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  [shoutcast] Je cherche un soft qui scan les streaming sur le net


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[shoutcast] Je cherche un soft qui scan les streaming sur le net

pink floyd
Trance Is Life...
Posté le 26-08-2002 à 11:20:27  profilanswer

Salut tout le monde, voila je cherche un soft genre celui ci :

Main features:
 Search over 10,000 live radio stations.  
 Presets available to save your favorite stations.  
 Station scanner allows you to scan radio stations until you find one you like.  
 Visit station websites to find out more info about the broadcast such as special programs, e-mail request lines, or promotions  
 Browse radio stations by format, includes special broadcasts (police, ambulance, NASA, religious, etc.)  
 Bookmarks available to bookmark your favorite clips  
 Search/Browse nearly 3 million streaming audio and video selections totaling 240,083 hours of play time.  


Vous en connaissez d'autre ?
Merci bien :)

Message édité par pink floyd le 26-08-2002 à 11:21:47

Oui aux titres de topic clair et precis...
Posté le 26-08-2002 à 11:20:27  profilanswer

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  Windows & Software

  [shoutcast] Je cherche un soft qui scan les streaming sur le net


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