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  Comment supprimer les index.dat d'un PDA ?


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Comment supprimer les index.dat d'un PDA ?

Posté le 13-12-2005 à 16:58:16  profilanswer

Tout est dans la question :
Comment supprimer les index.dat d'un PDA ?
J'ai trouvé pas mal de réponses dans le cas d'un PC, mais il faut redémarrer en Dos ....  :??:  
Merci de votre aide  ;)

Posté le 13-12-2005 à 16:58:16  profilanswer

Posté le 14-12-2005 à 09:10:28  profilanswer


Posté le 14-12-2005 à 10:22:27  profilanswer

Essaie ca : [...] clean.html
Sinon j'ai ca :
1. Instead rename the "Content.IE5" folder to a different name like "old". (On my WM 2003 device found at Windows/Profiles/guest/Temporary Internet Files)
2. Reset your device.  
3. Go back to the "Content.IE5" folder which the OS has automatically recreated during the reset. Notice the folder that was renamed "old" and delete it. The "old" folder contains the old bloated index.dat file that is safe to and can be deleted. The new index.dat file is significantly smaller. I haven't encountered any problems after deleting this folder and file on WM 2003 but just for safe measure you should back up first. I haven't had any experience with 2003 SE or WM 5 so I don't know the results on those versions.

Message édité par paradis le 14-12-2005 à 10:24:12
Posté le 14-12-2005 à 10:49:40  profilanswer

paradis a écrit :

Essaie ca :
1. Instead rename the "Content.IE5" folder to a different name like "old". (On my WM 2003 device found at Windows/Profiles/guest/Temporary Internet Files)
2. Reset your device.  
3. Go back to the "Content.IE5" folder which the OS has automatically recreated during the reset. Notice the folder that was renamed "old" and delete it. The "old" folder contains the old bloated index.dat file that is safe to and can be deleted. The new index.dat file is significantly smaller. I haven't encountered any problems after deleting this folder and file on WM 2003 but just for safe measure you should back up first. I haven't had any experience with 2003 SE or WM 5 so I don't know the results on those versions.

Merci çà marche

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  Technologies Mobiles

  Comment supprimer les index.dat d'un PDA ?


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