j'ai actuellement mandriva 2006 , et je voulais installé le 2007 , et je n'est pas reussi , j'ai
mis le cd 2007 , il s'est lancé , j'ai selectionner installation , et
au moment ou ya la barre de chargement qui a en bas a gauche ,
elle est rester a 0 la barre et ensuite j'ai eu une erreur ,
voila l'erreur:
fatal error finishing initialisation
j'appui sur ok
exited abnormally :-(
sending termination signals... done
sending kill signals... done
unmounting filesystems...
you may safely reboot or halt your system
<alt-f1> for here , <alt-f3> to see the logs <alt-f4> for kernel msg
j'appui sur alt+f3
have to insmod usbkbd
needs usbkbd
succeeded usbkbd
have to insmod keybdev
needs keybdev
/modules/modules.mar : no such file or directory
warning , insmod failed (keybdev (null)) (1)
pcmcia: proding pci bus..
not found
pcmcia probing for intel pcic (isa)
not found
pcmcia probing for databook tcic-2 (isa)
not found
no pcmcia adapter found
automatic: parameter cdrom for method means returning cdrom drive have to insmod ide-cd
needs ide-cd
succeeded ide-cd
looking for ide media
ide/1 hda is a maxtor 6L160PO
ide/1 hdb is a maxtor 6L120PO
ide/0 hdc is a _nec dv-5700A
ide/0 hdd is a pioneer dvd-rw dvr-108
mounting/dev/hdc on/sysroot/tmp/media as type iso9660
have to insmod isofs
needs isofs
succeeded isofs
found a mandriva linux cd rom , good news!
total memory 512 mbytes
mount_clp_may_preload: /sysroot/tmp/image//install/stage2//mdkinst.clp into /sysroot/tmp/stage2 (preload=1)
short write (bas address)
third party: using modules location/sysroot/tmp/image
fopen (stage1.c: 343) failed: no such or directory
unsetting automatic
exiting bootsplash
Ma dernière vidéo - Omelette numérique - Comprendre la nourriture et les valeurs énergétiques - pour rester en bonne santé Exelcium