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  La GBA : écran trop sombre --> la solution ! (?)


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La GBA : écran trop sombre --> la solution ! (?)

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Posté le 20-06-2001 à 23:55:58  profilanswer

vu sur le site ign :
Game Boy Advance Too Dark?
The IGNBoards are all a-buzz about an amazing discovery: the Game Boy Advance's contrast control.
A discovery has been made, and it's set the IGN Message Boards ablaze with folks excited about a "new" feature of the Game Boy Advance.
Apparently, the Game Boy Advance has, hidden away, a contrast adjustment potentiometer that can be turned to brighten or darken the Game Boy Advance's LCD screen. The Game Boy Color and NeoGeo Pocket Color systems also had this feature, and it was just as well hidden as the GBA's.
What you'll need is a small screwdriver, as well as the will to void your warranty -- because once you've revealed the location of the contrast controls, that's what most likely will happen.
Warning -- I hold no responsibility for what happens to your system if you proceed with this. My advice...leave it alone. Don't touch it. Really.'s what you do: Gently push the tip of the screwdriver against the right side of the silver Game Boy Advance label on the back of the system. Watch the sticker -- you'll notice the label push inward and reveal a circle. This is the hole where the potentiometer is in. You'll have to pierce the label with the screwdriver to reveal the hole. At the bottom of the hole is what you need to turn with caution with the tiny screwdriver. Watch the screen as it slightly dims and darkens as you turn the potentiometer (or pot for short).
Keep in mind that the actual potentiometer is hidden for a reason -- it's not made for users. It's only meant for authorized Nintendo repair technicians to utilize, just in case your GBA system needs specific adjustments. And this adjustment will not eliminate the need for an external light source. That's just silly.
-->source :
Avis à ceux qui ont une GBA : ca marche ce systeme ?

Posté le 20-06-2001 à 23:55:58  profilanswer


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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 00:00:11  profilanswer

Citation :

Avis à ceux qui ont une GBA : ca marche ce systeme ?

Ce systeme pour quoi faire ? A mon avis tu as mal lu....
Le reglage du contraste n'eclaircie en rien l'ecran...

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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 00:03:25  profilanswer

si si j'ai bien lu : "a contrast adjustment potentiometer that can be turned to brighten or darken "  
J'en deduis donc que ca permet d'éclaicir un peu l'ecran. Non ?


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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 00:10:34  profilanswer

NON, moi je dis ca pour pas que tu perdes la garantie à ouvrir le truc !
Sur cristeaux liquides, le fait de regler le contraste va simplement noircir ou non les caractères (le contraste quoi)...
c'est completement independant de la luminosité.... le texte est trompeur.
Effectivement tu peux eclaircir l'ecran mais pas dans le sens ou tu l'entend...

Longue vie à HFR :)
Transactions (3)
Posté le 21-06-2001 à 01:17:22  profilanswer

On vera bien vendredi  :D


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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 01:21:55  profilanswer

ça marche bien comme ça , je vois pas l'utilité de bidouiller
sinon il suffit de décollé l'étiquette pas besoin de la perçer

The cheese won't protect you
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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 12:02:34  profilanswer

bon apparement c'est absolument pas un reglage du contraste...
allez lire ça:
c'est la reponse de nintendo...


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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 12:05:25  profilanswer

voui effectivement il vaudrait mieux éviter d'y touché,
ça régle le voltage de l'écran

Steam: Lynkk
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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 12:08:47  profilanswer

Ecran trop sombre ! elle est là la solution :D :D ;) [...] ache=cache

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Posté le 21-06-2001 à 12:09:24  profilanswer

DURANDAL a écrit a écrit :

voui effectivement il vaudrait mieux éviter d'y touché,
ça régle le voltage de l'écran  

non c' est pas le voltage c' est la frequence de rafraichissement ...  

Citation :

The "contrast control" that you are referring to is actually a flicker control. The adjustment is used to synchronize the positive and negative voltages. If these voltages are out of adjustment then the LCD will no longer respond correctly

si c' est pas synchro ca risque de laisser des marques .

nouveau pseudo: Nicky66 , merci ;)  

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  La GBA : écran trop sombre --> la solution ! (?)


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