. correspond au repertoire courant
.. correspond au repertoire parent
Code :
- C:\Downloads\test>move c:\downloads\test1.txt .
- C:\Downloads\test>move ..\test2.txt .
- C:\Downloads\test>dir
- Volume in drive C has no label.
- Volume Serial Number is xxxx-xxxx
- Directory of C:\Downloads\test
- 11/03/2001 12:18 PM <DIR> .
- 11/03/2001 12:18 PM <DIR> ..
- 11/03/2001 12:18 PM 0 test1.txt
- 11/03/2001 12:18 PM 0 test2.txt
- 2 File(s) 0 bytes
c'est ce que tu voulais ?
edit: bon... ok
[edtdd]--Message édité par JWhy--[/edtdd]
www.alliancefrancophone.org ... Home is where the heart is