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  [AIW] Tv Out : Overscan ??


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[AIW] Tv Out : Overscan ??

Posté le 09-03-2002 à 14:01:44  profilanswer

ya t'il un moyen d'activer l'overscan de la sortie TV sur les carte AllInWonder d'ATI (en Rage128) comme sur les radeon ??
Merci !

Posté le 09-03-2002 à 14:01:44  profilanswer

Posté le 09-03-2002 à 17:02:16  profilanswer

C bon k'ai trouve tout seul, donc si ca interesse qqu'un !
C de la bombe l'overscan du RageTheater !!!
As you know, when enabling TV Out, the picture will not always fill the TV screen. The reason for that is that we use "underscan" if TV Out is enabled in order to make sure that all buttons, especially the ones in the corners of the screen, are fully visible.  
There is a registry switch enables an "overscan" mode for TV Out. This registry key adds a button called "overscan" to the advanced page of the TV properties (in the "ATI Display" page of the advanced display properties). This overscan mode results in absolutely no visible border on the TV. The picture coming from the PC will be larger than the picture displayed on TV.  
There are some IMPORTANT points you should note:  
- Some buttons (close, minimize etc.) may not be accessible if the application is in fullscreen mode, they are outside the visible range of the picture.  
- Your PC Monitor will most likely switch OFF, because it can not support overscan (at least the monitor I tested switched off)  
- The TV Out picture can NOT be adjusted, you can not use overscan and then downsize the picture so that it exactly fits the screen.  
And here is the step-by-step guide on how to enable TV overscan under Windows 98 or Windows ME:  
- Open the registry editor (start, run..., "regedit" )  
- In the registry, go to "HKLM#Software#ATI Technologies#Driver_0001(or 0002 or 0003, depends on what number you find in there)#DAL. Add a new DWord called "TVEnableOverscan" and set the value to "1". Re-boot the system. If the system comes up in TV Out mode, it will still be in underscan mode.Go to display properties, settings, advanced and go to the page ATI Displays.In the ATI Displays page, click on the TV button and go to the page advanced, you will find a new button called "overscan", press this button to enable TV Overscan

Posté le 08-08-2002 à 07:02:11  profilanswer

Merci , punaise cela faisait trois heures que je la recherchais sur yahoo et hardware (grr puces3d a fermé)

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  [AIW] Tv Out : Overscan ??


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