Auteur | Sujet : MOARDS (toujours) en colère ! |
canaille beyond the limits | Reprise du message précédent :
quelle heure massy? --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
Publicité | Posté le 28-05-2003 à 19:19:59 |
gloubiboulga - |
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canaille beyond the limits |
C facile ! Dans massy, tu suis massy RER B et TGV
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 28-05-2003 à 19:21:07
gloubiboulga - |
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Quineto |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 28-05-2003 à 19:23:23 19:30 et j'ai pas encore bouffe |
chapi Downgradé |
canaille beyond the limits |
la gare de massy, j'y V en auto --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
gloubiboulga - |
Message édité par gloubiboulga le 28-05-2003 à 19:24:18 --------------- - |
Publicité | Posté le 28-05-2003 à 19:23:57 |
Galak Revenez :( |
Message édité par Galak le 28-05-2003 à 19:24:37 |
chapi Downgradé |
Profil supprimé | Posté le 28-05-2003 à 19:25:06
chapi Downgradé |
canaille beyond the limits |
mouais, N20, tu sors direction massy, et toujours gare C & TGV
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits |
perso, par l'a10 tous les matins --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits |
je vois ou elle est, on y va par la 118, mais C plus loin ...dsl...mais comme mon pater va m'enmener, le plus simple sera le mieux, et le plus fiable. --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
chapi Downgradé |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
chapi Downgradé |
gloubiboulga - |
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canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
gloubiboulga - |
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canaille beyond the limits |
ok, devant la gare B elle est facile a trouver, et il y aura de la place un jour ferier. --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
gloubiboulga - |
Message édité par gloubiboulga le 28-05-2003 à 19:29:44 --------------- - |
Galak Revenez :( |
canaille beyond the limits |
je sais : la virgule est morte, donc 45.9 km/h, pas mal --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
gloubiboulga - |
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canaille beyond the limits |
j'saute sur ki finalement? --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
gloubiboulga - |
canaille beyond the limits |
ouhhh ça promet --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
Galak Revenez :( |
gloubiboulga - |
--------------- - |
Galak Revenez :( |
Quineto |
canaille beyond the limits |
ouaip pour ton guidon.
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits |
LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBRE ! --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
Publicité | Posté le |