Auteur | Sujet : [VDS/ECH] Canon 5DI |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | Reprise du message précédent : --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Publicité | Posté le 05-06-2014 à 11:53:35 |
moshnride ABSE PhotographyTransactions (18) |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | cool, tu voulais pas te mettre à l'argentique ? --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | Yop! C'est dans quel coin tout ce bouzin? |
delantera Hail Seitan.Transactions (13) | Nantes --------------- 500px People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | Away, c'est loin. Pas de voyage prévu sur Paris pour les vacances Opendtc? |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | La poste c'est pas mal aussi --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | Je me doute bien.
Opendtc Transactions (4) | dix euros au plus --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | Ca roule. On fait comment pour le paiement? Paypôl, virement?
Message cité 1 fois Message édité par psycho3 le 11-06-2014 à 12:57:40 |
Publicité | Posté le 11-06-2014 à 12:56:35 |
Opendtc Transactions (4) |
--------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | Non, je ne suis pas encore assez riche ( mais de ma faute, je n'ai pas précisé ). Sauf si ya une promo à 120e les deux
Message édité par psycho3 le 11-06-2014 à 18:18:30 |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | On m'a oublié |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | non du tout, je n'ai pas eu trop le temps --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
psycho3 Transactions (22) | Tu ne vas pas avoir besoin, j'ai un petit imprévu financier du coup je laisse tomber ( et je revends mon 70-200...). Désolé. |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | bon bah c'est dommage --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
delantera Hail Seitan.Transactions (13) | Pounaide --------------- 500px People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
mlietchnyipout ☆ milky way sans édulcorant ☆Transactions (116) | Up de soutient pour un collègue FDiste !
Opendtc Transactions (4) |
--------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | Bon, si quelqu'un cherche un 5DI c'est ici que ça se passe --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
delantera Hail Seitan.Transactions (13) | Lol --------------- 500px People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. |
Opendtc Transactions (4) |
--------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
delantera Hail Seitan.Transactions (13) | Tu vas venir chialer quand t'auras plus ton 5D --------------- 500px People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | surement --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
moshnride ABSE PhotographyTransactions (18) |
delantera Hail Seitan.Transactions (13) |
--------------- 500px People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. |
Opendtc Transactions (4) |
--------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
moshnride ABSE PhotographyTransactions (18) | cmb Message édité par moshnride le 18-08-2014 à 18:18:16 --------------- ABSEPhotography.com/Gal HFR/Instagram/Facebook |
moshnride ABSE PhotographyTransactions (18) | c'est bien beau l'argentique mais bon tu vas pas publier beaucoup avec ça --------------- ABSEPhotography.com/Gal HFR/Instagram/Facebook |
delantera Hail Seitan.Transactions (13) | il vaut mieux de la qualitaÿ que de la quantitaÿ --------------- 500px People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. |
moshnride ABSE PhotographyTransactions (18) | oui enfin la on parle de zero quantité --------------- ABSEPhotography.com/Gal HFR/Instagram/Facebook |
Opendtc Transactions (4) |
--------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Opendtc Transactions (4) |
--------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Profil supprimé Transactions (1) | Posté le 18-08-2014 à 20:20:47 lol |
moshnride ABSE PhotographyTransactions (18) | tu remarqueras que j'ai fini de traiter tout ce que j'ai de Nantes --------------- ABSEPhotography.com/Gal HFR/Instagram/Facebook |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | tu notera que j'ai terminé de traiter mes photos depuis le 22 juillet, toute destination confondue --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | up --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Opendtc Transactions (4) | up --------------- In an Alfa Romeo, looking good is more important than looking where you're going. J.Clarkson |
Stormlord97 Transactions (33) |
Publicité | Posté le |