La profession de notaire n'a pas d'equivalent aux Etats-Unis, a part en Louisiane (tradition civiliste oblige). Ces sont les avocats qui s'occupent des actes pris en charge en France par les notaires (transactions immobilieres, contrat de mariage...).
Attention car le titre de notary public existe bien, mais c'est un metier tres different. Un notary public peut juste certifier des documents. Cf. ci-dessous.
"With the exclusion of Louisiana, a civil law notary should not be confused with a notary public in the United States, which has none of the legal powers which civil law notaries possess. Rather, notaries public simply have the power to take oaths or affirmations from witnesses, usually in connection with legal documents. (With the exception of Louisiana where laws are based upon the Civil Code and notaries public have greater powers, including the right to prepare wills, conveyances and generally all contracts and instruments in writing.)"
Regarde donc plutot les programmes LLM si tu souhaites aller aux US.