zaka47 | salut a tous , voilà j'ai un petit soucis avec le code suivant :
Code :
- <?
- $out.="<th class=column2 style='font-weight:bold'>Action</th></tr></thead>";
- $tabech=array();
- $tabidt=array();
- $nextmonth=date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date("m" )+1,date("d" ),date("Y" )));
- $today=date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,date("m" ),date("d" ),date("Y" )));
- $result = db_query("SELECT distinct(,c.nachname,c.vorname,t.status FROM candidats c, todo t, parametres p
- WHERE t.deadline>'2007-05-05' and t.candidat=c.ID and c.kategorie and p.nom like 'statut' and
- ((!=995 and!=48 and t.status <>3) or ( or and t.status=3))
- and t.ext=".$user_ID." ".$wherec." and t.echeance is not null order by t.echeance ASC " )
- or db_die();
- $i=0;
- while($row = db_fetch_row($result)){
- $tab_rech=array();
- $reqza = db_query("SELECT count(ID),recherche FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo
- WHERE suite like 'sans%' and candidat=".$row[0]." Group BY recherche" )
- or db_die();
- while($resza=db_fetch_row($reqza)){
- if($resza[0]>0 and $resza[1] !="" ) $tab_rech[]=$resza[1];
- }
- $conpteur=count($tab_rech);
- if($conpteur>0){
- $req10 = db_query("SELECT t.echeance,t.status, FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$row[0]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." and t.recherche NOT IN (".implode(",",$tab_rech)." ) ORDER BY t.deadline desc,p.ordre DESC" )
- or db_die();
- }
- else{
- $req10 = db_query("SELECT t.echeance,t.status, FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$row[0]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." ORDER BY t.echeance desc,p.ordre desc,t.deadline DESC" )
- or db_die();
- }
- $res10=db_fetch_row($req10);
- if($res10[1]!=3){
- $tabec[]=$res10[0];
- }
- else if ($res10[1]==3){
- $req00 = db_query("SELECT deadline FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo
- WHERE id=".$res10[2])
- or db_die();
- $res00=db_fetch_row($req00);
- $tabec[]=$res00[0];
- }
- $tabidt[]="0-".$row[0]."-".$row[2]." ".$row[1];
- }
- $result2 = db_query(" SELECT contact,deadline FROM todo WHERE ext = $user_ID and status = '3' and candidat=0 ORDER BY deadline ASC " );
- while($row2=db_fetch_row($result2)){
- $tabec[]=$row2[1];
- $tabidt[]="1-".$row2[0];
- }
- $ar = array($tabec,$tabidt);
- array_multisort($ar[0], SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $ar[1]);
- $cpt=count($ar[1]);
- $i=0;
- $k=0;
- for($j=0;$j<$cpt;$j++){
- $tab_rech=array();
- $var = explode("-", $ar[1][$j]);
- //si candidat
- if($var[0]=="0" ){
- //recherche des recherches où le candidats est ouvert
- $reqza = db_query("SELECT count(ID),recherche FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo
- WHERE suite like 'sans%' and candidat=".$var[1]." Group BY recherche" )
- or db_die();
- while($resza=db_fetch_row($reqza)){
- if($resza[0]>0 and $resza[1] !="" ) $tab_rech[]=$resza[1];
- }
- $conpteur=count($tab_rech);
- //si candidat ouvert dans au moins une recherche
- if($conpteur>0){
- $req1 = db_query("SELECT t.remark, t.origine_cv, t.recherche,t.echeance, t.ID,t.status,t.deadline,t.ext FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$var[1]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." and t.recherche NOT IN (".implode(",",$tab_rech)." ) ORDER BY t.deadline desc,p.ordre DESC" )
- or db_die();
- $tmp=0;
- $res1=db_fetch_row($req1);
- $req10 = db_query("SELECT t.remark,t.origine_cv ,t.echeance,t.ext FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$var[1]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." and t.recherche NOT IN (".implode(",",$tab_rech)." ) ORDER BY t.echeance desc,p.ordre desc,t.deadline DESC" )
- or db_die();
- $res10=db_fetch_row($req10);
- $req101 = db_query("SELECT t.remark,t.origine_cv ,t.echeance,t.ext FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$var[1]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." and t.recherche NOT IN (".implode(",",$tab_rech)." ) ORDER BY p.ordre desc,t.deadline DESC" )
- or db_die();
- $res101=db_fetch_row($req101);
- }
- //sinon
- else{
- $req1 = db_query("SELECT t.remark, t.origine_cv, t.recherche,t.echeance, t.ID,t.status,t.deadline,t.ext FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$var[1]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." ORDER BY t.deadline desc,p.ordre DESC" )
- or db_die();
- $tmp=0;
- $res1=db_fetch_row($req1);
- $req10 = db_query("SELECT t.remark,t.origine_cv,t.echeance,t.ext FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like 'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$var[1]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." ORDER BY t.echeance desc,p.ordre desc,t.deadline DESC" )
- or db_die();
- $res10=db_fetch_row($req10);
- $req101 = db_query("SELECT t.remark,t.origine_cv ,t.echeance,t.ext,t.von FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t, parametres p
- WHERE p.valeur = t.remark and
- (p.nom like 'action_process%' or p.nom like'action_cv' ) and t.candidat = ".$var[1]." and t.suite not like 'sans suite%' ".$wherec." ORDER BY p.ordre desc,t.deadline DESC" )
- or db_die();
- $res101=db_fetch_row($req101);
- }
- if($res1[0] !='' and $ $res1[0] != 'CACO' and $tmp != $res10[2] and $res101[3]==$user_ID and ($res10[2]<$nextmonth) and ($res1[6]<$nextmonth)){
- //requete pour le projet auquel le candidat est affecté
- $req3 = db_query("SELECT remark,project,contact,firma,ID,progress FROM ".DB_PREFIX."recherche
- WHERE ID = ".$res1[2])
- or db_die();
- $res3 = db_fetch_row($req3);
- $tmp=$res1[2];
- if(!ereg("N".$res3[4],$res2[3]) and $res3[3]!='' and $res3[5]==1){
- //requete pour la recherche auquel le candidat est affecté
- $req4 = db_query("SELECT firma FROM ".DB_PREFIX."contacts
- WHERE ID = ".$res3[3])
- or db_die();
- $res4 = db_fetch_row($req4);
- //.....code d'affichages des candidats
- }
- //si contact
- elseif($var[0]=="1" and !$recherche){
- $req1 = db_query("SELECT t.remark, t.origine_cv, t.recherche,t.echeance, t.ID,t.status,t.deadline,t.ext FROM ".DB_PREFIX."todo t
- WHERE = ".$var[1]." ".$wherec." ORDER BY t.deadline desc" )
- or db_die();
- $tmp=0;
- $res1=db_fetch_row($req1);
- if($res1[7]==$user_ID and ($res1[6]<$nextmonth)){
- $req2 = db_query("SELECT vorname, nachname,firma FROM ".DB_PREFIX."contacts
- WHERE ID = ".$var[1])
- or db_die();
- $res2 = db_fetch_row($req2);
- $firme=$res2[2];
- $req3 = db_query("SELECT ID FROM ".DB_PREFIX."contacts
- WHERE firma like '$firme' and div1 like 'e'" )
- or db_die();
- $res3 = db_fetch_row($req3);
- //...code d'affichage des contacts
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
pour résumé la page met environs une minute à ce charger et il faut réactualiser la page jusqu'a cinq fois pour avoir la totalité des données affichés
si vous avez des suggestion je suis preneur.
Merci d'avance à tous Message édité par zaka47 le 23-10-2007 à 13:49:05