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  Besoin d'une traduc précise


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Besoin d'une traduc précise

Depuis 1917
Posté le 24-07-2003 à 17:30:40  profilanswer

It just sounds muffled and the low end response is alway flabby. when I get it to where it's not flub it has no bass! The rectifier has way "breathier" tone. It sounds heavy. But I can still get a cool solo sound, nice and dirty. Its heavy but tame at the same time and has a nasty bite when you want it to. The Triaxis doesn't have near the bottom end or full sound as the rectifier, and it's noisy! Yu can kind of get a good solo sound on a couple of the modes but it sound likean amp model because of all the digital shit. It is lame.
I always sounds muffled!!!! AHHHHHH If its not muffled its harsh.  

Posté le 24-07-2003 à 17:30:40  profilanswer

Posté le 24-07-2003 à 17:31:47  profilanswer

Je voudrais  
s'il vous plait
Merci d'avance

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