melalcoolique a écrit :
c'est une distro de 50mo.
Damn Small Linux has a nearly complete desktop, including XMMS (MP3, and MPEG), FTP client, links-hacked web browser, spreadsheet, email, spellcheck (US English), a word-processor, three editors (Nedit, nVi, Zile [emacs clone]), Xpdf, Worker (file manager), Naim (AIM, ICQ, IRC), VNCviwer, SSH/SCP server and client, DHCP client, PPP, PPPoE, a web server, calculator, Fluxbox window manager, system monitoring apps, USB support, and soon it will have pcmcia support as well. For more information check out the applications pages.
OK, interessant.
T'es as pas d'autre de cette taille sous la main ?
y'a pas un site qui référencient toutes ces distros ?