Quand on fait une recherche sur google, on tombe sur ton post : http://www.google.com/search?hl=fr [...] %20MS-6908
Sinon, quand tu regardes le 2ème lien, tu vois ça : http://www.ocworkbench.com/archive [...] 16-21.html
Citation :
Microstar Roadmap
Overclocker 2:40pm / MSI
Looks like there will be an exciting month ahead for all of us. Microstar has sent me this brochure regarding their latest products to be launch real soon.
There is the new MS 6905 which is the converter board which we are very familiar. Now MS 6905 MASTER supports both Celeron and Coppermine CPUs.
There are also two other i820 boards which are Slot 1 based. MSI 6301 and MSI 6192 and there is the MS 6908 which is the Continulity Module to terminate the RIMM.
En gros, c'est pas de la ram, ce sont des sortes de terminateurs pour les cm qui marchent à la Rambus
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