Les drivers 1.4 Alcatel sont bugués...
Essai de choper les 1.3.
"Dear Customer,
Alcatel is aware of an issue with some peer-to-peer file-sharing software, in combination with Windows XP and the Alcatel SpeedTouch USB R1.4 drivers. This issue appears in some cases when the upstream bandwidth is completely used up by the file-sharing
application. Alcatel is working on this problem and hopes to be able to offer a solution to it's clients as fast as possible.
One temporary workaround would be to limit the upstream bandwidth that is available to the file-sharing software. We thank you for your patience and wish you a lot of fun with your Alcatel SpeedTouch USB modem in the future."
Edit :
Regarding the issue with alcaudsl.sys and alcan5wn.sys at the moment there is not one definitive explanation.
On one hand there seems to be a connection with the use of file sharing software like Kazaa or Winmx. But for now it it could not be consistently replicated by the engineering department.
On the other hand user experience showed that this kind of error could be caused by firewall software like NPF (Norton Personal Firewall) under Windows 2000.
At the moment there are only 2 quick ways to work around this:
1. Use an Ethernet Network card and an ADSL Modem which uses Ethernet port as an Interface, i.e. the Speed Touch Home. This way the USB port is not used anymore. Only for the Ethernet card you needs Windows XP drivers and your Internet Provider must support the access using the Windows XP PPPoE
Kind regards,
Raphaël Haubourdin
Alcatel Helpdesk
E-mail: DSLContact@alcatel.com
Message édité par Anathema le 25-11-2002 à 19:21:01