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  msg from abit pour kd7 et barton


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msg from abit pour kd7 et barton

Posté le 27-09-2002 à 10:49:33  profilanswer

alors voila le mail de reponse que  j ai eu d abit ce matin a propos de la compatibilte du Barton ( prochain proc AMD ) et si la carte allait supporte les fsb de 333:
Thank you for your mail.
We would be support newest BIOS for Barton, but we not sure FSB support to 266MHz.
Best rgards,
If you need further assistance, please reply with history to this email.
ABIT FAE, Taiwan
ABIT Computer Co ., LTD

Posté le 27-09-2002 à 10:49:33  profilanswer

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  msg from abit pour kd7 et barton


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