Polaroid va annoncer un nouvel appareil de 4,5 megapixels a capteur foveon :
That is the predicament facing Foveon, a maker of sensor chips for digital cameras, which plans to introduce a consumer-oriented 4.5 megapixel digital camera at this week's Photo Marketing Association trade show in Las Vegas.
For the last seven years Foveon, based in Santa Clara, Calif., has been in a battle with the dominant Japanese camera makers who use a competing sensor technology.
Until now, Foveon has sold custom cameras costing as much as $50,000. In 2002, Foveon introduced a digital single-lens reflex camera in partnership with the Sigma Corporation, a Japanese camera and lens maker. Nikon and Canon dominate the market for cameras that cost more than $1,000.
This week Foveon will enter the mainstream market with a new camera priced at $399 that will be manufactured in China and marketed as the Polaroid x530 with Foveon technology.
edit: un pti lien pour que comprendre l'interet des capteurs foveon: http://www.foveon.com/X3_tech.html
edit 2 : Vu comment foveon compte ses pixels, le capteur fera surement 1,5 megapixels
dpreview vient de poster une news dessus.
D'après les specs de foveon, le capteur est capable de 7fps a la resolution max et 30 fps en 640x480.
Le mode video devrai etre excellent grace a la possibilité de groupement des pixels.
Message édité par armindo le 09-02-2004 à 19:23:04
'I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet.' - David Beckham