Citizen47 | Code :
- <?php
- // BolGalleryCreative - 05/03/2005
- // All right reserved to Nicolas d'Haussy
- // Use or modify it at your own risk
- // Coders : I commented this code as much as possible for you ;)
- // Coders : Need help at reducing file URLs expressions according to "current directory" PHP workflow style
- // Returns a GD image file resource create and its width and height into an array
- // Output array : {image resource, image width, image height}
- function getImageResource($imageFile) {
- // Get image info
- $imageFileInfo = getimagesize($imageFile);
- $dataArray[1] = $imageFileInfo[0];
- $dataArray[2] = $imageFileInfo[1];
- // Create a image resource
- if ($imageFileInfo[2] == 1) { $imageFileResource = imagecreatefromgif($imageFile); }
- if ($imageFileInfo[2] == 2) { $imageFileResource = imagecreatefromjpeg($imageFile); }
- if ($imageFileInfo[2] == 3) { $imageFileResource = imagecreatefrompng($imageFile); }
- $dataArray[0] = $imageFileResource;
- return $dataArray;
- }
- // Creates a jpeg image sized as you want focusing randomly at a detail of the reference image
- function imageDetailExtract($referenceImage, $thumbnail, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight, $thumbnailJpegQuality=70) {
- $getImageResource = getImageResource($referenceImage);
- // Method to display a image detail
- // Coders : problems with little images (To get rid of it, set those two variables to 0)
- // Coders : could be also enhanced so as to see more details
- $Xposition = round(rand(0, ($getImageResource[1]-$thumbnailWidth)));
- $Yposition = round(rand(0, ($getImageResource[2]-$thumbnailHeight)));
- // Create the detail image
- $thumbnailResource = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbnailWidth,$thumbnailHeight);
- imagecopy($thumbnailResource, $getImageResource[0], 0, 0, $Xposition, $Yposition, $getImageResource[1], $getImageResource[2]);
- imagejpeg($thumbnailResource, $thumbnail, $thumbnailJpegQuality);
- // Destroy image resources
- imagedestroy($getImageResource[0]);
- imagedestroy($thumbnailResource);
- }
- // Resizes the given image outputting a jpeg image
- function resizeImage($referenceImage, $thumbnail, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $thumbnailJpegQuality=70) {
- $getImageResource = getImageResource($referenceImage);
- // Recompute size for fitting (to be validated)
- if( $getImageResource[1] > $getImageResource[2]) { $maxHeight = round(($getImageResource[2]/$getImageResource[1])*$maxWidth); }
- else { $maxWidth = round(($getImageResource[1]/$getImageResource[2])*$maxHeight); }
- // Create resized image
- $thumbnailResource = imagecreatetruecolor($maxWidth,$maxHeight);
- imagecopyresized($thumbnailResource, $getImageResource[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $getImageResource[1], $getImageResource[2]);
- imagejpeg($thumbnailResource, $thumbnail, $thumbnailJpegQuality);
- // Destroy image resources
- imagedestroy($getImageResource[0]);
- imagedestroy($thumbnailResource);
- }
- // Date sorting method
- function mtime_sort($b, $a) {
- if (filemtime($a) == filemtime($b)) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return (filemtime($a) < filemtime($b)) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- }
- // Creates bolGallery files and returns the HTML layout source string
- function bolGalleryCreate($imagesList, $referenceImagesDirectory, $tableColumnsNb, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight, $switchClassic=false) {
- // Build gallery HTML source
- $HTML = "";
- // Bolgallery Javascript popup function
- $bolGalleryPopup = "<!-- BolGallery Javascript popup window function -->
- <SCRIPT type=\"text/javascript\">
- function bolGalleryPopup(imageFile, width, height, title){
- var html = '<title>' + title + ' - Click to close </title><body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 onclick=\"javascript:window.close()\"><img src=\"' + imageFile + '\" alt=\"Click to close\"></body>';
- var popup =, '_blank', 'width=' + width+ ', height=' + height + ', status=no');
- popup.document.write(html);
- popup.focus();
- }
- </SCRIPT>\n\n";
- $HTML .= $bolGalleryPopup;
- // Build the HTML table to display all the thumbnails
- $HTML .= "<!-- Generated by BolGallery - Nicolas d'Haussy - -->\n<TABLE border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>\n\t<TR valign=\"top\">\n";
- $table_i=0;
- foreach($imagesList as $currentImage) {
- // (Re)build thumbnail url string
- $referenceImageName = str_replace($referenceImagesDirectory, "", $currentImage);
- $thumbnail = ($referenceImagesDirectory . "bolGallery/thumbnail_" . $referenceImageName);
- // Get reference image file info
- $referenceImageInfos = getimagesize($currentImage);
- $referenceImageWidth = $referenceImageInfos[0];
- $referenceImageHeight = $referenceImageInfos[1];
- // Generate the thumbnail image if doesn't exist
- if(! file_exists($thumbnail)) {
- // Generate mode style thumbnail
- if($switchClassic) { resizeImage($currentImage, $thumbnail, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight); }
- else { imageDetailExtract($currentImage, $thumbnail, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight); }
- }
- // Display the thumbnail image and set a popup link to the big one
- $alt = str_replace("_", " ", substr($referenceImageName, 0, -4));
- $HTML .= "\t\t<TD align=\"center\">\n\t\t\t<A href=\"" . $currentImage . "\" onClick=\"bolGalleryPopup(this.href, " . $referenceImageWidth. ", " . $referenceImageHeight . ", '" . $alt . "'); return(false);\" target=\"_blank\">\n"; // target attribute to be tested
- $HTML .= "\t\t\t\t<IMG src=\"" . $thumbnail . "\" title=\"" . $alt . "\" border=0>\n";
- $HTML .= "\t\t\t</A>\n\t\t</TD>\n";
- // HTML table next line evaluation
- $table_i++;
- if (($table_i % $tableColumnsNb) == 0) {
- $HTML .= "\t</TR>\n\t<TR valign=\"top\">\n";
- }
- }
- $HTML .= "\t</TR>\n\t<TR>\n\t\t<TD colspan=" . $tableColumnsNb . ">\n\t\t\t<FONT size=1>Geneated by <A href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">bolGallery</A></FONT>\n\t\t</TD>\n\t</TR>\n"; // Thanks not to delete this line
- $HTML .= "</TABLE>\n<BR>\n<!--End BolGallery-->\n\n";
- return $HTML;
- }
- // Main function. Handles bolGalleryCreate(). Call it on your php pages where you want it build a gallery.
- // Loads static page or lists reference images directory and launchs gallery creation
- function bolGallery($referenceImagesDirectory, $tableColumnsNb, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight, $switchClassic=false) {
- $staticPage = ("./" . str_replace(".", "", str_replace("/", "", $referenceImagesDirectory)) . "_bolGalleryStaticPage.html" );
- // Recreate the gallery if there was any modification
- if((!file_exists($staticPage)) or (filemtime($referenceImagesDirectory) > filemtime($staticPage))) {
- // Builds an array (sorted by date) of image files from given directory
- if (is_dir($referenceImagesDirectory)) {
- // Create the thumbnails directory if doesn't exist
- if (! is_dir($referenceImagesDirectory."bolGallery" )) {
- mkdir($referenceImagesDirectory."bolGallery", 0755);
- }
- // Check the reference images directory (Doesn't scan subdirectories)
- $handle=opendir($referenceImagesDirectory);
- while ($file=readdir($handle)) {
- if (is_file($referenceImagesDirectory.$file)) {
- // Check if the file is an image
- $extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file, "." ), 1));
- $supportedExtensions = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png" );
- if (in_array($extension, $supportedExtensions) and ($file[0] != "#" )) { // Also checks whether file is marked by a "#"
- // Add this file to the image files array
- $imagesList[] = $referenceImagesDirectory.$file; // Should not add $referenceImagesDirectory in the array, could be added later
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- // Sort image files array by date with "mtime_sort" method
- // Coders : could enable the user to choose between multiple file sorting
- @usort($imagesList, "mtime_sort" ) or die("There are no image in <b>" . $referenceImagesDirectory . "</b> to run bolGallery." );
- } else { die("<b>" . $referenceImagesDirectory . "</b> does not exist or is not a valid directory url. Cannot run bolGallery." ); }
- // Build gallery
- $HTML = bolGalleryCreate($imagesList, $referenceImagesDirectory, $tableColumnsNb, $thumbnailWidth, $thumbnailHeight, $switchClassic);
- // Bake also bolGallery HTML source output to file
- $session = fopen($staticPage, "w" ); // "r+" ?
- fputs($session, "<!-- BolGallery baked HTML page -->\n".$HTML);
- fclose($session);
- }
- /* Won't work
- // Load static page (the old one or the last created above)
- require($staticPage) or die("<b>" . $staticPage . "</b> does not exist." );
- */
- $pageString = file_get_contents($staticPage);
- echo $pageString;
- }
- ?>
donc ça c'est le code bolgallery
pour voir ce que ça donne sur le site une fois ce code ajouté : <?
include("./bolGallery.php" );
bolGallery("./musep/", 6, 80, 50);
vous pouvez afficher la source sur :
merci encore pour votre aide |