avec drive image 5 c'est possible
Solution: Creating or Restoring Images on a Local NTFS Partition or a Hidden Partition
If you use the Browse feature in ImageCenter to browse for the image file source or destination partition, you will notice that no drive letters are displayed for NTFS partitions. This is because DOS can only see and assign drive letters to FAT and FAT32 partitions, not NTFS partitions. For example, ImageCenter would display the following for a computer with two drives, where the first drive contains one FAT partition and two NTFS partitions, and the second drive contains two NTFS partitions:
Consequently, when performing an imaging operation on a partition that is invisible to DOS, you must reference the partition by disk and partition number.
Following are some examples of the command line syntax required to run a script to perform an imaging operation (create or restore) on a local NTFS partition. The same principles apply to performing an imaging operation on a hidden partition. These examples assume that you have already created the necessary script file.
IMPORTANT! Be sure to place your script file in a location that will not be affected by the imaging process. (For example, do not save the script file on the partition to which you are restoring the image.)