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  Problème d'OpenGL avec Jedi Academy


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Problème d'OpenGL avec Jedi Academy


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Posté le 10-07-2004 à 09:06:52  profilanswer

Salut  :)  
J'ai un gros problème qui m'empêche de jouer (depuis peu) à mon jeu préféré Jedi Academy :
- Avant j´étais sous Win2000pro je jouais à JK3 sans problème  
- Là maintenant je suis sous winXp pro et j´arrive pas à lancer le jeu et voici le message qui m'averti de l'erreur :
" Initializing OpenGL driver  
. ..getting DC: succeeded  
. ..GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )  
. ..35 PFDs found  
. ..GLW_ChoosePFD failed  
. ..GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )  
. ..35 PFDs found  
. ..GLW_ChoosePFD failed  
. ..failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT  
. ..restoring display settings  
. ..WARNING: could not set the given mode ( 3)  
. ..shutting down QGL  
. ..unloading OpenGL DLL  
----- CL_Shutdown -----  
GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem"  
Ma config vidéo (qui était la même sous win2000pro) :  
Hercules 3D prophet 9000 128Mo  
Catalyst 4.4  
DirectX 9.0b  
J´ai effectivement essayer de passer au catalyst 4.5,4.6 et 4.7 (sur mais apparemment ils passent pas à chaque fois la carte 3D se désinstalle complètement.  
Je précise que sous Win2000pro j´avais le catalyst 4.4 qui marchait à merveille avec JK3.
Autre fait très énervant, hier j'ai pu jouer à JK3 ! Et ce matin en rallumant mon PC j'ai eu ce message interdisant le jeu.  
Merci pour l´aide !

Posté le 10-07-2004 à 09:06:52  profilanswer


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Posté le 10-07-2004 à 11:45:15  profilanswer

personne sait ? plz les gars aidez-moi


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Posté le 11-07-2004 à 19:56:18  profilanswer

up de soutien

Message édité par Joy4Ever le 11-07-2004 à 19:56:40

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Posté le 11-07-2004 à 19:59:13  profilanswer

Joy4Ever a écrit :

up de soutien

edit jai trouvé ca
Could not load OpenGL subsystem  
Unfortunately, you are probably like most who strike this problem, and have initially thought "I know how to fix that" and reloaded Direct X.  
Then you reloaded your video drivers, but to no avail. After cyclic reinstalls of both of the above you even reloaded Quake 3 itself (or your 3D game of choice) from scratch. Nix.  
Then you try reloading the whole lot half a dozen times. The problem remains.  
Days drag into weeks... you may even be among the sorry masses (myself among them) who in desperation reinstall Windows itself to get your machine working for 3D games again (which fixes the problem - but it can come back, leaving you where you were before).  
What has happened? Well, you've installed a game or application which has changed one small, subtle thing on your system. From that point on, many 3D games will fall over due to the OpenGL error above. If only you knew what that small thing was, you could reverse the change. If only you knew...  
What's the fix, then?  
What that piece of software went and did was this: It went to - of all places - WIN.INI (a small file in your System directory within Windows) and added/changed the following line:    
To fix this whole mess, simply comment this line out! Yes, that's all there is to it! This is achieved with a semicolon - thus:  
; DVA=0  
Make this change in your WIN.INI, save it, and reboot.  
Now try your 3D game (e.g. Quake 3) again... aahh!!! Success!! (well, in most cases... if your problem persists, I have no answer there - but this little fix ended months of frustration for me, and I just had to detail it here if there's a chance it will save anyone else similar heartache).  
If commenting out this line causes further problems, simply remove the semicolon and resave the file.  
For a step-by-step version of the fix:  
Click Start / Run.  
Type "win.ini" (without quotes) and press OK.  
Search for a line that says "DVA=0" (without the quotes).  
Add a semicolon ( ; ) before the DVA (the line should now look like this: ";DVA=0" (without quotes))  
Save and close the file  
If you find this causes more problems, just take out the semicolon.  
If this has helped you, then it was worth my posting this info. If not, I can only suggest you dig further - the 'net is a big place. Someone out there has probably had the same problem that you have now, and it's likely that what worked for them could work for you.  
Alternate Info for WinXP users: Native XP drivers for video cards generally don't have support for OpenGL (like MS expects everything to rely exclusively on DirectX). Therefore you should download the XP compatible drivers for your video card from the manufacturer's website.


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Posté le 19-12-2009 à 13:04:39  profilanswer

alors moi j'ai problème assez énervant car enfaite quand je lance jedi academy je dois changer toutes les touches de mon clavier car celles qui sont déjà pré installées ne me vont pas car elles ne sont pas très pratiques. Donc j'aurai aimé savoir si il était possible par un moyen quelconque de réussir à enregistrer ces touches une bonne fois pour toute sans avoir à le refaire tout le temps.
De même quand j'enregistre des commandes "bind" elles ne sont pas non plus enregistrées et je dois les refaire à chaque fois que je rallume le jeu .
Merci d'avance

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