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  La meilleure de ces 2 carte maman : Abit KV8 pro et Asus K8V SE deluxe


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La meilleure de ces 2 carte maman : Abit KV8 pro et Asus K8V SE deluxe

Posté le 04-07-2005 à 20:43:10  profilanswer

Hello ! :hello:
Voila j'hesite fortement entre ces 2 cartes maman,je precise que je ne veux pas de chipset Nforce 3 250 pour differentes raisons.J'aimerais bien avoir les avis et experiences de ceux qui connaissent bien ces 2 mobos,si possibles des possesseurs.C'est pour monter un A64 3400+ .J'overclockerai un peu,pour le fun,mais sans extremes,disons a 2600 mhz ou 2700 mhz maxi.
Laquelle est la plus stable et pose le moins de problemes ?Merci bien :jap:
1)Abit KV8 Pro [...] ire/17487/
2)Asus K8V SE Deluxe [...] SE-Deluxe/
Je precise que je garde mes barrettes actuelles: 1x512 PC 3200 Corsair Value et 1x512 PC3200 Samsung originale

Posté le 04-07-2005 à 20:43:10  profilanswer

Posté le 04-07-2005 à 21:01:37  profilanswer

Up please ;) pas de connaisseurs de ces mobos dans le coin ?

Posté le 05-07-2005 à 00:16:51  profilanswer

Elle est belle ! :love:  je crois que je vais la prendre .... [...] -boxLG.jpg

Grouik Grouik
Posté le 05-07-2005 à 00:21:06  profilanswer

Markus2 a écrit :

Elle est belle ! :love:  je crois que je vais la prendre .... [...] -boxLG.jpg

T'as vu qu'elle n'a que 2 slots mémoire ?

Posté le 05-07-2005 à 00:52:44  profilanswer

Oui en effet ,mais elle a un k8t800 pro au lieu du k8t800 normal de Via et permet donc l'AGP/PCI lock pour bien overclocker...Alors que l'Asus K8V SE Deluxe a le k8t800 et pas d'AGP/PCI lock et permet un tres faible overclocking....
Mais bon,le tout est ,je crois,de savoir si je veux overclocker a fond mon futur A64 3400+ ou me contenter de sa frequence de base...
Et je ne sais pas trop si un A64 3400+ (2400 mhz)o/c a 2600 ou 2700 booste bcp plus qu'a sa frequence d'origine...
comme je viens du P4.
Bref ,savoir si cet o/c vaut le coup en perfs generales et jeux,.
Et c'est vrai qu'elle a que 2 slots memoire;mais bon,mes 2x512 me suffisent largement (maxi 2x 1go)

Message édité par Markus2 le 05-07-2005 à 00:54:54

Posté le 05-07-2005 à 01:08:04  profilanswer

La conclusion d'un test sur l'Abit:
The Final Word
Abit’s KV8 Pro motherboard looks like it was rushed out the door in order to be the first on the market with VIA's new K8T800 Pro chipset. It’s pretty clear that Abit simply dropped in the new Northbridge chip from VIA on to their existing KV8 design, made a few BIOS tweaks and updates, and quickly produced a new motherboard. This is what VIA has been intending motherboard makers do to with their new chip, but it appears Abit hasn’t taken the time to fully exploit the features of the K8T800 Pro chipset with this new board. There are still stability features which need to be worked out with this platform, in its current state this board can be extremely frustrating at times.  
Really though, for the price tag that this board is going for, it’s a fairly good deal. Athlon64 boards have been surprisingly expensive thus far, and only now are prices starting to hit levels where they are comparable to Intel Pentium 4 platforms. For the majority of home users, this platform has all the features one could need in an Athlon64 platform. Serial ATA/150 RAID, Gigabit LAN, AGP 8x, USB 2.0, and a great set of onboard audio functions, not bad for a budget platform.  
The board’s missing Firewire functionality, two disk Serial ATA/150 limitation, and two DDR DIMM slot limitations will undoubtedly irk some looking for higher levels of performance, but it looks like Abit will be producing a high-end variant of this motherboard to address these issues in the future. It looks doubtful that Abit will be putting a third-DIMM slot into the mix though, which is interesting, as rival manufacturers such as Asus have been producing three and four DDR memory slot designs based on VIA K8T800 chipsets for quite some time.  
The overclockability functions of this board are just dying to be exploited, but without a working AGP / PCI clock lock function, heavy overclocking on this board will get into risky territory. Abit does a good job of allowing the user to lightly overclock their CPU and memory speeds (between 5-10% higher than stock), so if you’re looking for a little extra performance boost without any real work, this board can do the job. We were really hoping to see what our new Athlon64 3400+ CG-stepping chips could run at, but the limitations of this motherboard came into play rather quickly. The fact that VIA has shown off working AGP / PCI clock lock functions on this same chipset make the lack of this feature on the KV8 Pro so much more frustrating. Alas, if you’re not into overclocking, one shouldn’t even bother sweating this missing feature.  
With VIA’s K8T800 Pro series chipset barely even registering on the excitement-o-meter, nVidia’s upcoming nForce3 250-series show have an open window to win back some potential AMD enthusiasts they may have lost to VIA over the past six months.
Ce que j'ai mis en gras fait un peu peur quand meme :sweat:

Message édité par Markus2 le 05-07-2005 à 01:09:25

Grouik Grouik
Posté le 05-07-2005 à 01:15:11  profilanswer

Ouais... Du VIA tout craché quoi... Franchement, prend du NForce si tu peux... C'est bien plus sûr...

Posté le 15-07-2005 à 18:21:04  profilanswer
Posté le 29-10-2005 à 17:40:43  profilanswer

je te déconseil k8v se dx je L'ai détester

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  La meilleure de ces 2 carte maman : Abit KV8 pro et Asus K8V SE deluxe


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