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  Prob AudioDub need an audio and a video track (J:\Rain.avs, line 4)


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Prob AudioDub need an audio and a video track (J:\Rain.avs, line 4)

Posté le 23-07-2002 à 13:45:51  profilanswer

J'ai un probleme pour encoder:
voila  la fenetre sous la GUi.
RealSystem(R) Producer 9 Preview
Info: Preparing to encode file "J:\Rain2.avs" to file "J:\Pluie d'enfer"
Info: Starting encode
Info: Starting analysis pass
Info: Starting encoding pass
Warning: File extension required to identify file type. Appending filena
uie d'enfer with file extension .rmvb.
Info: File J:\Pluie d'enfer.rmvb already exists. Archiving existing file
luie d'enfer_arch001.rmvb. Writing new file to J:\Pluie d'enfer.rmvb.
Info: Encoding succeeded
Info: Encoding successful!
Done  Errors: 0 Warnings: 1Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
voila mon script:
LoadPlugin("D:\PROGRA~1\Real\GORDIA~1\mpeg2dec.dll" )
v=mpeg2source("J:\Rain.d2v" )
a=wavsource("J:\rain.wav" )
La video fait 18ko et me dit : AudioDub need an audio and a video track (J:\Rain.avs, line 4)

Posté le 23-07-2002 à 13:45:51  profilanswer

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  Video & Son

  Prob AudioDub need an audio and a video track (J:\Rain.avs, line 4)


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