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  hot fix pour directx 8.1 [xp & AMD]


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hot fix pour directx 8.1 [xp & AMD]

Posté le 22-07-2002 à 14:12:52  profilanswer

ci joint copier coller du site tweak 3D:
DirectX 8.1 Hotfix  
Posted by Daveyiv ( on 7/17/02 at 21:20:30:
Microsoft has identified an issue concerning DirectX 8.1 on AMD based systems. Here is a clip from the story:
Some DirectX 8.1 programs may simply stop working on AMD PCs, and Microsoft has come up with a patch to fix the problem.  
The problem applies to DirectX programs running under Windows XP on AMD platforms. Intel processors are unaffected, the posting on Microsoft's support site here says.  
According to the posting, "the DrawIndexedPrimitive function stops working without displaying an error or debug message". Microsoft fesses up and says the error occurs because of "a code error in the AMD-specific optimized code. This code error may lead to heap corruption," it says.  
Check it out and download the fix here.
Source: SLCentral  
le probleme c'est que le fixe mentionné ne correspond pas explicitement au probleme d'ecrit
le patch serait Q321178

Posté le 22-07-2002 à 14:12:52  profilanswer

Posté le 22-07-2002 à 14:34:33  profilanswer

bon j'ai trouve :
DirectX 8.1 Potential Issues in Games That Use Software Vertex Processing
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Under very rare circumstances, games that use the Software Fixed Function Transform and Lighting functionality in DirectX 8.1 may stop responding (hang) while you play a game.  
This issue occurs when a minor problem in the Direct3D DrawIndexedPrimitive function is experienced. This problem prevents Direct3D from continuing or from displaying an error message.  
The only games that are known to experience this issue were discovered during pre-release testing and already include this update with the product release. Therefore, few, if any, customers have to install this update manually. However, a fix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to correct the problem that is described in this article. Apply this fix only on computers that are experiencing this specific problem. This fix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not affected by this problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Windows XP service pack that contains this fix.  
To obtain this fix, visit the "Download" section of the following Microsoft Developer Network Web site:
File name: Dx81b winxp - qfe (q321178).exe
Display name: DX8.1b WinXP - QFE  
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
It is unlikely that you will experience this issue because games that have been identified as potentially having this issue already include the fix.  
First Published: Apr 11 2002 9:58AM  
Keywords: kbWinXPpreSP1fix kbbug  
mais ils ne parlent pas de plateforme AMD  

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  hot fix pour directx 8.1 [xp & AMD]


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