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  Last Review IGN XBox/GC


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Last Review IGN XBox/GC

Perfect Da​rk

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Posté le 12-11-2002 à 09:07:09  profilanswer

Metroid Prime Review @ IGN  
Closing Comments
Metroid on the NES was one of the first epic games I ever experienced. My brother and I, at the age of about seven, spent weeks and months questing through the password- enabled adventure. It had a certain charm to it, and even if I couldn't describe it then it made an impact on me. Then along came Super Metroid in 1994, and I was totally blown away by how brilliant it was. It was a perfect videogame in my mind. It was edgy, home to a fantastic power-up system, full of awesome bosses, and the gameplay style was a soul mate to me.  
Needless to say, I have an unhealthy obsession with the franchise. So, when Metroid Prime was finally announced I was both thrilled and frightened to see how it would turn out. But after several years of very hard work, Retro Studios and Nintendo have translated the same genius of Super Metroid into 3D with very few casualties. Because of that, Metroid Prime has not only become my most beloved title on GameCube, but also one of my most treasured games of all time. I'm not sure where I place it, but it's very high on the list.  
If I had to make one personal observation, it would be that the change to first-person perspective was brilliant for its move to 3D, but not perfect. I felt comfortable (even in awe) 90% of the time, but there are a few boss fights where it can frustrate. It's extremely rare, but something you should be aware of going into it. It's nothing that sours the overall quality, though.  
That said, I would recommend Metroid Prime as an absolute buy -- skip the renting facade -- for every owner of a GameCube. It's a real collector's item. You'll want to keep this one even after your done spending 30+ hours with it. The only reason one would avoid it is if action/adventures are not part of your narrower taste in games. If you fall into that category, you have no idea what you're missing out on.  
Metroid Prime is an instant classic that you will use to measure forthcoming software by.
-- Fran Mirabella III
Metroid reborn in 3D, and an impressive sci-fi fantasy to boot. Awesome menus. Design is great from concept to execution. Few games are this polished.
A stunning art vision that deserves major recognition, jaw-dropping world architecture, and volumes of pretty textures. At 60 fps with progressive scan support, there are few that compare.
The original Nintendo composer delivers another opus and fantastically designed sound effects compliment the mood with Dolby Pro Logic II support.
A true masterpiece; an accomplishment that will be recognized for years. It is Super Metroid in 3D, and it's as complex and wonderful as any gamer could want. Any self-respecting gamer must own it.
Lasting Appeal
30+ hours to average completion. Requires much longer to earn 100%. Unlock art galleries, difficulty settings, and connect to GBA for extras. No multiplayer, but like Zelda, do we need it?
OVERALL SCORE (not an average)
RE 0
(assez déçu ..)
Closing Comments  
If you look at our review score, you might conclude that Resident Evil 0 is somehow vastly inferior to the remake. That's not exactly true.  
For me, RE0 is really a solid survival horror update complete with beautiful graphics and a moody atmosphere, but it's also a game scarred by several gaping flaws, and I couldn't let that go again, not when Capcom could have easily corrected these issues by now. The game is still scary, and if that's good enough for you then don't bother reading the rest of my comments -- go now and pick it up. You won't be disappointed. But on the other hand, the control, especially with the "Type C" option removed, is clunky, robotic, and clashes with the pace of the game, which often requires quick and precise movements. Frankly, the play mechanics are outdated, and that really puts a hamper on the experience.  
The same problems interrupted the pace of the remake. But the remake was essentially an update to a classic game that managed to inspire feelings of nostalgia and still scare the hell out of you. Now, though, we have a completely new outing with the same old problems. In fact, the control is worse and the puzzles are possibly even more stupefied. That's not cool.  
If you can live with the drawbacks -- the same ones as always -- you'll probably grow to like or even love the latest in the Resident Evil series. If you're unwilling to brave bad control and poorly executed puzzles in search of the next big scare, though, you might want to rent this game before you get on the train for good.
Frightening and realistic all around. Some of the menu work is sloppy. 9.0  
Beautiful. Photo-realistic textures combine with amazing full motion animation backgrounds and foregrounds. Slick animation for monsters, but stiff for hero movement. Not full 3D for real camera. 9.0  
Atmospheric. Nicely done all around. Capcom uses silence at times, too, to scare, which is brilliant. No DPLII support. 9.0  
Still scary. Still fun, if you can forgive the clunky controls and stupid puzzles. But definitely dated. 7.0  
Lasting Appeal
As usual, there are enough hidden goodies to keep coming back for more. 6.0  
IGN's Unreal Champ Review...
Haven't seen it posted...
Lots of text describing arenas and characters and a few movies here and there to convey the "sport" theme, but not much glitz and glamour otherwise. 7.0  
Very good considering there's no difference between the look of online and offline games. Occasional stutters in framerate. 8.0  
Good sound effects from guns, explosions and characters, but annoying game announcing can get to you. 8.0  
Aim. Shoot. Repeat. But it's done well enough in both the single player and online modes that you will not get bored. 9.0  
Lasting Appeal
Enjoyable multiplayer game modes and the potential for downloadable content through Xbox Live will keep you and UC fresh. 10.0  
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 9.2
Mechassault :
Closing Comments  
MechAssault is an action fan's dream game. It doesn't have all the options you'd want, but it does not get old. Every night I play MechAssault and every day I'm thinking about getting home so I can get in my mech again. I've listed plenty of complaints about how the online package was put together, but don't let that deter you. MechAssault online is about as good as it gets (for now). It could have been even better. The promise of downloadable content only sweetens the honey in the pot. MechAssault is a glimpse at the future of Xbox. A future fast approaching. Though some presentation elements are lacking, the game overall is absolutely worth your money. Anyone who has Xbox Live needs this game. And any mech fan without Live will still have fun, though the game itself is a little undervalued without Live. This is one of the first online Xbox games, so it's understandable that it's not perfect. And while other, perhaps better Live games are in the works, MechAssault will see you through the cold days of winter and right on into summer. Halo 2 is a year away, until then make mine MechAssault.  
-- Hilary Goldstein
A ton of mechs, a good single-player mode and a nice interface. It would have been nice to see more options for Live and even some customization, but I guess you can never have it all. 7.0  
Though there are some moments of slowdown, this is one pretty game. Great mech animations, amazing particle effects, and I never tire of blowing up buildings. 9.0  
Those with 5.1 will go deaf cranking up the volume on this beast. Fantastic sound effects and a solid score, but no customizable soundtracks. And please, stop with the voice masking! 9.0  
Straight-up action. At times it almost seems too simple, but there is certainly strategy here. It's amazing how fresh the game feels no matter how often you play it. 8.0  
Lasting Appeal
Plenty of mechs to enjoy, Xbox Live, and future downloadable content. More multiplayer modes would help, but there's no denying everyone will be playing this game online for the next year. 10.0  
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 9.2

Posté le 12-11-2002 à 09:07:09  profilanswer

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  Last Review IGN XBox/GC


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