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  [ACH] 1GO de ram en 2x512 !


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[ACH] 1GO de ram en 2x512 !


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Posté le 12-07-2007 à 12:26:22  profilanswer

serait preneur d'un go de ram de bonne qualité neuve  ou tres peu utilisée
 compatible avec mon pc !!
voilà ce que j'ai sur mon pc :
  CPU-Z version 1.40.5
Processors Information
Processor 1 (ID = 0)
Number of cores  1
Number of threads 2 (max 2)
Name   Intel Pentium 4 540
Codename  Prescott
Specification  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
Package   Socket 775 LGA (platform ID = 4h)
CPUID   F.3.4
Extended CPUID  F.3
Core Stepping  D0
Technology  90 nm
Core Speed  3191.9 MHz (16.0 x 199.5 MHz)
Rated Bus speed  798.0 MHz
Stock frequency  3200 MHz
Instructions sets MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3
L1 Data cache  16 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Trace cache  12 Kuops, 8-way set associative
L2 cache  1024 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size
FID/VID Control  no
Northbridge  Intel i915P/i915G rev. B1
Southbridge  Intel 82801FB (ICH6) rev. 03
Graphic Interface PCI-Express
PCI-E Link Width x16
PCI-E Max Link Width x16
Memory Type  DDR2
Memory Size  512 MBytes
Memory Frequency 199.5 MHz (1:1)
CAS#   3.0
RAS# to CAS#  3
RAS# Precharge  3
Cycle Time (tRAS) 8
Memory SPD
Memory type  DDR2
Manufacturer (ID) Samsung (CE00000000000000)
Size   256 MBytes
Max bandwidth  PC2-3200 (200 MHz)
Part number  M3 78T3253FG0-CCC  
Serial number  4505917A
Manufacturing date Week 37/Year 04
Number of banks  1
Data width  64 bits
Correction  None
EPP   no
Timings table
Frequency (MHz)  200 200 200  
CAS#   3.0 4.0 5.0  
RAS# to CAS# delay 3 3 3  
RAS# Precharge  3 3 3  
TRAS   8 8 8  
TRC   11 11 11

Message édité par pauleau le 12-07-2007 à 12:39:26
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 12:26:22  profilanswer

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  Achats & Ventes

  [ACH] 1GO de ram en 2x512 !


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