wonderful day!


Shop smart. Shop S-Mart !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:05:54  profilanswer

J'ai demandé le programme de CNN en français, le mec a pas su me le trouver il était trop blasé :d

Trop beau pour être agréable.
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:06:27  profilanswer

J'ai en fin trouvé un mec avec de l'humour:

Citation :

Status: Connecting ...  
Status: Looking for a guide ...  
Ring: ...  
Status: Connected to guide: Terry(17111):  
Amber(16398): Welcome to ChaCha!  
You: hello  
Terry(17111): Hello, I hope you are doing well.  
You: NO!! an undead army is walking towards me
Terry(17111): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.  
You: what should i do???  i just have a crow bar
Terry(17111): RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!  
You: ok thanks
Terry(17111): : bye :)

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart !
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:07:02  profilanswer


Trop beau pour être agréable.
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:07:53  profilanswer

darren a écrit :

Lalz, je lui demande Lemontree, elle me dit qu'elle en mange beaucoup, ensuite que c'est un peu acide :o
Et elle a pas trouvé au final :D

En meme temps c'est Lemon Party, lemon tree ca veut juste dire citronnier hein  :D

bing blang blaow
Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:08:14  profilanswer

Doakipu a écrit :

En meme temps c'est Lemon Party, lemon tree ca veut juste dire citronnier hein  :D


Topic hontes :o


edit : la faute à Flo14 qui a écrit lemontree :mad:

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par darren le 07-03-2007 à 16:08:49


Posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:14:09  profilanswer

Voila le mien:

Citation :

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Kathleen(20924)
Kathleen(20924): Welcome to ChaCha!
Kathleen(20924): Hello!
You: hi
You: how are you?
Kathleen(20924): How may I help with carmack? I am great thank you!
You: i'd like informations about john carmack
Kathleen(20924): Of course! Please wait a few moments while I find that for you.
Kathleen(20924): One coming up!
Kathleen(20924): Please take a look at this one while I find you more.
You: I already read that one. Please search for an extensive biography.
Kathleen(20924): Of course!
Kathleen(20924): Another on the way!
Kathleen(20924): Loading...
Kathleen(20924): Please let me know if these help you and if you would like more.
You: ok that was great. Now i want a website with interesting stories to read about.
Kathleen(20924): On John Carmack?
You: no, not at all, i'm just here at work kind of bored.
Kathleen(20924): Ok I see! You will need to start a new search I am afraid as ChaCha wants to keep the data base clean. :)
Kathleen(20924): I hope you have a good day at work!!
Kathleen(20924): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.


C'est hallucinant je trouve que ce soient pas des bots, c'est génial. Celui qui a essayé de goatse un guide m'a fait mourrir de rire, moi j'ose pas, il sont si gentils.
Je me demande comment ils vont faire si ça devient populaire...

Message édité par durkheim le 07-03-2007 à 16:15:20
Posté le   profilanswer

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