Citation :
Here how to do it. First open regedit (Star>Run). Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\
Explorer and right click DWORD value and name it as NoDrive.
Double click and add decimal numbers like these;
A: 1, B: 2, C: 4, D: 8, E: 16, F: 32, G: 64, H: 128, I: 256, J: 512, K: 1024, L: 2048, M: 4096, N: 8192, O: 16384, P: 32768, Q: 65536, R: 131072, S: 262144, T: 524288, U: 1048576, V: 2097152, W: 4194304, X: 8388608, Y: 16777216, Z: 33554432, ALL: 67108863
ps: as you can see B:2 x C:4 = D:8 and so own.
If you want to combine drive example C+D = 12. So put 12 in your decimal numbers
Important: That for current user, if you want to hide it completely, also add the same thing here; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\