je suis sous MDK9.1 j'ai une connection AOL avec PENGGY 2.0.1et j'ai installé les derniers RPM de Mldonkey (mldonkey ,init, ed2K et gui en 2.5-3)
tout s'est bien installé
au fait j'ai recuperé le fichier "gui_messages.ini.fr2 (je le mets ou?)
je lance avec "mlgui" ça marche mais en bas dans l'interface il y a "connected" et "connected to 0/2 server(s)" je lance une recherche mais rien
dans la konsole il y a
brikolo@localhost brikolo]$ mlgui
Your system supports 1024 file descriptors
Resolving [localhost] ...done
Registered protocol IRC
The font "fixed" does not support all the required character sets for the current locale "LC_CTYPE=fr_FR;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=fr_FR;LC_COLLATE=fr_FR;LC_MONETARY=fr_FR;LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15" )
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15" )
Unknown action: page_uploads
Unknown action: page_rooms
Unknown action: page_queries
Using protocol 16 for communications
et lorsque que je lance "mlnet+gui"
j'ai"connected to 0/63 server(s)
[brikolo@localhost brikolo]$ mlnet+gui
Your system supports 1024 file descriptors
Resolving [localhost] ...done
Network Global Shares registered
Network Direct Connect registered
Network Open Napster registered
Network Gnutella registered
Network Fasttrack registered
Network BitTorrent registered
Network Donkey registered
Loading history file ...Network Soulseek registered
Network.load_complex_options not implemented by BitTorrent
Network Soulseek disabled
Network Donkey enabled
Network BitTorrent enabled
Network Fasttrack disabled
Network Gnutella disabled
Network Open Napster disabled
Network Direct Connect disabled
Error loading ./comments.met: Sys_error("./comments.met: No such file or directory" )
Exception: bind failed: Address already in use at port 4662
Error: Exception bind failed: Address already in use during startup
Exception: bind failed: Address already in use at port 6882
Exception bind failed: Address already in use while init bittorrent server
Exception: bind failed: Address already in use at port 4080
Exception http server while starting bind failed: Address already in use
Exception: bind failed: Address already in use at port 4000
Exception telnet server while starting bind failed: Address already in use
Exception: bind failed: Address already in use at port 4002
Exception chat server while starting bind failed: Address already in use
Connection refused : connect
chat_app_host=localhost chat_app_port=5036
Exception: bind failed: Address already in use at port 4001
Exception gui server while starting bind failed: Address already in use
SHARING ./incoming PRIO 0
QUERY URL [...] ontact.ocl
Welcome to MLdonkey client
Check for updates
To command: telnet 4000
Or with browser:
Welcome to MLdonkey
The current stable version is 2.5-3
The current unstable version is 2.5-devel-4.
Please, ask your friends using old versions to
upgrade as soon as possible.
Network.save_complex_options not implemented by BitTorrent
Options correctly saved
Core started
Disabling output to console, to enable: stdout true
The font "fixed" does not support all the required character sets for the current locale "LC_CTYPE=fr_FR;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=fr_FR;LC_COLLATE=fr_FR;LC_MONETARY=fr_FR
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15" )
(Missing character set "ISO8859-15" )
voila si quelqu'un pouvait me guider se serait cool je debute sous linux et j'aimerais bien faire du P2P pour eviter de retourner sous win (ça fait deja 1 mois que j'y suis plus)
je m'accroche mais c'est pas facile
Message édité par brikolo le 22-06-2003 à 19:33:31