Voilà, maintenant que tout le monde a commencé à jouer,fait qqs scénario ou un bout de campagne, je vais aborder un sujet qui me chagrine bp à propos de HOMMIV : l'IA amibienne du jeu, qui me fera abandonner heroes 4 au profit du 3 si rien n'est fait et qui me pousse à suspendre toute partie pour l'instant. Pour illustrer ce prb, je fais un copier/coller tiré du forum de Celestial Heavens ( www.strategyplanet.com/homm ). N'hésitez pas à donner votre avis!
Hello to all,
I has been studying the A.I for two days now.
I have been using the no-shroud tool so that I could
be able to fully see every move of the A.I every day.
I played on medium sized map.
(4 comp players (team 1) and me (team 2) However,
I newer built or moved anything - just followed the A.I. (=pressed end of turn everytime it was my turn after I had writing down notes)
Oh, and difficulty was set to expert.
This was what I discovered:
A.I seems to have two modes. An Active mode and a passive mode.
A.I also seems to have no memory - it does not seem to take note of locations.
Let me explain in detail:
While in active mode, A.I scouts its surroundings and attacks neutral creatures.
It does so randomly - meaning the A.I will kill a level 3 creature to get a resourse of
gold losing most of its army doing so while leaving a unguarded goldmine nearby untouched.
So far I have not been able to find any logic whatsoever in A.I moves.
Wherever A.I might be, it will be there becouse it randomly run that way - not becouse it planned to be there.
A.I fail to remeber the special locations. Yes, they MAY visit that learning stone if they
stumble upon it but in the case the stone was guarded so that the A.I could not visit
it at the moment, they will not come back later unless by coinsidence.
The same goes for mines, dwellings etc. If the A.I stumbles upon those locations, it may or
may not flag them but under no cirmucastnces will they they send a hero just for that
purpose. (did anyone mention an A.I who has not bothered to flag the mines close to his
castle - doing very poorly becouse of this and yet knowing about the presense of those
mines and STILL not flagging them)
A.I fail to understand the mobile radius of neutral stacks and it is THIS what is causing
mass-graves. A.I ends its turn too close to a neutral stack and that stack then charges and
kills the A.I army. Soon the A.I will try to pick up the remains back home and ressurect them.
Unfortunately, the neutral stack will then attack again and A.I will get killed again.
I monitored an A.I player closely for 9 months during a game and they just keep on
making suicide time after time. Newer did they intend to attack the might scores of crusaders -
they just failed to see the danger! Becouse of this they newer had army to do anything else
at all. But they did not even try to do anything else - this was the only piese of "logic"
I managed to find in A.I behaevior. The mass-suicide! At least the A.I tried to achieve
something even if it always ended up making suicide.
A.I also do not understand how to use a ship. Most of the time they just keep boarding
a ship - then unboarding it the next turn. Then maybe moving a few squares - then unboarding
again - then moving back to location 1 - unboarding...the boarding...then unboarding whitout
moving at all ... you got the picture. Sometimes the unboard like as they want to pick up
resourses or artifact. And then on the very next turn, they will board the ship again IGNORING
the resourses it came to pick up in the first place.
Then, suddenly, A.I may revert to passive mode. It happens suddenly and whitout any appearant reason.
In passive mode, A.I is collecing army only. Their main armies are mostly at home just waiting.
In passive mode, A.I is not moving at all. They just keep on refresing their army.
They don´t do this for any obious reason - they may have a gold mine very close their
main castle guarded only by some 20 skeletons and still the A.I with scores of crusaders
refuses to move at all - it is in passive mode and VERY much so!
What happens to a scout that is out scouting a neutral/enemy territory when the A.I
decides to go into passive mode? Amazingly, they will freeze too. Essentially failing to move
for days, for weeks, even for several months. Where they happen to be matters little. They may freeze
in a middle of a swamp, in a boat, with a treasure chest right next to they feet
(yes, I have seen this!) not picking it up for several months.
A typical passive season seems to last for about one month but it may be anything
between a few days to several months (I think 3 and a half month is the record so far)
and during this time NOTHING moves for that player. not a single stack - nothing. A.I
is having siesta. Sometimes all A.I players will be in passive mode all at the same time.
I have termed this as "the month of lonliness" since nothing at all is moving on the map at
that puncture.
Sorry guys, I can't help myself but at those moments, I cannot help but wondering what the
programmers at NWC was thinking about while programming the adventure A.I ...
I would be happy to hear some comments.
Share your experiences.
Note : le dernier patch semble corriger 2 petits points mais ne corrige pas le tir...