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[TU] ★ SQUAD ★ la guerre moderne


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Posté le 27-06-2017 à 20:54:52  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

Astro 111 a écrit :

Des nouvelles très prometteuses de Post Scriptum :
Il sera bientôt plus avancé que Squad  [:implosion du tibia]


Posté le 27-06-2017 à 20:54:52  profilanswer

Astro 111
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Posté le 03-07-2017 à 18:10:32  profilanswer
Jacquot ma​rtin

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Posté le 03-07-2017 à 18:58:35  profilanswer

C'était pas déjà officiel que ça allait être un stand alone ?  [:transparency]  
Ils vont vachement plus vite que les gars de squad j'ai l'impression.  :fou:

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Jacquot martin le 03-07-2017 à 18:59:45

Membre de la T.E.P.A.  Dans le but de contribuer à une amélioration dans la mesure où il y aurait lieu de le faire.
Astro 111
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Posté le 03-07-2017 à 20:26:49  profilanswer

Oui depuis quelques mois. Ouais, ça commence à être énervant ! Peu d'infos de la part des développeurs.

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
Astro 111
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Posté le 04-07-2017 à 11:09:23  profilanswer

Des nouveautés ici :
Ils reparlent de la carte Fallujah qui était dans Project Reality.
Plus qu'à attendre...

Message édité par Astro 111 le 04-07-2017 à 11:12:30

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
aka Foskifo
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Posté le 04-07-2017 à 13:00:29  profilanswer

C/C possible pour les proxytafs ? :o

et la lumière fut !
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Posté le 04-07-2017 à 15:19:05  profilanswer

Spoiler :

June 2017
3 juil. 2017
Hi Squaddies,
Welcome to your monthly update! We're kicking this one off with an eye to the future before we dig into the June goodies. As we race into the second half of 2017, we felt it was important to give the community a comprehensive update of the road ahead and the what the future holds for Squad and Offworld Industries. Spoilers: It's going to be a good year.
Squad Development Update
There's no shortage of action behind the scenes, marching ever closer toward release! As the Unreal Engine has developed in parallel with Squad, we’ve worked hard to make sure to keep the engine up-to-date and include new features as they become available. This has netted us some great improvements, but also cost us some development time when fundamental changes have to be made. As we come into the final cycle of the alpha portion of the development, we have decided to move quickly toward version 4.16 of the engine. We will absolutely continue to pull in relevant features into Squad as we go forward, but we want to dedicate more resources to performance and stability in an effort to bring everyone a better playing experience.
As a result of this, we have readjusted our near-term development plan to get the engine upgrade and the stability pass completed before finishing up our core systems. Everyone in the community should start to see the benefits of this stabilization over the course of the summer, culminating in our release of both the new animation system and core inventory.
Also, the success of Squad (thanks to you!) has allowed us to start to substantially increasing the capacity of our team. In particular, the programming team will be growing by an additional four members beginning in the next several weeks. This should dramatically increase our ability to handle a wider breadth of development and break up many of our bottlenecks. Expect to meet and greet the these talented people in future updates!
Offworld Industries' Future
Speaking of growing, with nearly 40 full-time developers, Squad maturing, and the studio becoming more financially stable, planning for the future becomes more critical. With roots in modding, we are always on the lookout for talented individuals or teams that we can help with getting a foothold in the industry. Several members of our current team were found right here in this community.
We are pleased to give the OWI community an update on our plans to extend and strengthen this connection in the years ahead.
Modding and the Community
As part of our early commitment to a community driven project we released the Squad SDK soon after our Steam release and are continuing to plan for full mod support. In May of this year, we transitioned two developers, StrangeZak (Zak Strange) and Irontaxi (Chris Greig) into planning and implementation of the modding platform for a complete release to launch around the end of September.
Our modding platform now includes the ability to Create, Load, and Share Mods from the Squad SDK straight to the Steam Workshop with plans to add custom multiplayer maps from the Steam Workshop before the release.
"Offworld Core" and Indie Developers
From the humble days of a couple of guys working from their living rooms on Skype, the Offworld team has had a strong desire to make our FPS platform a template for future games on the Unreal 4 engine. As part of our long term plannings, we have been working on creating a stripped down feature framework that both indie teams and Offworld can use as a base for their games. This would include carrying over many of the gameplay features and teamwork oriented structures that make Squad unique, such as squads and voip, in the hope that these things start to set a new standard for Multiplayer games. This framework is known as the "Offworld Core," and we look forward to seeking out teams interested in making everything from sci-fi ship combat to zombie post-apocalyptic shooters.
As part of the first steps in this effort, Offworld Industries is proud to announce our partnership with Periscope Games who have been diligently working on "Post Scriptum," a WW2 multiplayer FPS with a focus on historical accuracy. Set in the 9 day long Operation Market Garden campaign of 1944,, Post Scriptum will depict British paratroopers fighting Tiger tanks amongst the fields, villages and towns of the Netherlands, all the way to Arnhem! In our opinion it looks fantastic, is set in a unique operation from WW2 and is well worthy of being a standalone game. Periscope plans to take their project to a complete commercial release scheduled for 2018.
We welcome them to the Offworld family, and you can find more information about their project at their website, on Twitter, or in these videos:
And after all of that... Let's get on with the update!
Motion Capture
Our team in the very last few days of the month went to the motion capture labs at Animatrik in Vancouver to do performance capture for Squad, with the intention of improving the visual fidelity of our third person animations. Look forward to a future article detailing what we did over the day as well as video!
UGL Transitions
Our animation team has been hard at work integrating core weapon features and one of them is having a smooth transition between your Rifle and Underbarrel Grenade Launcher. In addition we’ve ran a first practical iteration on Weapon Zeroing, beginning with the weapons where they’ll see the most impact, mainly UGLs and Rocket Launchers.
Shotgun Animations
Having been shelved for quite a while due to scheduling and technical constraints, we finally are able to put shotguns back into the production pipeline! We’ve managed to do a first pass on the M1014 shotgun and the KS-23 shotgun. Take a look at some of the Work-in-Progress:
/ 0:06
Beautiful. So smooth and you can almost feel the "ka-chunk" during the reload.
/ 0:04
TOW Launcher and RPG-26 Renders
It took some doing, but we managed to sneak some renders out from the art team. Don't let them know we found some of the most recent renders of the TOW launcher, as well as the RPG, soon to be featured making very fine explosions on the battlefield near you.
New Reanimated Vehicle Weapon Animations
As part of the new animation system overhaul, we’ve had to reanimate all the vehicle related animations, including turret-based guns and emplacements. It does give the animators a chance to iterate on what we did in the past, as well as a chance to experiment with a moving camera during the animated sequences. The result? Making the animated work pop even more.
/ 0:02
/ 0:06
/ 0:13
We are excited to announce that production on Fallujah is in full force. We took some time revisiting our workflow and production pipeline before jumping into this map and we really think it will pay off. As you can see we are planning to pay homage to the original map from Project Reality, created by Duckhunt. Production is underway and we will have more to show you in an upcoming dev blog series called "The Road to Fallujah" which will give you a look into our workflow and thought process.
New Narva Screenshots
Fallujah isn't the only map being worked on, as you know. Good progress is being made on bringing the battle to Narva. Featuring a cityscape complete with industrial areas, railway access, and plenty of deadly choke points, Narva brings players to Eastern Europe. Coming along nicely, we're looking forward to players getting their hands on the historic castle!
And there you have it, Squaddies. The future's so bright, we've gotta wear shades, but we're not letting that get in the way of progress. Stay tuned for more updates from us and the community.
Offworld Out.

aka Foskifo
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Posté le 04-07-2017 à 16:20:55  profilanswer


timeo libri rex agitur
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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 07:00:50  profilanswer

Jacquot martin a écrit :

Ils vont vachement plus vite que les gars de squad j'ai l'impression.  :fou:

parce que la quasi totalité de la partie technique et faite par OffWorld et réutilisée par Periscope, donc Periscope a beaucoup plus de temps pour se consacrer au contenu (c'est pas une critique, juste pour expliquer que PS a l'air d'avancer plus vite que Squad)


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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 13:08:14  profilanswer

[:cerveau drapal]  
Chopé pendant les soldes steam, ça a l'air un peu complexe. Un petit didacticiel au stand de tir ferait pas de mal

Posté le 05-07-2017 à 13:08:14  profilanswer

aka Foskifo
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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 14:42:32  profilanswer

Pas faux, tu peux aussi venir sur un serveur FR et préciser que tu es noob, les gens te répondront gentillement :)


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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 16:45:03  profilanswer

Y en a pour les habitués d'HFR ? [:nonoo_:3]

aka Foskifo
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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 17:03:07  profilanswer

Pas spécialement, y a Squadland et RAF Immersion tactique ou il y a toujours les mêmes habitués. Si tu joues avec Astro ici présent, il se fera un plaisir d'expliquer :D
Sinon en rejoignant une squad, tu précises au squadlead que tu es débutant et, normalement, il brieffe ou alors il te kick :o

Jacquot ma​rtin

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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 18:02:55  profilanswer

Fait déjà un tour tout seul dans le stand et check le guide officiel, parce que apprendre sur le tas ça va être douloureux et chiant.

Message édité par Jacquot martin le 05-07-2017 à 19:38:44

Membre de la T.E.P.A.  Dans le but de contribuer à une amélioration dans la mesure où il y aurait lieu de le faire.
Astro 111
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Posté le 05-07-2017 à 18:53:50  profilanswer

Il y a aussi la première page de ce topic qui permet d'apprendre aussi.

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
Astro 111
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Posté le 10-07-2017 à 06:51:57  profilanswer

Vidéo promotionnelle de la 9.6 :
Des vidéos en direct sont prévues pour la présentation de la nouvelle carte Narva.

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
Astro 111
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Posté le 10-07-2017 à 20:49:18  profilanswer

Narva :

Message édité par Astro 111 le 10-07-2017 à 20:51:29

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
Celui qui dit, qui est.
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Posté le 11-07-2017 à 09:09:22  profilanswer

J'ai l'impression qu'on va pouvoir locker les squads.

Message édité par burzumfr le 11-07-2017 à 09:09:37
Astro 111
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Posté le 11-07-2017 à 11:07:42  profilanswer

Bien vu, ouais  [:yeah]

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
timeo libri rex agitur
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Posté le 13-07-2017 à 08:01:49  profilanswer
Astro 111
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Posté le 13-07-2017 à 08:02:53  profilanswer

La 9.6 est là (3 Go à télécharger) : [...] ersion-96/
Oui, on peut verrouiller les escouades. Al-Basrash a été agrandie, une seule personne peut désormais revendiquer un véhicule, etc...

Message édité par Astro 111 le 13-07-2017 à 08:10:25

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
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Posté le 13-07-2017 à 13:29:09  answer

Cool, bon par contre toujours pas de Rework sur le FOV qui est pour moi une sacrée plaie dans ce jeux.  
Pas d'effet tunnel avec les optics, du coup sauf en très close quarters l'optic est tout le temps supérieur aux iron Sight  :sweat:  
Des optics comme dans Escape From Tarkov serait un gros plus

Astro 111
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Posté le 01-08-2017 à 14:02:44  profilanswer

Très beau match à voir entre Français (Indies + Paradise) et Australiens (Salt) :


Victoire des Français aux tickets malgré la défaite au second round.

Message édité par Astro 111 le 01-08-2017 à 14:03:11

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
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Posté le 01-08-2017 à 14:26:51  answer

bon chez moi ça ne tourne plus qu'a 25fps max quand y'a plus de 40 personnes  :sweat:

Astro 111
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Posté le 01-08-2017 à 14:54:09  profilanswer

Vide le cache peut-être.

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
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Posté le 02-08-2017 à 08:56:50  answer

Astro 111 a écrit :

Vide le cache peut-être.

Déja fait, avant cela fonctionnait au poil, tampis j'attends, c'est les aléas d'une alpha  :jap:

Astro 111
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Posté le 12-08-2017 à 12:01:37  profilanswer

Si ça pouvait aller jusqu'à son terme :


A suivre en tous cas  [:yeah]

Message édité par Astro 111 le 12-08-2017 à 12:01:45

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
timeo libri rex agitur
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Posté le 17-08-2017 à 08:49:05  profilanswer

superbes les modèles du WIP 6 [:calimefrog:3]
belle initiative

Astro 111
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Posté le 26-08-2017 à 10:29:40  profilanswer

La 9.8 est là :


Rien de formidable...


Hier j'ai battu des records, j'ai fait un ratio de 47 tués et je suis mort 9 fois juste avec mon arme :D

Message édité par Astro 111 le 26-08-2017 à 10:43:23

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse

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Posté le 26-08-2017 à 15:46:59  profilanswer

drap ce jeu m'intéresse bien  :)

Celui qui dit, qui est.
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Posté le 02-09-2017 à 08:13:08  profilanswer

La récap du mois d'Aout.
Ya vraiment du lourd !

Astro 111
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Posté le 07-09-2017 à 22:05:13  profilanswer

Opération Serval suite : [...] ais-wip-8/


Un "mod Europe" avec un conflit en Crimée est envisagée.

Message édité par Astro 111 le 07-09-2017 à 22:05:31

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
Astro 111
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Posté le 07-09-2017 à 23:54:36  profilanswer

Squad à 22 euros :

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
Celui qui dit, qui est.
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Posté le 11-09-2017 à 13:52:32  profilanswer

Maj 9.9:
Grosse amélioration des FPS (mais vraiment très grosse, pensez à vider vos caches)
D'après KaB, les véhicules vont être prochainement équipés d'armes/munitions différentes.

Astro 111
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Posté le 18-09-2017 à 13:26:00  profilanswer

Oui, belle amélioration pour les FPS.
Market Garden :

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
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Posté le 19-09-2017 à 22:06:34  answer

Je note de très gros progrès niveaux fps enfin descends à jouer

Astro 111
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Posté le 20-09-2017 à 09:09:29  profilanswer

Nouvelle MAJ.
Le jeu est à 22 euros pour encore une journée :

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse

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Posté le 20-09-2017 à 09:36:49  profilanswer
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Posté le 20-09-2017 à 09:40:24  answer

ParadoX a écrit :

 [:mike hoksbiger:3]  [:mike hoksbiger:3]  [:mike hoksbiger:3]

Ouai, ecrire avec le micro ça marche moyen, merci google  :o

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 20-09-2017 à 18:27:26  answer

Putain les parties  de merde que j’enchaîne  :fou: :
- Le SL qui part avec le camion de logistique, vers une zone ou on à du contact, bien sur sans poser de RP avant, et paf un coup de rpg  
- Les mecs qui prennent des VAB pour jouer tout seul et se faire éclater
- Les mecs d'en face qui jouent comme si ils avaient un aimbot et la vision rayon X de superman
Il manque vraiment le role de commandant pour coordonner tout ça  :o

Astro 111
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Posté le 20-09-2017 à 19:17:25  profilanswer

Il faut rejoindre une vrai équipe il n'y a que ça à faire...

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Astro 111 le 20-09-2017 à 19:17:38

.: Mastodon :. // • Radio Fediverse
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