Citation :
#!perl -w
use Tk;
use Tk::DragDrop;
use Tk::DropSite;
use strict;
use vars qw($top $f $lb_src $lb_dest $dnd_token);
$top = new MainWindow;
$top->Label(-text => "Drag items from the left listbox to the right one"
$f = $top->Frame->pack;
$lb_src = $f->Scrolled('Listbox', -scrollbars => "oe", -background => 'white',-width =>47,-height => 10)
->pack(-side => "left" );
$lb_dest = $f->Scrolled('Listbox', -scrollbars => "oe", -background => 'white',-width =>47,-height => 10)
->pack(-side => "left" );
$lb_src->insert("end", sort keys %ENV);
# Define the source for drags.
# Drags are started while pressing the left mouse button and moving the
# mouse. Then the StartDrag callback is executed.
$dnd_token = $lb_src->DragDrop
(-event => '<B1-Motion>',
-sitetypes => ['Local'],
-startcommand => sub { StartDrag($dnd_token) },
# Define the target for drops.
(-droptypes => ['Local'],
-dropcommand => [ \&Drop, $lb_dest, $dnd_token ],
sub StartDrag {
my($token) = @_;
my $w = $token->parent; # $w is the source listbox
my $e = $w->XEvent;
my $idx = $w->nearest($e->y); # get the listbox entry under cursor
if (defined $idx) {
# Configure the dnd token to show the listbox entry
$token->configure(-text => $w->get($idx));
# Show the token
my($X, $Y) = ($e->X, $e->Y);
$token->MoveToplevelWindow($X, $Y);
$token->FindSite($X, $Y, $e);
# Accept a drop and insert a new item in the destination listbox.
sub Drop {
my($lb, $dnd_source) = @_;
$lb->insert("end", $dnd_source->cget(-text));
$lb->see("end" );