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  Windows Update Impossible


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Windows Update Impossible

Posté le 31-10-2005 à 19:14:52  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous,
Je possède un Pc portable Toshiba avec WinXP SP2 installé dessus. Depuis quelques jours je ne peux plus effectuer de mise a jour via Windows Update !
Pourtant, je n'ai rien modifié dans ma config... Plus précisement, les mise à jour se bloquent à 0%, lors de la préparation du téléchargement des correctifs, et au bout de quelques minutes la fenetre me listent les correctifs qui n'ont pas pu être installés (c-a-d tous !)....
Je ne vois pas d'ou cela peut venir, un peu d'aide ? :)
Merci, aurevoir.

Posté le 31-10-2005 à 19:14:52  profilanswer

Posté le 31-10-2005 à 19:26:01  profilanswer

j'ai quasi la mm chose, il reste a 0 et c tout, mais je n'ai pas de message.

Pôôôpaa !
Posté le 31-10-2005 à 19:40:40  profilanswer

regarde ce qui a dans le fichier de log c:\windows\windowsupdate.log ...
t'as bien le service "mise à jour automatique" lancé au moins ? un n° d'erreur ?

Message édité par LaTeX_ le 31-10-2005 à 19:41:01
Posté le 31-10-2005 à 19:52:02  profilanswer

Oui j'ai bien les mise a jour automatiques d'activées, mais je n'ai aps de numéro d'erreur !
Voici un extrait d'une tentative d'update (windowsupdate.log) :

Citation :

2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Misc ===========  Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0100)  ===========
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Misc   = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Misc   = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup ***********  Setup: Checking whether self-update is required  ***********
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup   * Inf file: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\WebSetup\wusetup.inf
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\iuengine.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt1.exe: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng1.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll: target version =, required version =
2005-10-31 19:13:25 3832 214 Setup   * IsUpdateRequired = No
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 Misc ===========  Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0100)  ===========
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 Misc   = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 Misc   = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI -------------
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI -- START --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI ---------
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI   - Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI   - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=1"
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI   - ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2005-10-31 19:15:00 3832 214 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:00 1576 314 Agent *************
2005-10-31 19:15:00 1576 314 Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:00 1576 314 Agent *********
2005-10-31 19:15:01 1576 314 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2005-10-31 19:15:01 1576 314 PT   + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL = [...] lient.asmx
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing extended update info  +++++++++++
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 PT   + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL = [...] lient.asmx
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent   * Found 0 updates and 10 categories in search
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent *********
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent *************
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832  6c COMAPI >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832  6c COMAPI   - Updates found = 0
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832  6c COMAPI ---------
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832  6c COMAPI --  END  --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832  6c COMAPI -------------
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI -------------
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI -- START --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI ---------
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI   - Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI   - Criteria = "IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0"
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI   - ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2005-10-31 19:15:07 3832 214 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent *************
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:07 1576 314 Agent *********
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {E0A7FC7E-FF6E-4559-990B-4B4A01F0AD39}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {9197DADA-DE1C-420F-B558-E7018602E960}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {B00FE76D-8C87-48A2-9D5D-FD2D1336698C}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {B5503E2C-ADAF-494B-B3F7-15E893F84273}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {A3DC3BF3-3A7B-4E74-BD7F-520A59F52FF6}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {6E9B9E79-E08A-44C5-8D3F-250C33A48967}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {AE76FA20-B794-4E9C-8554-7A00C8153E27}.101 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {6D5B814E-201C-4F9B-965A-6672F85CEB9A}.101 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Added update {5A0255AB-8EB9-49DF-8878-C137F278397E}.100 to search result
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent   * Found 9 updates and 10 categories in search
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent *********
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:08 1576 314 Agent *************
2005-10-31 19:15:08 3832  6c COMAPI >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:09 3832  6c COMAPI   - Updates found = 9
2005-10-31 19:15:09 3832  6c COMAPI ---------
2005-10-31 19:15:09 3832  6c COMAPI --  END  --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:15:09 3832  6c COMAPI -------------
2005-10-31 19:15:12 1576 1d4 Report REPORT EVENT: {AFAF251D-4943-4B67-B023-BFBD404926BB} 2005-10-31 19:15:07+0100 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 WindowsUpdate Success Software Synchronization Agent has finished detecting items.
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI -------------
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI -- START --  COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI ---------
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI   - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI   - Updates in request: 8
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI   - ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3832 214 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr *************
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr ** START **  DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr *********
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Priority = 3, ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Updates to download = 8
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows XP (KB902400)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {E0A7FC7E-FF6E-4559-990B-4B4A01F0AD39}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {7BE61681-1B0A-4B3C-896C-F980FCE7E532}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows XP (KB901017)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {9197DADA-DE1C-420F-B558-E7018602E960}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {E8F1C7EE-0565-4B06-836F-174A8234B049}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows XP (KB905414)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {B00FE76D-8C87-48A2-9D5D-FD2D1336698C}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {0DDAD3B1-6112-4067-BB33-D1D5A7F49716}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows XP (KB904706)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {B5503E2C-ADAF-494B-B3F7-15E893F84273}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {76B8E395-FE1C-4A25-997B-1D5843AADEB6}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Outil de suppression de logiciels malveillants Windows - Octobre 2005 (KB890830)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {A3DC3BF3-3A7B-4E74-BD7F-520A59F52FF6}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {E19945E7-09E4-4233-97BA-D20EF7632386}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité cumulative pour Internet Explorer pour Windows XP (KB896688)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {6E9B9E79-E08A-44C5-8D3F-250C33A48967}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {DE43FD9E-BCA8-474A-A8E3-846A332B3107}.100
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows XP (KB905749)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {AE76FA20-B794-4E9C-8554-7A00C8153E27}.101
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {B0C24605-5FE4-43C2-9282-47AB7B88DA12}.101
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   Title = Mise à jour de sécurité pour Windows XP (KB900725)
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *   UpdateId = {6D5B814E-201C-4F9B-965A-6672F85CEB9A}.101
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *     Bundles 1 updates:
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c Agent   *       {067AD82C-ACD5-4D25-B475-C7BD8459E607}.101
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3600 d60 Misc ===========  Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0100)  ===========
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3600 d60 Misc   = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3600 d60 Misc   = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3600 d60 DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2005-10-31 19:18:05 3600 d60 DtaStor WARNING: Update Service: Failed to update backup store
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {7BE61681-1B0A-4B3C-896C-F980FCE7E532}.100]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:18:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {7BE61681-1B0A-4B3C-896C-F980FCE7E532}.100
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E8F1C7EE-0565-4B06-836F-174A8234B049}.100]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:19:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {E8F1C7EE-0565-4B06-836F-174A8234B049}.100
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {0DDAD3B1-6112-4067-BB33-D1D5A7F49716}.100]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:21:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {0DDAD3B1-6112-4067-BB33-D1D5A7F49716}.100
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {76B8E395-FE1C-4A25-997B-1D5843AADEB6}.100]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:22:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {76B8E395-FE1C-4A25-997B-1D5843AADEB6}.100
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:24:05 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E19945E7-09E4-4233-97BA-D20EF7632386}.100]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::DownloadUpdate: pDownloadJob->Init failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Got error (hr = 80246008) starting update 4 in call 17. Notifying call.
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DE43FD9E-BCA8-474A-A8E3-846A332B3107}.100]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:25:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {DE43FD9E-BCA8-474A-A8E3-846A332B3107}.100
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {B0C24605-5FE4-43C2-9282-47AB7B88DA12}.101]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:27:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {B0C24605-5FE4-43C2-9282-47AB7B88DA12}.101
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr ***********  DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {067AD82C-ACD5-4D25-B475-C7BD8459E607}.101]  ***********
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr   * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2005-10-31 19:28:35 1576 46c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {067AD82C-ACD5-4D25-B475-C7BD8459E607}.101
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: BITS service was not fixed up and thus CCI was not reattempted. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: Failed to connect to the BITS service; unable to start new downloads or interact with existing download jobs. (hr = 80080005)
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GetDownloadDataAndHandler: GetBitsManager failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr FATAL: DM:CAgentDownloadManager::GenerateAllDownloadRequests: GetDownloadDataAndHandler failed with 0x80246008.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr Error 0x80246008 occurred while downloading update; notifying dependent calls.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c DnldMgr WARNING: Extended error for reported error 80246008 = 80080005
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3600 d60 DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3600 d60 DtaStor WARNING: Update Service: Failed to update backup store
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Agent *********
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Agent **  END  **  Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Agent *************
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {72610A59-7AE5-4F9E-BE0F-738696064AE8} 2005-10-31 19:19:35+0100 1 161 101 {E0A7FC7E-FF6E-4559-990B-4B4A01F0AD39} 100 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {54C25C44-DC67-4A9B-B134-9E118DF723E3} 2005-10-31 19:21:05+0100 1 161 101 {9197DADA-DE1C-420F-B558-E7018602E960} 100 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {6577514B-5201-4D09-A17E-61AB7946B377} 2005-10-31 19:22:35+0100 1 161 101 {B00FE76D-8C87-48A2-9D5D-FD2D1336698C} 100 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {0CBEC69E-2EE8-4FAC-BE92-59E2B461396E} 2005-10-31 19:24:05+0100 1 161 101 {B5503E2C-ADAF-494B-B3F7-15E893F84273} 100 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {0CB46ED6-394D-4CF2-A38E-7201341FA744} 2005-10-31 19:25:35+0100 1 161 101 {A3DC3BF3-3A7B-4E74-BD7F-520A59F52FF6} 100 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {68067854-79AB-496C-A661-C8F0860B1164} 2005-10-31 19:27:05+0100 1 161 101 {6E9B9E79-E08A-44C5-8D3F-250C33A48967} 100 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {63A30D72-C6C2-440A-BDF4-41EADA9DE7D8} 2005-10-31 19:28:35+0100 1 161 101 {AE76FA20-B794-4E9C-8554-7A00C8153E27} 101 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3832  6c COMAPI >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3832  6c COMAPI   - Download call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 8, unaccounted = 0)
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3832  6c COMAPI   - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x80240022
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3832  6c COMAPI ---------
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3832  6c COMAPI --  END  --  COMAPI: Download [ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2005-10-31 19:30:05 3832  6c COMAPI -------------
2005-10-31 19:30:10 1576 46c Report REPORT EVENT: {733F4192-88C4-477B-93BC-CEC449475BE3} 2005-10-31 19:30:05+0100 1 161 101 {6D5B814E-201C-4F9B-965A-6672F85CEB9A} 101 80246008 WindowsUpdate Failure Content Download Error: Download failed.

PS : le code d'erreur pour chaque correctof est le 0x80246008

Message édité par taron_31 le 31-10-2005 à 19:56:26
Pôôôpaa !
Posté le 31-10-2005 à 20:09:37  profilanswer

ragarde si le services BITS est bien démarré, tu fais exécuter > services.msc, et tu regarde l'état du service "Service de transfert intelligent en arrière-plan" ;)

Perfection pour la perfection
Posté le 05-11-2005 à 11:06:23  profilanswer

J'ai le même pb. Dans le menu démarrer je clique sur Windows update, la page s'affiche, entiérement blanche, avec terminé en bas à gauche ... et rien ne se passe ...
Que faut il faire pour que Windows se mette à jour ? ( portable d'1 mois avec XP édition familiale).

jean pierr​e
Posté le 05-11-2005 à 11:23:39  profilanswer

a defaut de connaitre la soluc a vos probleme, voici un lien avec bien des pacths et correctifs

Perfection pour la perfection
Posté le 06-11-2005 à 09:57:33  profilanswer

J'ai le même pb. Dans le menu démarrer je clique sur Windows update, la page s'affiche, entiérement blanche, avec terminé en bas à gauche ... et rien ne se passe ...  
Que faut il faire pour que Windows se mette à jour ? ( portable d'1 mois avec XP édition familiale).  

keske je suis bo de profil!
Posté le 06-11-2005 à 16:00:24  profilanswer

j'ai vu le même pb chez un ami il y a quelques jours, la solution qui marche: récupérer les n° des hotfixes et les télécharger et les installer manuellement.
je me demande si c'est pas un problème avec le WGA.

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