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  Empire Earth


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Empire Earth


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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 19:31:06  profilanswer

j arriva pa a lancer le jeux  
j ai un ecran noir c est tt
c est quoi le probleme

Posté le 28-07-2002 à 19:31:06  profilanswer


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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 19:42:07  profilanswer

T'as tt à jour ? Update du jeu, driver son, CG... Sinon fais-le. Ca freeze ou alors ca plante ?

[VDS/ACH/ECH]  Le bordel à Bourral (procos, mobos, ram, WC,...)

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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 19:49:43  profilanswer

tt a jour oui
ca plante pas ca demare je le sens mais deriere un ecran noir
je fais ===>Enter et puis retour tt simplement a windows

Marc, gagame, c'était mieux
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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 20:02:27  profilanswer

Sous quel OS ?
T'as regardé le readme sur le CD, pleins de pb sont référencés dont par exemple une incompatibilité du couple AMD + Geforce en fonction des drivers.

Art ?|Pro ?|Sport ?| ACH/VDS matos photo divers

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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 20:11:36  profilanswer

d apres le Redme (ds le CD) j ai largement la conf qu il faut
amd 1.2gh
Cgraf Geforcr 2 mmx 400
os XP
je flipe moi je vais essayer ds une autre OS mais continue a m aider svp

Marc, gagame, c'était mieux
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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 20:34:28  profilanswer

max77 a écrit a écrit :

d apres le Redme (ds le CD) j ai largement la conf qu il faut
amd 1.2gh
Cgraf Geforcr 2 mmx 400
os XP
je flipe moi je vais essayer ds une autre OS mais continue a m aider svp

Quand je parlait du readme, c'est pas de la config mini dont je parlait. comme tu le dis, t'as juste la config qu'il faut pour avoir (voire accumuler) les pbs.
Regardes les paragraphes III-F et III-G le pb vient peut-être de là:

F) Specific Issues with Windows XP
On some video cards, the following problems were noted when playing under the Windows XP Operating System:
- AutoSaves can take up to 1 minute
- Empire Earth may pause for long periods of time but does not state it is AutoSaving
- After a save is complete, up to 20 seconds may elapse before any actions register
- Play may seem a little choppy
Note that the AutoSave feature can be turned off in Empire Earth's Game Settings (Interface tab).
The following video cards won't allow Empire Earth to run in Windows XP:
- Savage3D
- Riva 128
The ATI Rage Pro and the Matrox G200 both exhibited minor graphical problems, but were able to play the game fine.  Additionally, some chipsets did not yet have video drivers available for Windows XP at the time this Readme was written.  
G) Graphics Issues on Computers with AMD Chips and GeForce Video Cards
On computers with AMD chips (K6-2, K6-3, or 700-1000 Mhz Athlon or Duron processors) AND GeForce video cards, users may experience problems with the graphics on Empire Earth's menus, including possible crashes that require rebooting in order to play Empire Earth.  The configuration that can cause these problems is as follows:
- AMD K6-2, K6-3, or 700-1000 Mhz Athlon or Duron processors (Thunderbird is OK), AND
- GeForce cards using Nvidia 21.81 drivers (12.41 drivers are OK), AND
- Graphics Settings utilizing "Direct3D Hardware TnL"
If your computer has this configuration, there are 2 things you can do to correct the problem:
1) Go back to the Nvidia 12.41 drivers for your GeForce card.  This will fix the problem.
2) If you decide to keep the 21.81 drivers, you must disable the Transform and Lighting (TnL) option.  Use the "Direct3D" option in the Game Settings in Empire Earth.
Additionally, if you turned on Full Screen Antialiasing for your GeForce video card (through the Advanced options of the Settings for your Display Properties) this could cause abnormalities with the game, including loss of text on buttons and the mouse cursor leaving trails behind it.  You should disable Full Screen Antialiasing for your video card (see the manual or instructions for your video card).

Art ?|Pro ?|Sport ?| ACH/VDS matos photo divers
Punishment is my business
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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 21:12:35  profilanswer

c est a cause du son , tas une sblive non?  
alors met a jours tes pilotes ou reinstall la

Message édité par Urgeman le 28-07-2002 à 21:13:26

Ludothèque Tric Trac

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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 22:35:17  profilanswer

j ai ete chez un pote pr essayer le jeux  
au retour je demare je lance est cette fois ci ca marche
peut etre il falait un reboot apres l install
Merci de votre aide

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Posté le 28-07-2002 à 22:40:03  profilanswer


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