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Auteur | Sujet : NBA 2K3 ou NBA Live 2003 |
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) | g la ps2 et j aimerais un petit jeu de basket
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
Publicité | Posté le 16-06-2003 à 16:59:36 |
Monsieur sire Gentleman barfly.Transactions (0) | NBA Live '03...parce qu'il est bien. --------------- "If Wilt Chamberlain played against that Raptors team he'd have scored 200 points." |
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
Monsieur sire Gentleman barfly.Transactions (0) | Non mais le 2K3 est une simulation pure et dure (ça veut pas dire que NBA Live n'est pas réaliste mais moins) et il est plus difficile de s'y procurer du plaisir, je pense. En plus, perso' je trouve qu'NBA Live est graphiquement plus beau. Voilà voilà. --------------- "If Wilt Chamberlain played against that Raptors team he'd have scored 200 points." |
Mikl tu peux frapper au glouboux...Transactions (0) | Sans aucune hésitation possible, NBA 2K3. Certes, c un poil moins beau que Live 2003, mais pour tout le reste (technique, motion capture, gameplay, réalisme, etc...), il enfonce complètement le titre d'EA. J'ai essayé les 2, et le titre de SEGA est vraiment loin loin loin devant.
Message édité par Mikl le 16-06-2003 à 17:11:12 --------------- Mon Portfolio | Ma galerie Flickr | Le blog des Drawmadaires ! |
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
Monsieur sire Gentleman barfly.Transactions (0) |
--------------- "If Wilt Chamberlain played against that Raptors team he'd have scored 200 points." |
trunks ZzzzZZzzzZTransactions (1) | live 2003
RN113 Transactions (0) | arrete TRUNKS, meme pour un non puriste(moi) NBA 2K3 est largemebnt meilleur.
trunks ZzzzZZzzzZTransactions (1) |
Publicité | Posté le 16-06-2003 à 17:23:18 |
Mikl tu peux frapper au glouboux...Transactions (0) |
--------------- Mon Portfolio | Ma galerie Flickr | Le blog des Drawmadaires ! |
Pyrus Pas de cravate ? Erreur 1017Transactions (0) | Testé la démo de NBA Live 2003 sur PC et NBA2k3 sur XBox et je préfère NBA2K3 ...
--------------- Hazukashii serifu kinshi! |
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) | je sais pas quoi choisir avec tout ca moi --------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
falcor Meeeow...Transactions (0) | J'en suis déjà à 30H de jeu à NBA 2K3. J'me lasse pas alors que je joue qu'en solo
Pyrus Pas de cravate ? Erreur 1017Transactions (0) | Un débutant se fait écraser sur NBA2K3 (genre il ne marque au mieux que quelques paniers avec les All Stars et Larry Bird) alors que je pense que sur NBA Live 2003 il a une chance. --------------- Hazukashii serifu kinshi! |
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
manimal Transactions (4) | Salut,
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
manimal Transactions (4) |
-SaM- sc0userTransactions (0) |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
manimal Transactions (4) | Le principal c'est que tu te fasses plaisir !
boogielup Transactions (3) | ba moi j'ai joué a nba live PC depuis 98 , 99 2000 et 2001 et nba 2k2 dreamcast.
$man Transactions (1) | salut,
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